path: root/vendor/monolog/monolog/doc/
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authorPierre Schmitz <>2015-10-18 09:31:31 +0200
committerPierre Schmitz <>2015-10-18 09:31:31 +0200
commit80f7dc77d430774192b929d780f96260066df2ee (patch)
tree102eaae7fc9ec567f2af76e96da3de2d1e83afcf /vendor/monolog/monolog/doc/
parentcccd7bb4d819334c07e0dadaf16cbfdef31880e1 (diff)
Update to MediaWiki 1.25.3
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/monolog/monolog/doc/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 162 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/monolog/monolog/doc/ b/vendor/monolog/monolog/doc/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7585fa2a..00000000
--- a/vendor/monolog/monolog/doc/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-Using Monolog
-Monolog is available on Packagist ([monolog/monolog](
-and as such installable via [Composer](
-php composer.phar require monolog/monolog
-If you do not use Composer, you can grab the code from GitHub, and use any
-PSR-0 compatible autoloader (e.g. the [Symfony2 ClassLoader component](
-to load Monolog classes.
-Configuring a logger
-Here is a basic setup to log to a file and to firephp on the DEBUG level:
-use Monolog\Logger;
-use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;
-use Monolog\Handler\FirePHPHandler;
-// Create the logger
-$logger = new Logger('my_logger');
-// Now add some handlers
-$logger->pushHandler(new StreamHandler(__DIR__.'/my_app.log', Logger::DEBUG));
-$logger->pushHandler(new FirePHPHandler());
-// You can now use your logger
-$logger->addInfo('My logger is now ready');
-Let's explain it. The first step is to create the logger instance which will
-be used in your code. The argument is a channel name, which is useful when
-you use several loggers (see below for more details about it).
-The logger itself does not know how to handle a record. It delegates it to
-some handlers. The code above registers two handlers in the stack to allow
-handling records in two different ways.
-Note that the FirePHPHandler is called first as it is added on top of the
-stack. This allows you to temporarily add a logger with bubbling disabled if
-you want to override other configured loggers.
-Adding extra data in the records
-Monolog provides two different ways to add extra informations along the simple
-textual message.
-### Using the logging context
-The first way is the context, allowing to pass an array of data along the
-$logger->addInfo('Adding a new user', array('username' => 'Seldaek'));
-Simple handlers (like the StreamHandler for instance) will simply format
-the array to a string but richer handlers can take advantage of the context
-(FirePHP is able to display arrays in pretty way for instance).
-### Using processors
-The second way is to add extra data for all records by using a processor.
-Processors can be any callable. They will get the record as parameter and
-must return it after having eventually changed the `extra` part of it. Let's
-write a processor adding some dummy data in the record:
-$logger->pushProcessor(function ($record) {
- $record['extra']['dummy'] = 'Hello world!';
- return $record;
-Monolog provides some built-in processors that can be used in your project.
-Look at the [README file]( for the list.
-> Tip: processors can also be registered on a specific handler instead of
- the logger to apply only for this handler.
-Leveraging channels
-Channels are a great way to identify to which part of the application a record
-is related. This is useful in big applications (and is leveraged by
-MonologBundle in Symfony2).
-Picture two loggers sharing a handler that writes to a single log file.
-Channels would allow you to identify the logger that issued every record.
-You can easily grep through the log files filtering this or that channel.
-use Monolog\Logger;
-use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;
-use Monolog\Handler\FirePHPHandler;
-// Create some handlers
-$stream = new StreamHandler(__DIR__.'/my_app.log', Logger::DEBUG);
-$firephp = new FirePHPHandler();
-// Create the main logger of the app
-$logger = new Logger('my_logger');
-// Create a logger for the security-related stuff with a different channel
-$securityLogger = new Logger('security');
-Customizing log format
-In Monolog it's easy to customize the format of the logs written into files,
-sockets, mails, databases and other handlers. Most of the handlers use the
-value to be automatically put into the log device. This value depends on the
-formatter settings. You can choose between predefined formatter classes or
-write your own (e.g. a multiline text file for human-readable output).
-To configure a predefined formatter class, just set it as the handler's field:
-// the default date format is "Y-m-d H:i:s"
-$dateFormat = "Y n j, g:i a";
-// the default output format is "[%datetime%] %channel%.%level_name%: %message% %context% %extra%\n"
-$output = "%datetime% > %level_name% > %message% %context% %extra%\n";
-// finally, create a formatter
-$formatter = new LineFormatter($output, $dateFormat);
-// Create a handler
-$stream = new StreamHandler(__DIR__.'/my_app.log', Logger::DEBUG);
-// bind it to a logger object
-$securityLogger = new Logger('security');
-You may also reuse the same formatter between multiple handlers and share those
-handlers between multiple loggers.