path: root/includes/media/DjVu.php
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Diffstat (limited to 'includes/media/DjVu.php')
1 files changed, 206 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/includes/media/DjVu.php b/includes/media/DjVu.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3c053a0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/media/DjVu.php
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+ * @addtogroup Media
+ */
+class DjVuHandler extends ImageHandler {
+ function isEnabled() {
+ global $wgDjvuRenderer, $wgDjvuDump, $wgDjvuToXML;
+ if ( !$wgDjvuRenderer || ( !$wgDjvuDump && !$wgDjvuToXML ) ) {
+ wfDebug( "DjVu is disabled, please set \$wgDjvuRenderer and \$wgDjvuDump\n" );
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ function mustRender() { return true; }
+ function isMultiPage() { return true; }
+ function validateParam( $name, $value ) {
+ if ( in_array( $name, array( 'width', 'height', 'page' ) ) ) {
+ if ( $value <= 0 ) {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ return true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ function makeParamString( $params ) {
+ $page = isset( $params['page'] ) ? $params['page'] : 1;
+ if ( !isset( $params['width'] ) ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return "page{$page}-{$params['width']}px";
+ }
+ function parseParamString( $str ) {
+ $m = false;
+ if ( preg_match( '/^page(\d+)-(\d+)px$/', $str, $m ) ) {
+ return array( 'width' => $m[2], 'page' => $m[1] );
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ function getScriptParams( $params ) {
+ return array(
+ 'width' => $params['width'],
+ 'page' => $params['page'],
+ );
+ }
+ function doTransform( $image, $dstPath, $dstUrl, $params, $flags = 0 ) {
+ global $wgDjvuRenderer, $wgDjvuPostProcessor;
+ // Fetch XML and check it, to give a more informative error message than the one which
+ // normaliseParams will inevitably give.
+ $xml = $image->getMetadata();
+ if ( !$xml ) {
+ return new MediaTransformError( 'thumbnail_error', @$params['width'], @$params['height'],
+ wfMsg( 'djvu_no_xml' ) );
+ }
+ if ( !$this->normaliseParams( $image, $params ) ) {
+ return new TransformParameterError( $params );
+ }
+ $width = $params['width'];
+ $height = $params['height'];
+ $srcPath = $image->getImagePath();
+ $page = $params['page'];
+ $pageCount = $this->pageCount( $image );
+ if ( $page > $this->pageCount( $image ) ) {
+ return new MediaTransformError( 'thumbnail_error', $width, $height, wfMsg( 'djvu_page_error' ) );
+ }
+ if ( $flags & self::TRANSFORM_LATER ) {
+ return new ThumbnailImage( $dstUrl, $width, $height, $dstPath );
+ }
+ if ( !wfMkdirParents( dirname( $dstPath ) ) ) {
+ return new MediaTransformError( 'thumbnail_error', $width, $height, wfMsg( 'thumbnail_dest_directory' ) );
+ }
+ # Use a subshell (brackets) to aggregate stderr from both pipeline commands
+ # before redirecting it to the overall stdout. This works in both Linux and Windows XP.
+ $cmd = '(' . wfEscapeShellArg( $wgDjvuRenderer ) . " -format=ppm -page={$page} -size={$width}x{$height} " .
+ wfEscapeShellArg( $srcPath );
+ if ( $wgDjvuPostProcessor ) {
+ $cmd .= " | {$wgDjvuPostProcessor}";
+ }
+ $cmd .= ' > ' . wfEscapeShellArg($dstPath) . ') 2>&1';
+ wfProfileIn( 'ddjvu' );
+ wfDebug( __METHOD__.": $cmd\n" );
+ $err = wfShellExec( $cmd, $retval );
+ wfProfileOut( 'ddjvu' );
+ $removed = $this->removeBadFile( $dstPath, $retval );
+ if ( $retval != 0 || $removed ) {
+ wfDebugLog( 'thumbnail',
+ sprintf( 'thumbnail failed on %s: error %d "%s" from "%s"',
+ wfHostname(), $retval, trim($err), $cmd ) );
+ return new MediaTransformError( 'thumbnail_error', $width, $height, $err );
+ } else {
+ return new ThumbnailImage( $dstUrl, $width, $height, $dstPath );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Cache an instance of DjVuImage in an Image object, return that instance
+ */
+ function getDjVuImage( $image, $path ) {
+ if ( !$image ) {
+ $deja = new DjVuImage( $path );
+ } elseif ( !isset( $image->dejaImage ) ) {
+ $deja = $image->dejaImage = new DjVuImage( $path );
+ } else {
+ $deja = $image->dejaImage;
+ }
+ return $deja;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Cache a document tree for the DjVu XML metadata
+ */
+ function getMetaTree( $image ) {
+ if ( isset( $image->dejaMetaTree ) ) {
+ return $image->dejaMetaTree;
+ }
+ $metadata = $image->getMetadata();
+ if ( !$this->isMetadataValid( $image, $metadata ) ) {
+ wfDebug( "DjVu XML metadata is invalid or missing, should have been fixed in upgradeRow\n" );
+ return false;
+ }
+ wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
+ wfSuppressWarnings();
+ try {
+ $image->dejaMetaTree = new SimpleXMLElement( $metadata );
+ } catch( Exception $e ) {
+ wfDebug( "Bogus multipage XML metadata on '$image->name'\n" );
+ // Set to false rather than null to avoid further attempts
+ $image->dejaMetaTree = false;
+ }
+ wfRestoreWarnings();
+ wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
+ return $image->dejaMetaTree;
+ }
+ function getImageSize( $image, $path ) {
+ return $this->getDjVuImage( $image, $path )->getImageSize();
+ }
+ function getThumbType( $ext, $mime ) {
+ global $wgDjvuOutputExtension;
+ static $mime;
+ if ( !isset( $mime ) ) {
+ $magic = MimeMagic::singleton();
+ $mime = $magic->guessTypesForExtension( $wgDjvuOutputExtension );
+ }
+ return array( $wgDjvuOutputExtension, $mime );
+ }
+ function getMetadata( $image, $path ) {
+ wfDebug( "Getting DjVu metadata for $path\n" );
+ return $this->getDjVuImage( $image, $path )->retrieveMetaData();
+ }
+ function getMetadataType( $image ) {
+ return 'djvuxml';
+ }
+ function isMetadataValid( $image, $metadata ) {
+ return !empty( $metadata ) && $metadata != serialize(array());
+ }
+ function pageCount( $image ) {
+ $tree = $this->getMetaTree( $image );
+ if ( !$tree ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return count( $tree->xpath( '//OBJECT' ) );
+ }
+ function getPageDimensions( $image, $page ) {
+ $tree = $this->getMetaTree( $image );
+ if ( !$tree ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $o = $tree->BODY[0]->OBJECT[$page-1];
+ if ( $o ) {
+ return array(
+ 'width' => intval( $o['width'] ),
+ 'height' => intval( $o['height'] )
+ );
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }