path: root/includes/zhtable/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'includes/zhtable/')
1 files changed, 438 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/includes/zhtable/ b/includes/zhtable/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..19436457
--- /dev/null
+++ b/includes/zhtable/
@@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
+# @author Philip
+# You should run this script UNDER python 3000.
+import tarfile, zipfile
+import os, re, shutil, urllib.request
+SF_MIRROR = 'easynews'
+SCIM_TABLES_VER = '0.5.9'
+SCIM_PINYIN_VER = '0.5.91'
+LIBTABE_VER = '0.2.3'
+def GetFileFromURL( url, dest ):
+ if os.path.isfile(dest):
+ print( 'File %s up to date.' % dest )
+ return
+ print( 'Downloading from [%s] ...' % url )
+ urllib.request.urlretrieve( url, dest )
+ print( 'Download complete.\n' )
+ return
+def GetFileFromZip( path ):
+ print( 'Extracting files from %s ...' % path )
+ zipfile.ZipFile(path).extractall()
+ return
+def GetFileFromTar( path, member, rename ):
+ print( 'Extracting %s from %s ...' % (rename, path) )
+, 'r:gz').extract(member)
+ shutil.move(member, rename)
+ tree_rmv = member.split('/')[0]
+ shutil.rmtree(tree_rmv)
+ return
+def ReadBIG5File( dest ):
+ print( 'Reading and decoding %s ...' % dest )
+ f1 = open( dest, 'r', encoding='big5hkscs', errors='replace' )
+ text =
+ text = text.replace( '\ufffd', '\n' )
+ f1.close()
+ f2 = open( dest, 'w', encoding='utf8' )
+ f2.write(text)
+ f2.close()
+ return text
+def ReadFile( dest ):
+ print( 'Reading and decoding %s ...' % dest )
+ f = open( dest, 'r', encoding='utf8' )
+ ret =
+ f.close()
+ return ret
+def ReadUnihanFile( dest ):
+ print( 'Reading and decoding %s ...' % dest )
+ f = open( dest, 'r', encoding='utf8' )
+ t2s_code = []
+ s2t_code = []
+ while True:
+ line = f.readline()
+ if line:
+ if line.startswith('#'):
+ continue
+ elif not line.find('kSimplifiedVariant') == -1:
+ temp = line.split('kSimplifiedVariant')
+ t2s_code.append( ( temp[0].strip(), temp[1].strip() ) )
+ elif not line.find('kTraditionalVariant') == -1:
+ temp = line.split('kTraditionalVariant')
+ s2t_code.append( ( temp[0].strip(), temp[1].strip() ) )
+ else:
+ break
+ f.close()
+ return ( t2s_code, s2t_code )
+def RemoveRows( text, num ):
+ text = re.sub( '.*\s*', '', text, num)
+ return text
+def RemoveOneCharConv( text ):
+ preg = re.compile('^.\s*$', re.MULTILINE)
+ text = preg.sub( '', text )
+ return text
+def ConvertToChar( code ):
+ code = code.split('<')[0]
+ return chr( int( code[2:], 16 ) )
+def GetDefaultTable( code_table ):
+ char_table = {}
+ for ( f, t ) in code_table:
+ if f and t:
+ from_char = ConvertToChar( f )
+ to_chars = [ConvertToChar( code ) for code in t.split()]
+ char_table[from_char] = to_chars
+ return char_table
+def GetManualTable( dest ):
+ text = ReadFile( dest )
+ temp1 = text.split()
+ char_table = {}
+ for elem in temp1:
+ elem = elem.strip('|')
+ if elem:
+ temp2 = elem.split( '|', 1 )
+ from_char = chr( int( temp2[0][2:7], 16 ) )
+ to_chars = [chr( int( code[2:7], 16 ) ) for code in temp2[1].split('|')]
+ char_table[from_char] = to_chars
+ return char_table
+def GetValidTable( src_table ):
+ valid_table = {}
+ for f, t in src_table.items():
+ valid_table[f] = t[0]
+ return valid_table
+def GetToManyRules( src_table ):
+ tomany_table = {}
+ for f, t in src_table.items():
+ for i in range(1, len(t)):
+ tomany_table[t[i]] = True
+ return tomany_table
+def RemoveRules( dest, table ):
+ text = ReadFile( dest )
+ temp1 = text.split()
+ for elem in temp1:
+ f = ''
+ t = ''
+ elem = elem.strip().replace( '"', '' ).replace( '\'', '' )
+ if '=>' in elem:
+ if elem.startswith( '=>' ):
+ t = elem.replace( '=>', '' ).strip()
+ elif elem.endswith( '=>' ):
+ f = elem.replace( '=>', '' ).strip()
+ else:
+ temp2 = elem.split( '=>' )
+ f = temp2[0].strip()
+ t = temp2[1].strip()
+ try:
+ table.pop(f, t)
+ continue
+ except:
+ continue
+ else:
+ f = t = elem
+ if f:
+ try:
+ table.pop(f)
+ except:
+ x = 1
+ if t:
+ for temp_f, temp_t in table.copy().items():
+ if temp_t == t:
+ table.pop(temp_f)
+ return table
+def DictToSortedList1( src_table ):
+ return sorted( src_table.items(), key = lambda m: m[0] ) #sorted( temp_table, key = lambda m: len( m[0] ) )
+def DictToSortedList2( src_table ):
+ return sorted( src_table.items(), key = lambda m: m[1] )
+def Converter( string, conv_table ):
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(string):
+ for j in range(len(string) - i, 0, -1):
+ f = string[i:][:j]
+ t = conv_table.get( f )
+ if t:
+ string = string[:i] + t + string[i:][j:]
+ i += len(t) - 1
+ break
+ i += 1
+ return string
+def GetDefaultWordsTable( src_wordlist, src_tomany, char_conv_table, char_reconv_table ):
+ wordlist = list( set( src_wordlist ) )
+ wordlist.sort( key = len, reverse = True )
+ word_conv_table = {}
+ word_reconv_table = {}
+ while wordlist:
+ conv_table = {}
+ reconv_table = {}
+ conv_table.update( word_conv_table )
+ conv_table.update( char_conv_table )
+ reconv_table.update( word_reconv_table )
+ reconv_table.update( char_reconv_table )
+ word = wordlist.pop()
+ new_word_len = word_len = len(word)
+ while new_word_len == word_len:
+ rvt_test = False
+ for char in word:
+ rvt_test = rvt_test or src_tomany.get(char)
+ test_word = Converter( word, reconv_table )
+ new_word = Converter( word, conv_table )
+ if not reconv_table.get( new_word ):
+ if not test_word == word:
+ word_conv_table[word] = new_word
+ word_reconv_table[new_word] = word
+ elif rvt_test:
+ rvt_word = Converter( new_word, reconv_table )
+ if not rvt_word == word:
+ word_conv_table[word] = new_word
+ word_reconv_table[new_word] = word
+ try:
+ word = wordlist.pop()
+ except IndexError:
+ break
+ new_word_len = len(word)
+ return word_reconv_table
+def GetManualWordsTable( src_wordlist, conv_table ):
+ src_wordlist = [items.split('#')[0].strip() for items in src_wordlist]
+ wordlist = list( set( src_wordlist ) )
+ wordlist.sort( key = len, reverse = True )
+ reconv_table = {}
+ while wordlist:
+ word = wordlist.pop()
+ new_word = Converter( word, conv_table )
+ reconv_table[new_word] = word
+ return reconv_table
+def CustomRules( dest ):
+ text = ReadFile( dest )
+ temp = text.split()
+ ret = {temp[i]: temp[i + 1] for i in range( 0, len( temp ), 2 )}
+ return ret
+def GetPHPArray( table ):
+ lines = ['\'%s\' => \'%s\',' % (f, t) for (f, t) in table]
+ #lines = ['"%s"=>"%s",' % (f, t) for (f, t) in table]
+ return '\n'.join(lines)
+def RemoveSameChar( src_table ):
+ dst_table = {}
+ for f, t in src_table.items():
+ if not f == t:
+ dst_table[f] = t
+ return dst_table
+def main():
+ #Get
+ url = ''
+ han_dest = ''
+ GetFileFromURL( url, han_dest )
+ # Get scim-tables-$(SCIM_TABLES_VER).tar.gz:
+ url = '' % ( SF_MIRROR, SCIM_TABLES_VER )
+ tbe_dest = 'scim-tables-%s.tar.gz' % SCIM_TABLES_VER
+ GetFileFromURL( url, tbe_dest )
+ # Get scim-pinyin-$(SCIM_PINYIN_VER).tar.gz:
+ url = '' % ( SF_MIRROR, SCIM_PINYIN_VER )
+ pyn_dest = 'scim-pinyin-%s.tar.gz' % SCIM_PINYIN_VER
+ GetFileFromURL( url, pyn_dest )
+ # Get libtabe-$(LIBTABE_VER).tgz:
+ url = '' % ( SF_MIRROR, LIBTABE_VER )
+ lbt_dest = 'libtabe-%s.tgz' % LIBTABE_VER
+ GetFileFromURL( url, lbt_dest )
+ # Extract the file from a comressed files
+ # Unihan.txt Simp. & Trad
+ GetFileFromZip( han_dest )
+ # Make word lists
+ t_wordlist = []
+ s_wordlist = []
+ # Trad
+ src = 'scim-tables-%s/tables/zh/' % SCIM_TABLES_VER
+ dst = ''
+ GetFileFromTar( tbe_dest, src, dst )
+ text = ReadFile( dst )
+ text = text.split( 'BEGIN_TABLE' )[1].strip()
+ text = text.split( 'END_TABLE' )[0].strip()
+ text = re.sub( '.*\t', '', text )
+ text = RemoveOneCharConv( text )
+ t_wordlist.extend( text.split() )
+ # Simp
+ src = 'scim-tables-%s/tables/zh/' % SCIM_TABLES_VER
+ dst = ''
+ GetFileFromTar( tbe_dest, src, dst )
+ text = ReadFile( dst )
+ text = text.split( 'BEGIN_TABLE' )[1].strip()
+ text = text.split( 'END_TABLE' )[0].strip()
+ text = re.sub( '.*\t(.*?)\t\d*', '\g<1>', text )
+ text = RemoveOneCharConv( text )
+ s_wordlist.extend( text.split() )
+ # Simp
+ src = 'scim-tables-%s/tables/zh/' % SCIM_TABLES_VER
+ dst = ''
+ GetFileFromTar( tbe_dest, src, dst )
+ text = ReadFile( dst )
+ text = text.split( 'BEGIN_TABLE' )[1].strip()
+ text = text.split( 'END_TABLE' )[0].strip()
+ text = re.sub( '.*\t(.*?)\t\d*', '\g<1>', text )
+ text = RemoveOneCharConv( text )
+ s_wordlist.extend( text.split() )
+ # phrase_lib.txt Simp
+ src = 'scim-pinyin-%s/data/phrase_lib.txt' % SCIM_PINYIN_VER
+ dst = 'phrase_lib.txt'
+ GetFileFromTar( pyn_dest, src, dst )
+ text = ReadFile( 'phrase_lib.txt' )
+ text = re.sub( '(.*)\t\d\d*.*', '\g<1>', text)
+ text = RemoveRows( text, 5 )
+ text = RemoveOneCharConv( text )
+ s_wordlist.extend( text.split() )
+ # tsi.src Trad
+ src = 'libtabe/tsi-src/tsi.src'
+ dst = 'tsi.src'
+ GetFileFromTar( lbt_dest, src, dst )
+ text = ReadBIG5File( 'tsi.src' )
+ text = re.sub( ' \d.*', '', text.replace('# ', ''))
+ text = RemoveOneCharConv( text )
+ t_wordlist.extend( text.split() )
+ # remove duplicate elements
+ t_wordlist = list( set( t_wordlist ) )
+ s_wordlist = list( set( s_wordlist ) )
+ # simpphrases_exclude.manual Simp
+ text = ReadFile( 'simpphrases_exclude.manual' )
+ temp = text.split()
+ s_string = '\n'.join( s_wordlist )
+ for elem in temp:
+ s_string = re.sub( '.*%s.*\n' % elem, '', s_string )
+ s_wordlist = s_string.split('\n')
+ # tradphrases_exclude.manual Trad
+ text = ReadFile( 'tradphrases_exclude.manual' )
+ temp = text.split()
+ t_string = '\n'.join( t_wordlist )
+ for elem in temp:
+ t_string = re.sub( '.*%s.*\n' % elem, '', t_string )
+ t_wordlist = t_string.split('\n')
+ # Make char to char convertion table
+ # Unihan.txt, dict t2s_code, s2t_code = { 'U+XXXX': 'U+YYYY( U+ZZZZ) ... ', ... }
+ ( t2s_code, s2t_code ) = ReadUnihanFile( 'Unihan.txt' )
+ # dict t2s_1tomany = { '\uXXXX': '\uYYYY\uZZZZ ... ', ... }
+ t2s_1tomany = {}
+ t2s_1tomany.update( GetDefaultTable( t2s_code ) )
+ t2s_1tomany.update( GetManualTable( 'trad2simp.manual' ) )
+ # dict s2t_1tomany
+ s2t_1tomany = {}
+ s2t_1tomany.update( GetDefaultTable( s2t_code ) )
+ s2t_1tomany.update( GetManualTable( 'simp2trad.manual' ) )
+ # dict t2s_1to1 = { '\uXXXX': '\uYYYY', ... }; t2s_trans = { 'ddddd': '', ... }
+ t2s_1to1 = GetValidTable( t2s_1tomany )
+ s_tomany = GetToManyRules( t2s_1tomany )
+ # dict s2t_1to1; s2t_trans
+ s2t_1to1 = GetValidTable( s2t_1tomany )
+ t_tomany = GetToManyRules( s2t_1tomany )
+ # remove noconvert rules
+ t2s_1to1 = RemoveRules( 'trad2simp_noconvert.manual', t2s_1to1 )
+ s2t_1to1 = RemoveRules( 'simp2trad_noconvert.manual', s2t_1to1 )
+ # Make word to word convertion table
+ t2s_1to1_supp = t2s_1to1.copy()
+ s2t_1to1_supp = s2t_1to1.copy()
+ # trad2simp_supp_set.manual
+ t2s_1to1_supp.update( CustomRules( 'trad2simp_supp_set.manual' ) )
+ # simp2trad_supp_set.manual
+ s2t_1to1_supp.update( CustomRules( 'simp2trad_supp_set.manual' ) )
+ # simpphrases.manual
+ text = ReadFile( 'simpphrases.manual' )
+ s_wordlist_manual = text.split('\n')
+ t2s_word2word_manual = GetManualWordsTable(s_wordlist_manual, s2t_1to1_supp)
+ t2s_word2word_manual.update( CustomRules( 'toSimp.manual' ) )
+ # tradphrases.manual
+ text = ReadFile( 'tradphrases.manual' )
+ t_wordlist_manual = text.split('\n')
+ s2t_word2word_manual = GetManualWordsTable(t_wordlist_manual, t2s_1to1_supp)
+ s2t_word2word_manual.update( CustomRules( 'toTrad.manual' ) )
+ # t2s_word2word
+ s2t_supp = s2t_1to1_supp.copy()
+ s2t_supp.update( s2t_word2word_manual )
+ t2s_supp = t2s_1to1_supp.copy()
+ t2s_supp.update( t2s_word2word_manual )
+ t2s_word2word = GetDefaultWordsTable( s_wordlist, s_tomany, s2t_1to1_supp, t2s_supp )
+ ## toSimp.manual
+ t2s_word2word.update( t2s_word2word_manual )
+ # s2t_word2word
+ s2t_word2word = GetDefaultWordsTable( t_wordlist, t_tomany, t2s_1to1_supp, s2t_supp )
+ ## toTrad.manual
+ s2t_word2word.update( s2t_word2word_manual )
+ # Final tables
+ # sorted list toHans
+ t2s_1to1 = RemoveSameChar( t2s_1to1 )
+ s2t_1to1 = RemoveSameChar( s2t_1to1 )
+ toHans = DictToSortedList1( t2s_1to1 ) + DictToSortedList2( t2s_word2word )
+ # sorted list toHant
+ toHant = DictToSortedList1( s2t_1to1 ) + DictToSortedList2( s2t_word2word )
+ # sorted list toCN
+ toCN = DictToSortedList2( CustomRules( 'toCN.manual' ) )
+ # sorted list toHK
+ toHK = DictToSortedList2( CustomRules( 'toHK.manual' ) )
+ # sorted list toSG
+ toSG = DictToSortedList2( CustomRules( 'toSG.manual' ) )
+ # sorted list toTW
+ toTW = DictToSortedList2( CustomRules( 'toTW.manual' ) )
+ # Get PHP Array
+ php = '''<?php
+ * Simplified / Traditional Chinese conversion tables
+ *
+ * Automatically generated using code and data in includes/zhtable/
+ * Do not modify directly!
+ */
+$zh2Hant = array(\n'''
+ php += GetPHPArray( toHant )
+ php += '\n);\n\n$zh2Hans = array(\n'
+ php += GetPHPArray( toHans )
+ php += '\n);\n\n$zh2TW = array(\n'
+ php += GetPHPArray( toTW )
+ php += '\n);\n\n$zh2HK = array(\n'
+ php += GetPHPArray( toHK )
+ php += '\n);\n\n$zh2CN = array(\n'
+ php += GetPHPArray( toCN )
+ php += '\n);\n\n$zh2SG = array(\n'
+ php += GetPHPArray( toSG )
+ php += '\n);'
+ f = open( 'ZhConversion.php', 'w', encoding = 'utf8' )
+ print ('Writing ZhConversion.php ... ')
+ f.write( php )
+ f.close()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main() \ No newline at end of file