path: root/languages/messages/MessagesAng.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'languages/messages/MessagesAng.php')
1 files changed, 88 insertions, 67 deletions
diff --git a/languages/messages/MessagesAng.php b/languages/messages/MessagesAng.php
index fe0fcafe..6d0fbb94 100644
--- a/languages/messages/MessagesAng.php
+++ b/languages/messages/MessagesAng.php
@@ -5,10 +5,24 @@
* @file
* @author JJohnson
+ * @author Omnipaedista
* @author Spacebirdy
* @author Wōdenhelm
+$namespaceNames = array(
+ NS_SPECIAL => 'Syndrig',
+ NS_TALK => 'Gesprec',
+ NS_FILE => 'Biliþ',
+ NS_FILE_TALK => 'Biliþgesprec',
+ NS_TEMPLATE => 'Bysen',
+ NS_TEMPLATE_TALK => 'Bysengesprec',
+ NS_HELP => 'Help',
+ NS_HELP_TALK => 'Helpgesprec',
+ NS_CATEGORY => 'Flocc',
+ NS_CATEGORY_TALK => 'Floccgesprec',
$messages = array(
# User preference toggles
'tog-underline' => 'Undermearcian bendas:',
@@ -26,8 +40,6 @@ $messages = array(
'underline-always' => 'Ǣfre',
'underline-never' => 'Nǣfre',
-'skinpreview' => '(Forescēawian)',
# Dates
'sunday' => 'Sunnandæġ',
'monday' => 'Mōnandæġ',
@@ -121,6 +133,7 @@ $messages = array(
'permalink' => 'Fæst bend',
'print' => 'Gemǣlan',
'edit' => 'Ādihtan',
+'create' => 'Scieppene',
'editthispage' => 'Ādihtan þisne tramet',
'delete' => 'āfeorsian',
'deletethispage' => 'Þisne tramet āfeorsian',
@@ -154,6 +167,7 @@ $messages = array(
'mainpage-description' => 'Hēafodsīde',
'portal' => 'Gemǣnscipe Ingang',
'portal-url' => 'Project:Gemǣnscipe Ingang',
+'privacy' => 'Ānlīepnesse þēaw',
'versionrequired' => 'Fadunge $1 þæs MediaWicis nēodaþ',
@@ -175,6 +189,7 @@ $messages = array(
'nstab-special' => 'Syndrig',
'nstab-image' => 'Mētung',
'nstab-template' => 'Bisen',
+'nstab-help' => 'Helptramet',
'nstab-category' => 'Flocc',
# Main script and global functions
@@ -200,7 +215,6 @@ $messages = array(
'yourpassword' => 'Þīn gelēafnesword',
'yourpasswordagain' => 'Edwrītan gelēafnesword',
'yourdomainname' => 'Þīn geweald',
-'loginproblem' => '<b>Þīn inmeldung wearþ gescremed.</b><br />Eftrōmie!',
'login' => 'Inmeldian',
'nav-login-createaccount' => 'Settan nīwne hordcleofan oþþe inmeldian',
'userlogin' => 'Settan nīwne hordcleofan oþþe inmeldian',
@@ -219,12 +233,17 @@ $messages = array(
'loginsuccesstitle' => 'Inmeldung gesǣlde',
'loginsuccess' => "'''Þu eart nū inmeldod tō {{SITENAME}} swā \"\$1\".'''",
'nosuchuser' => 'Þǣr is nān brūcere be þǣm naman "$1".
-Edscēawa þīne wrītunge, oþþe brūc þone form under tō settene nīwne brūcendhordcleofan.',
+Edscēawa þīne wrītunge, oþþe brūc þone form under tō [[Special:UserLogin/signup|settene nīwne brūcendhordcleofan]].',
'nosuchusershort' => 'Þǣr is nān brūcend mid þǣm naman "<nowiki>$1</nowiki>". Edscēawa on þīne wrītunge.',
-'acct_creation_throttle_hit' => 'Hwæt, þu hæfst gēo geseted $1 hordcleofan. Þu ne canst settan ǣnige māran.',
+'acct_creation_throttle_hit' => 'Hwæt, þu hæfst gēo geseted {{PLURAL:$1|1 hordcleofan|$1 -}}. Þu ne canst settan ǣnige māran.',
'accountcreated' => 'Hordcleofan gescapen',
'loginlanguagelabel' => 'Sprǣc: $1',
+# Password reset dialog
+'oldpassword' => 'Eald gelēafnesword:',
+'newpassword' => 'Nīwe gelēafnesword',
+'retypenew' => 'Nīwe gelēafnesword edwrītan',
# Edit page toolbar
'bold_sample' => 'Beald traht',
'bold_tip' => 'Beald traht',
@@ -237,13 +256,14 @@ Edscēawa þīne wrītunge, oþþe brūc þone form under tō settene nīwne br
'headline_sample' => 'Hēafodlīnan traht',
'image_sample' => 'Bisen.jpg',
'image_tip' => 'Impod biliþ',
-'media_sample' => 'Bisen.mp3',
+'media_sample' => 'Bisen.ogg',
'sig_tip' => 'Þín namansegn mid tídstempunge',
# Edit pages
-'summary' => 'Scortnes',
+'summary' => 'Scortnes:',
'minoredit' => 'Þēos is lȳtlu ādihtung',
'savearticle' => 'Sparian tramet',
+'preview' => 'Forescēawian',
'showpreview' => 'Forescēawian',
'whitelistedittitle' => 'Inmeldunge behófod tó ádihtenne',
'whitelistedittext' => 'Þu scealt $1 tó ádihtenne trametas.',
@@ -255,19 +275,19 @@ Edscēawa þīne wrītunge, oþþe brūc þone form under tō settene nīwne br
'newarticletext' => "Þu hæfst bende tō tramete gefolgod þe nū gīet ne stendeþ.
Tō scieppene þone tramet, onginn þyddan in þǣre boxe under (sēo þone [[{{MediaWiki:Helppage}}|helptramet]] for mā gefrǣge).
Gif þu hider misfōn cōme, cnoca þā þīnne webbscēaweres '''on bæc''' cnæpp.",
-'usercssjsyoucanpreview' => "<strong>Rǣd:</strong> Brūc þone 'Forescēawian' cnæpp tō āfandienne þīne nīwe css/js beforan sparunge.",
+'usercssjsyoucanpreview' => "'''Rǣd:''' Brūc þone 'Forescēawian' cnæpp tō āfandienne þīne nīwe css/js beforan sparunge.",
'updated' => '(Ednīwod)',
'editingcomment' => 'Ādihtung $1 (ymbsprǣc)',
'yourtext' => 'Þīn traht',
-'editingold' => '<strong>WARNUNG: Þu ādihtest ealde fadunge þisses trametes.
-Gif þu hine sparie, ǣniga onwendunga gemacod siþþan þisse fadunge bēoþ sōðes forloren.</strong>',
+'editingold' => "'''WARNUNG: Þu ādihtest ealde fadunge þisses trametes.
+Gif þu hine sparie, ǣniga onwendunga gemacod siþþan þisse fadunge bēoþ sōðes forloren.'''",
'yourdiff' => 'Tōdǣlednessa',
-'copyrightwarning2' => 'Bidde macie nōt þæt ealla forðunga tō {{SITENAME}}
+'copyrightwarning2' => "Bidde macie nōt þæt ealla forðunga tō {{SITENAME}}
mæg bēon ādihted, gewended, oþþe āfyrðed fram ōðrum forðerum.
Gif þu nelt þīne wrītunge tō bēonne ādihtod unmildheortlīce, þonne ne þafie hīe hēr.<br />
Þu behǣtst ēac þæt þu selfa write þis, oþþe efenlǣhtest of sumre
gemǣnscipes āgnunge oþþe gelīcum frēom horde (sēo $1 for āscungum).
'longpagewarning' => 'WARNUNG: Þes tramet is $1 kilobyta lang; sume
webbscēaweras hæbben earfoðu mid þȳ þe hīe ādihtaþ trametas nēa oþþe lengran þonne 32kb.
Bidde behycge þæt þu bricst þone tramet intō smalrum dǣlum.',
@@ -301,6 +321,7 @@ Bidde behycge þæt þu bricst þone tramet intō smalrum dǣlum.',
'searchsubtitleinvalid' => "Þu sōhtest '''$1'''",
'notextmatches' => 'Nāne trametrahtes mæccan',
'nextn' => 'nīehst $1',
+'searchhelp-url' => 'Help:Innung',
'showingresults' => 'Īewan under oþ <b>$1</b> tōhīgunga onginnenda mid #<b>$2</b>.',
'showingresultsnum' => 'Under sind <b>$3</b> tóhígunga onginnende mid #<b>$2</b>.',
'powersearch' => 'Sēcan',
@@ -310,15 +331,13 @@ Bidde behycge þæt þu bricst þone tramet intō smalrum dǣlum.',
'mypreferences' => 'Mīna foreberunga',
'prefsnologin' => 'Ne ingemeldod',
'skin' => 'Scynn',
+'skin-preview' => 'Forescēawian',
'dateformat' => 'Tælmearcwīse',
'datetime' => 'Tælmearc and tīd',
'math_unknown_error' => 'ungewiss gemearr',
'prefs-rc' => 'Nīwlica hweorfunga',
'prefs-watchlist' => 'Behealdnestalu',
'saveprefs' => 'Sparian',
-'oldpassword' => 'Eald gelēafnesword:',
-'newpassword' => 'Nīwe gelēafnesword',
-'retypenew' => 'Nīwe gelēafnesword edwrītan',
'rows' => 'Rǣwa',
'columns' => 'Sȳla:',
'searchresultshead' => 'Sōcnfintan',
@@ -339,7 +358,7 @@ Bidde behycge þæt þu bricst þone tramet intō smalrum dǣlum.',
# Recent changes
'nchanges' => '$1 hwierfunga',
'recentchanges' => 'Nīwlica hweorfunga',
-'rcnote' => 'Under sind þā æftemestan <strong>$1</strong> hweorfunga in þǣm æftemestum <strong>$2</strong> dagum.',
+'rcnote' => "Under {{PLURAL:$1|... '''1''' ...|sind þā æftemestan '''$1''' hweorfunga}} in {{PLURAL:$2|...|þǣm æftemestum '''$2''' dagum}}, . . $5, $4.",
'rcnotefrom' => 'Under sind þā hweorfunga siþþan <b>$2</b> (oþ <b>$1</b> geīewed).',
'rclistfrom' => 'Īewan nīwa hweorfunga, onginnenda of $1',
'rcshowhideminor' => '$1 lȳtla ādihtunga',
@@ -365,15 +384,15 @@ Bidde behycge þæt þu bricst þone tramet intō smalrum dǣlum.',
'nolicense' => 'Nǣnne gecorenne',
-# Special:ImageList
-'imagelist_search_for' => 'Sēcan biliþnaman:',
-'imagelist' => 'Biliþgetalu',
-'imagelist_date' => 'Tælmearc',
-'imagelist_name' => 'Nama',
-'imagelist_user' => 'Brūcend',
-'imagelist_description' => 'Tōwritennes',
+# Special:ListFiles
+'listfiles_search_for' => 'Sēcan biliþnaman:',
+'listfiles' => 'Biliþgetalu',
+'listfiles_date' => 'Tælmearc',
+'listfiles_name' => 'Nama',
+'listfiles_user' => 'Brūcend',
+'listfiles_description' => 'Tōwritennes',
-# Image description page
+# File description page
'filehist-user' => 'Brūcend',
'imagelinks' => 'Biliþbendas',
'linkstoimage' => 'Þā folgendan trametas bindaþ tō þissum biliðe:',
@@ -389,10 +408,6 @@ Bidde behycge þæt þu bricst þone tramet intō smalrum dǣlum.',
# Random page
'randompage' => 'Hlīetlic tramet',
-# Statistics
-'userstatstext' => "Þǣr sind '''$1''' genemnode brūcend, þāra þe
-'''$2''' (oþþe '''$4%''') sind bewitend (sēo $3).",
'doubleredirects' => 'Twifealdlice Ymblǣderas',
'brokenredirects' => 'Gebrocene Ymblǣderas',
@@ -433,7 +448,6 @@ Bidde behycge þæt þu bricst þone tramet intō smalrum dǣlum.',
'specialloguserlabel' => 'Brūcend:',
'speciallogtitlelabel' => 'Titul:',
'log' => 'Cranicas',
-'log-search-submit' => 'Gān',
# Special:AllPages
'allpages' => 'Trametas',
@@ -452,6 +466,10 @@ Bidde behycge þæt þu bricst þone tramet intō smalrum dǣlum.',
# Special:ListUsers
'listusers-noresult' => 'Nǣnne brūcend gefundenne.',
+# Special:Log/newusers
+'newuserlogpage' => 'Brūcend ġesceaft talu',
+'newuserlog-create-entry' => 'Nīwe brūcend',
# E-mail user
'emailfrom' => 'Fram',
'emailto' => 'Tō:',
@@ -462,38 +480,43 @@ Bidde behycge þæt þu bricst þone tramet intō smalrum dǣlum.',
'emailsenttext' => 'Þīn e-mail ǣrendgewrit wearþ gesend.',
# Watchlist
-'watchlist' => 'Mīn behealdnestalu',
-'mywatchlist' => 'Mīn behealdnestalu',
-'addedwatch' => 'Geīeht tō wæcctale',
-'watch' => 'Behealdan',
-'unwatch' => 'Unbehealdan',
-'watchlistcontains' => 'Þīn behealdnestalu hæfþ $1 {{PLURAL:$1|trameta|trametas}} inn.',
-'wlnote' => 'Under sind þā æftemestan $1 hweorfunga in þǣm æftemestum <b>$2</b> stundum.',
-'wlshowlast' => 'Īewan æftemestan $1 stunda $2 daga $3',
-'watchlist-hide-minor' => 'Hȳdan smala ādihtunga',
+'watchlist' => 'Mīn behealdnestalu',
+'mywatchlist' => 'Mīn behealdnestalu',
+'addedwatch' => 'Geīeht tō wæcctale',
+'watch' => 'Behealdan',
+'unwatch' => 'Unbehealdan',
+'watchlistcontains' => 'Þīn behealdnestalu hæfþ $1 {{PLURAL:$1|trameta|trametas}} inn.',
+'wlnote' => 'Under sind þā æftemestan $1 hweorfunga in þǣm æftemestum <b>$2</b> stundum.',
+'wlshowlast' => 'Īewan æftemestan $1 stunda $2 daga $3',
'enotif_newpagetext' => 'Þēs is nīwe tramet.',
'created' => 'gescapen',
-# Delete/protect/revert
-'deletepage' => 'Āfeorsian tramet',
-'excontent' => "innung wæs: '$1'",
-'excontentauthor' => "innung wæs: '$1' (and se āna forðiend wæs '[[Special:Contributions/$2|$2]]')",
-'exblank' => 'tramet wæs ǣmtig',
-'historywarning' => 'Warnung: Se tramet, þone þu āfeorsian teohhast, hæfþ stǣre:',
-'actioncomplete' => 'Weorcdǣd geendod',
-'deletedarticle' => 'āfeorsod "[[$1]]"',
-'dellogpage' => 'Āfeorsunge_wisbōc',
-'deletionlog' => 'āfeorsunge wisbōc',
-'deletecomment' => 'Racu for āfeorsunge',
-'rollback_short' => 'Edhwierfan',
-'rollbacklink' => 'Edhwierfan',
-'rollbackfailed' => 'Edhwierft misfangen',
-'editcomment' => 'Sēo ādihtungymbsprǣc wæs: "<i>$1</i>".', # only shown if there is an edit comment
-'revertpage' => 'Ācierde ādihtunga fram [[Special:Contributions/$2|$2]] ([[User talk:$2|Gesprec]]); wendede on bæc tō ǣrran fadunge fram [[User:$1|$1]]', # Additional available: $3: revid of the revision reverted to, $4: timestamp of the revision reverted to, $5: revid of the revision reverted from, $6: timestamp of the revision reverted from
-'unprotectedarticle' => 'unweardod "[[$1]]"',
-'protect-title' => 'Weardiende "$1"',
-'restriction-type' => 'Gelēafnes:',
+# Delete
+'deletepage' => 'Āfeorsian tramet',
+'excontent' => "innung wæs: '$1'",
+'excontentauthor' => "innung wæs: '$1' (and se āna forðiend wæs '[[Special:Contributions/$2|$2]]')",
+'exblank' => 'tramet wæs ǣmtig',
+'historywarning' => 'Warnung: Se tramet, þone þu āfeorsian teohhast, hæfþ stǣre:',
+'actioncomplete' => 'Weorcdǣd geendod',
+'deletedarticle' => 'āfeorsod "[[$1]]"',
+'dellogpage' => 'Āfeorsunge_wisbōc',
+'deletionlog' => 'āfeorsunge wisbōc',
+'deletecomment' => 'Racu for āfeorsunge',
+# Rollback
+'rollback_short' => 'Edhwierfan',
+'rollbacklink' => 'Edhwierfan',
+'rollbackfailed' => 'Edhwierft misfangen',
+'editcomment' => "Sēo ādihtungymbsprǣc wæs: \"''\$1''\".", # only shown if there is an edit comment
+'revertpage' => 'Ācierde ādihtunga fram [[Special:Contributions/$2|$2]] ([[User talk:$2|Gesprec]]); wendede on bæc tō ǣrran fadunge fram [[User:$1|$1]]', # Additionally available: $3: revid of the revision reverted to, $4: timestamp of the revision reverted to, $5: revid of the revision reverted from, $6: timestamp of the revision reverted from
+# Protect
+'unprotectedarticle' => 'unweardod "[[$1]]"',
+'protect-title' => 'Weardiende "$1"',
+'prot_1movedto2' => '[[$1]] gefered tō [[$2]]',
+'protect-expiry-options' => '1 stund:1 hour, 2 stunda:2 hours,1 dæg:1 day,3 dagas:3 days,1 wucu:1 week,2 wuca:2 weeks,1 mōnaþ:1 month,3 mōnþas:3 months,6 mōnþas:6 months,1 gēar:1 year,unendiendlic:infinite', # display1:time1,display2:time2,...
+'restriction-type' => 'Gelēafnes:',
# Restrictions (nouns)
'restriction-edit' => 'Ādihtan',
@@ -517,7 +540,6 @@ Bidde behycge þæt þu bricst þone tramet intō smalrum dǣlum.',
# What links here
'whatlinkshere' => 'Hwæt bindaþ hider',
'whatlinkshere-page' => 'Tramet:',
-'linklistsub' => '(Getalu benda)',
'linkshere' => 'Þā folgendan trametas bindaþ hider:',
'nolinkshere' => 'Nāne trametas bindaþ hider.',
'isredirect' => 'edlǣdungtramet',
@@ -598,7 +620,7 @@ Bidde cēos ōðerne naman.',
'imagemaxsize' => 'Settan biliðu on biliþgemearcungtrametum tō:',
'thumbsize' => 'Þumannæglmicelnes:',
-# Special:NewImages
+# Special:NewFiles
'imagelisttext' => 'Under is getalu $1 biliða gedæfted $2.',
'noimages' => 'Nāht tō sēonne.',
'ilsubmit' => 'Sēcan',
@@ -659,28 +681,27 @@ Bidde cēos ōðerne naman.',
'imagelistall' => 'eall',
'watchlistall2' => 'eall',
'namespacesall' => 'eall',
+'monthsall' => 'eall',
# E-mail address confirmation
'confirmemail_body' => 'Hwilchwega, gewēne þu of IP stōwe $1, hæfþ in namanbēc gestt ǣnne hordcleofan
- "$2" mid þissum e-ǣrendes naman on {{SITENAME}}n.
+"$2" mid þissum e-ǣrendes naman on {{SITENAME}}n.
Tō āsēðenne þæt þes hordcleofa tō þē gebyraþ and tō openienne
e-ǣrenda hwilcnessa on {{SITENAME}}n, opena þisne bend in þīnum webbscēawere:
-Gif þis is *nā* þū, ne folga þisne bend. Þēos āsēðungrūn forealdaþ æt $4.',
+Gif þis is *nā* þū, ne folga þisne bend.
+Þēos āsēðungrūn forealdaþ æt $4.',
# Scary transclusion
'scarytranscludefailed' => '[Bisenfeccung getrucod for $1; sarig]',
'scarytranscludetoolong' => '[URL is tō lang; sarig]',
-# HTML dump
-'redirectingto' => 'Edlǣdeþ tō [[:$1]]...',
-# AJAX search
-'searchnamed' => "Sēcan gewritu genemnodu ''$1''.",
# Multipage image navigation
'imgmultigo' => 'Gān!',