path: root/languages/messages/MessagesWo.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'languages/messages/MessagesWo.php')
1 files changed, 307 insertions, 248 deletions
diff --git a/languages/messages/MessagesWo.php b/languages/messages/MessagesWo.php
index b4f4b0da..c61fa0c3 100644
--- a/languages/messages/MessagesWo.php
+++ b/languages/messages/MessagesWo.php
@@ -108,6 +108,7 @@ $messages = array(
'tog-enotifminoredits' => 'Yónne ma ab bataaxal donte coppite yu néew lañu',
'tog-enotifrevealaddr' => 'Wone sama màkkaan bu mbëjfeppal ci bataaxali yëgle yi',
'tog-shownumberswatching' => 'Wone limu jëfandikukat yiy topp wii xët',
+'tog-oldsig' => 'Wonendig xaatim gi teew:',
'tog-fancysig' => 'Soppi sa xaatim (du am lëkkalekaay bu boppu)',
'tog-externaleditor' => 'Jëfandikoo soppikaay bu biti saa su ne',
'tog-externaldiff' => 'Jëfandiku ab méngalekaay bu biti saa su ne (ngir jëfandikukat yu xarale yi rekk, dafa laaj yenn kocc-koccal yi ci sa nosukaay)',
@@ -129,6 +130,13 @@ $messages = array(
'underline-never' => 'Mukk',
'underline-default' => 'Aju ci joowukaay bi',
+# Font style option in Special:Preferences
+'editfont-style' => 'Meliinu mbind mu barabu coppite bi:',
+'editfont-default' => 'Bi wàccaaleek joowukaay bi',
+'editfont-monospace' => 'Dayoob mbind genn dig-digal',
+'editfont-sansserif' => 'Dayoob mbind bu amul-dig',
+'editfont-serif' => 'Dayoob mbind bu am-dig',
# Dates
'sunday' => 'dibéer',
'monday' => 'altine',
@@ -188,7 +196,7 @@ $messages = array(
'category-media-header' => 'Jukkiy wàll wi « $1 »',
'category-empty' => "''Nii-nii wàll wii ëmbul tus, dub ron-wàll, dub jukki, dub dencukaay. ''",
'hidden-categories' => '{{PLURAL:$1|wàll bi nëbbu|wàll yi nëbbu}}',
-'hidden-category-category' => 'Wàll yi nëbbu', # Name of the category where hidden categories will be listed
+'hidden-category-category' => 'Wàll yi nëbbu',
'category-subcat-count' => '{{PLURAL:$2|Wii wàll wenn ron-wàll rekk la am, di wiy toftal.| {{PLURAL:$1|Wii ron-wàll |$1 Ron-wàll yii }} bokk {{PLURAL:$1|na|nañu}} ci $2 ron-wàll yi nekk ci wii wàll.}}',
'category-subcat-count-limited' => 'Wii wàll am na {{PLURAL:$1|ron-wàll|$1 ron-wàll}}.',
'category-article-count' => '{{PLURAL:$2|Wii wàll wenn xët rekk la am, di wiy toftal.|{{PLURAL:$1|Wii xët |$1 xët yii }} bokk {{PLURAL:$1|na|nañu}} ci $2 xët yi nekk ci wii wàll.}}',
@@ -206,10 +214,18 @@ $messages = array(
* [ FAQ MediaWiki]
* [ Limu waxtaan ci liy-génn ci MediaWiki]',
-'about' => 'Ci mbirum',
-'article' => 'Jukki',
-'newwindow' => '(Day ubbeeku ci beneen palanteer)',
-'cancel' => 'Neenal',
+'about' => 'Ci mbirum',
+'article' => 'Jukki',
+'newwindow' => '(Day ubbeeku ci beneen palanteer)',
+'cancel' => 'Neenal',
+'moredotdotdot' => 'Ak yeneen...',
+'mypage' => 'Samaw xët',
+'mytalk' => 'Xëtu waxtaanuwaay',
+'anontalk' => 'Waxtaan ak bii IP',
+'navigation' => 'Joowiin',
+'and' => ' ak',
+# Cologne Blue skin
'qbfind' => 'Seet',
'qbbrowse' => 'Lemmi',
'qbedit' => 'Soppi',
@@ -217,15 +233,35 @@ $messages = array(
'qbpageinfo' => 'Xëtuw xibaar',
'qbmyoptions' => 'Samay tànneef',
'qbspecialpages' => 'Xëti jagleel',
-'moredotdotdot' => 'Ak yeneen...',
-'mypage' => 'Samaw xët',
-'mytalk' => 'Xëtu waxtaanuwaay',
-'anontalk' => 'Waxtaan ak bii IP',
-'navigation' => 'Joowiin',
-'and' => ' ak',
-# Metadata in edit box
-'metadata_help' => 'Jégginjoxe :',
+'faq' => 'Laaj yi ëpp',
+'faqpage' => 'Project:FAQ',
+# Vector skin
+'vector-action-addsection' => 'Yokkuw tëriit',
+'vector-action-delete' => 'Far',
+'vector-action-move' => 'Tuddewaat',
+'vector-action-protect' => 'Aar',
+'vector-action-undelete' => 'Delloowaat',
+'vector-action-unprotect' => 'Aaradi',
+'vector-namespace-category' => 'Wàll',
+'vector-namespace-help' => 'Ndimbal',
+'vector-namespace-image' => 'Dencukaay',
+'vector-namespace-main' => 'Xët',
+'vector-namespace-media' => 'Xëtu xibaarukaay',
+'vector-namespace-mediawiki' => 'Bataaxal',
+'vector-namespace-project' => 'Xëtu sémb',
+'vector-namespace-special' => 'Xëtu jagleel',
+'vector-namespace-talk' => 'Diisoo',
+'vector-namespace-template' => 'Royuwaay',
+'vector-namespace-user' => 'Xëtu jëfandikukat',
+'vector-view-create' => 'Sos',
+'vector-view-edit' => 'Soppi',
+'vector-view-history' => 'Wone jaar-jaaram',
+'vector-view-view' => 'Jàng',
+'vector-view-viewsource' => 'Wone gongikuwaayam',
+'actions' => 'Jëf',
+'namespaces' => 'Barabu tur',
+'variants' => 'Wuute',
'errorpagetitle' => 'Njuumte',
'returnto' => 'Dellu ci wii xët $1.',
@@ -275,18 +311,22 @@ $messages = array(
'otherlanguages' => 'Yeneeni làkk',
'redirectedfrom' => '(Yoonalaat gu jóge $1)',
'redirectpagesub' => 'Xëtu yoonalaat',
-'lastmodifiedat' => 'Coppite bu mujj bu xët wii $1 ci $2.<br />', # $1 date, $2 time
+'lastmodifiedat' => 'Coppite bu mujj bu xët wii $1 ci $2.<br />',
'viewcount' => 'Xët wii nemmeeku nañ ko {{PLURAL:$1|$1 yoon|$1 yoon}}.',
'protectedpage' => 'Xët wees aar',
'jumpto' => 'Dem :',
'jumptonavigation' => 'Joowiin',
'jumptosearch' => 'Seet',
+'view-pool-error' => 'jéggalu, joxekaay yi dañoo xat nii-nii.
+Jëfandikukat yiy jéem a ubbi xët wii dañoo bari.
+Taaxiirlul ba ci kanam nga jéemaat.
# All link text and link target definitions of links into project namespace that get used by other message strings, with the exception of user group pages (see grouppage) and the disambiguation template definition (see disambiguations).
'aboutsite' => 'Ci mbiri {{SITENAME}}',
'aboutpage' => 'Project:Ci mbiri',
'copyright' => 'Ëmbit laa ngi jàppandi ci $1.',
-'copyrightpagename' => 'àqu {{SITENAME}}',
'copyrightpage' => '{{ns:project}}:Copyright',
'currentevents' => 'Luy xew',
'currentevents-url' => 'Project:Luy xew',
@@ -294,8 +334,6 @@ $messages = array(
'disclaimerpage' => 'Project:Aartu yu daj',
'edithelp' => 'Ndimbal',
'edithelppage' => 'Help:Nooy soppee aw xët',
-'faq' => 'Laaj yi ëpp',
-'faqpage' => 'Project:FAQ',
'helppage' => 'Help:Ndimbal',
'mainpage' => 'Xët wu njëkk',
'mainpage-description' => 'Xët wu njëkk',
@@ -377,10 +415,6 @@ Laaj bees mujje yónne dàttub njoxe bi moo doon :
« $1 »
bàyyikoo ci bii solo « $2 ».
Dàttub njoxe bi delloo bii njuumte « $3 : $4 ».',
-'noconnect' => 'Jéggalu! ngir ay tolof-tolofi xarala, fi mu ne nii dugg gi jàppandiwul. <br />
-'nodb' => 'Falug dàttub njoxe bii di $1 antuwul',
-'cachederror' => 'Xët wii ab duppitu ndencit li la rekk, kon xéj-na beesul.',
'laggedslavemode' => 'Moytul, wii xët man naa bañ a man dékku coppite yi ñu mujjee def',
'readonly' => 'Dàttub njoxe bi dañu koo caabi',
'enterlockreason' => 'Biralal ngirtey tëj gi ak diir bi mu war a amee',
@@ -397,6 +431,7 @@ Di la sakku nga yegge ko ab [[Special:ListUsers/sysop|yorkat]] , jox ko màkkaan
'readonly_lag' => 'Dàttub njoxe bi daa caabi boppam ngir may ñaareelu joxekaay yi dap joxekaay bu njëkk bi.',
'internalerror' => 'Njuumte gu biir',
'internalerror_info' => 'Njuumte gu biir : $1',
+'fileappenderror' => 'Maneesul a yokk "$1" ci "$2".',
'filecopyerror' => 'Duppig dencukaay bii di « $1 » jëm « $2 » antuwul.',
'filerenameerror' => 'Tuddewaatug « $1 » niki « $2 » antuwul.',
'filedeleteerror' => 'Farug dencukaay bii di « $1 » antuwul.',
@@ -405,7 +440,7 @@ Di la sakku nga yegge ko ab [[Special:ListUsers/sysop|yorkat]] , jox ko màkkaan
'fileexistserror' => 'Mbind mi ci wii wayndare « $1 » antuwul : dencukaay bi am na ba noppi',
'formerror' => 'Tolof-tolof:Maneesu la yonnee mbind mi',
'badarticleerror' => 'Jii jëf defuwul ci wii xët.',
-'cannotdelete' => 'Farug xët walla dencukaay bi nga joxoñ antuwul. (xayna far gi am na keneen ku ko def ba noppi.)',
+'cannotdelete' => 'Farug xët walla dencukaay bi antuwul. (xayna keneen def na ko ba noppi.)',
'badtitle' => 'Koj bu baaxul',
'badtitletext' => 'Kojug xët wi nga laaj baaxul, amul dara walla day di kojjug diggantelàkk walla diggantesémb yu seen lonkoo baaxul. Xayna it dafa am benn walla ay araf yu ñu manuta jëfandikoo cib koj.',
'perfcached' => 'Lii ab duppitu ndencitu sumb mi la, kon xéj-na beesul.',
@@ -436,14 +471,12 @@ Ngirte li mu joxe mooy ne « ''$2'' ».",
'virus-scanfailed' => 'Saytu gi dog na (code $1)',
# Login and logout pages
-'logouttitle' => 'Génnu',
'logouttext' => "Fi mu nekk nii génn nga.'''
Man ngaa wéy di jëfandikoo {{SITENAME}} ci anam buñ la dul xamme walla nga [[Special:UserLogin|duggewaat]] ak wenn tur wi walla ak weneen.",
'welcomecreation' => '== Dalal-jàmm, $1 ! ==
Sosees na sa sàq.
Bul fatte soppi say [[Special:Preferences|{{SITENAME}} tànneef]].',
-'loginpagetitle' => 'Dugg',
'yourname' => 'Sa turu jëfandikukat',
'yourpassword' => 'Sa baatujàll',
'yourpasswordagain' => 'Bindaatal sa baatujàll',
@@ -465,23 +498,8 @@ Bul fatte soppi say [[Special:Preferences|{{SITENAME}} tànneef]].',
'createaccountmail' => 'Jaare ko ci m-bataaxal',
'badretype' => 'Baatujàll yi nga bind yemuñu.',
'userexists' => 'Turu jëfandikukat bi nga bind am na boroom ba noppi. Tànnal weneen.',
-'youremail' => 'Sa màkkaanub m-bataaxal :',
-'username' => 'Turu jëfandikukat :',
-'uid' => 'Limu Jëfandikukat :',
-'prefs-memberingroups' => 'Céru {{PLURAL:$1|mbooloo|mbooloo yu}} :',
-'yourrealname' => 'Sa tur dëgg*',
-'yourlanguage' => 'Làkk :',
-'yournick' => 'Xaatim ngir say waxtaan :',
-'badsig' => 'Xaatim gu ñumm gi baaxul; saytul sa yoonub HTML.',
-'badsiglength' => 'Sa xaatim daa gudd lool, guddaay bi warul romb {{PLURAL:màndarga|$1 màndarga}}.',
-'gender-unknown' => 'Waxeesu ko',
-'gender-male' => 'Góor',
-'gender-female' => 'Jigéen',
-'email' => 'Màkkaanub m-bataaxal',
-'prefs-help-realname' => 'Sa tur dëgg du lu manuta ñakk: soo ko ci bëgge duggal it dañ koy jëfandikoo rek ngir moomale la say cëru.',
'loginerror' => 'Njuumte ci dugg gi',
-'prefs-help-email' => 'Sa màkkaanub m-bataaxal du lu manuta ñakk: day tax rek ñu man laa yónne ab bataaxal jaare ko ci sa xëtu jëfandikukat walla yónne la baatujàll bu bees soo ko fattee, te du tax sa màkkaan gisu.',
-'prefs-help-email-required' => 'Laaj na ab màkkaanub m-bataaxal',
+'createaccounterror' => 'Sosug sàq mi antuwul: $1',
'nocookiesnew' => 'Sàqum jëfandikukat mi sosu na, waaye dugg gi antuwul. {{SITENAME}} day jëfandikoo ay cookie ngir dugg gi, waaye danga leen doxadil. Doxal leen ci sa joowukaay te duggaat ak sa tur ak sa baatujàll bi nga sos.',
'nocookieslogin' => '{{SITENAME}} day jëfandikoo ay cookie ngir dugg gi, te yaw say cookies dañoo doxadi. Doxal leen ci sa joowukaay te jéem a duggaat.',
'noname' => 'Bindoo turu jëfandikukat bi baax.',
@@ -492,7 +510,8 @@ Bul fatte soppi say [[Special:Preferences|{{SITENAME}} tànneef]].',
'nouserspecified' => 'Laaj na nga tànn ab turu jëfandikukat',
'wrongpassword' => 'Bii baatujàll baaxul. Jéemaatal.',
'wrongpasswordempty' => 'Duggaloo ab baatujàll, jéemaatal.',
-'passwordtooshort' => 'Sa baatujàll dafa gàtt. War naa am $1 araf lumu néew néew te itam wuute ag sa turu jëfandikukat.',
+'passwordtooshort' => 'Sa baatujàll war naa am lumu néew {{PLURAL:$1|1 màndarga|$1 màndarga}}.',
+'password-name-match' => 'Sa baatujàll dafa war a wuute ak sa turu jëfandikukat',
'mailmypassword' => 'Yónne ma ab baatujàll bu bees',
'passwordremindertitle' => 'Sa baatujàll bu bees ci {{SITENAME}}',
'passwordremindertext' => 'Kenn(xéj-na yaw la) ku am bii màkkaanu IP $1 moo laaj ngir ñu yónne ko ab baatujàll bu bees ngir duggam ci {{SITENAME}} ($4).
@@ -502,6 +521,7 @@ Baatujáll bii nag diirub dundam {{PLURAL:$5|fan|$5 fan}} la.
Soo doonul ki biral bii laaj, walla fattaliku nga sa baatujàll bu njëkk ba, te nammatoo koo soppi, man ngaa tankamlu bii bataaxal te wéy di jëfandikoo baatujàll bu yàgg ba.',
'noemail' => 'Bii jëfandikukat « $1 » amufi benn màkkaanub m-bataaxal.',
+'noemailcreate' => 'Laaj na nga joxe màkkaanub m-bataaxal bu baax',
'passwordsent' => 'Ab baatujàll bu bees yónne nañ ko ci màkkaanub m-bataaxal bu jëfandikukat bii di « $1 ». Jéemal a duggaat soo ko jotee.',
'blocked-mailpassword' => 'Ngir faggandiku ci yaq gi, ku ñu téye sa màkkaanu IP ba doo man a soppi dara, doo man a yónneelu baatujàll bu bees.',
'eauthentsent' => 'Yónnee nañ la ab m-bataaxalub dëggal ci màkkaanub m-bataaxal bi nga joxe. Balaa ñuy yónnee beneen m-bataaxal ci bii màkkaan, fawwu nga topp tektal yiñ la jox ngir dëggal ni yaa moom bii màkkaan.',
@@ -521,6 +541,7 @@ Ngir moytu ay yaq, benn m-bataaxalu fattali rek lañu lay yónne ci diiru {{PLUR
Baatujàll bu « $2 » mooy « $3 ». Li gën mooy nga dugg ci teel te soppi baatujàll bi.
Jéelaleel bataaxal bii su fekkee ci njuumte nga sosee mii sàq.',
+'usernamehasherror' => 'Turu jëfandikukat bi warul am mandarga yu hash',
'login-throttled' => 'Jéem ngaa dugg ay yoon te jàllul.
Ngalla néggandikul ab diir door a jéemaat.',
@@ -536,17 +557,12 @@ Ngalla néggandikul ab diir door a jéemaat.',
'retypenew' => 'Bindaatal baatujàll bu bees bi :',
'resetpass_submit' => 'Soppil baatujàll bi te dugg',
'resetpass_success' => 'Coppiteeg baatujàll bi antu na : Yaa ngi dugg...',
-'resetpass_bad_temporary' => 'Baatujàll bu diiru bi baaxul. Xéj-na ni nga soppee sa baatujàll bi moo baax, walla nga laaj baatujàll bu bees.',
'resetpass_forbidden' => 'Baatujàll bi manoo kaa soppi',
'resetpass-no-info' => 'faaw nga dugg ngir man a jot ci wii xët.',
'resetpass-submit-loggedin' => 'Soppi baatujàll bi',
'resetpass-wrong-oldpass' => 'Baatujall bu diiru walla bi teew baaxul.
Xèj-na baatujàll bi soppi nga ko ba noppi, walla xéj-na it dangaa laaj beneen baatujàll bu diiru.',
'resetpass-temp-password' => 'Baatujàll bu diiru :',
-'resetpass-log' => 'Jaar-jaaru loppanti gu baatujàll yi',
-'resetpass-logtext' => 'Lii ab limu jëfanikukat yi ab yorkat soppi seen baatujàll la.',
-'resetpass-logentry' => 'moo soppi baatujàll bu $1',
-'resetpass-comment' => 'Ngirtey loppanti gu baatujàll bi:',
# Edit page toolbar
'bold_sample' => 'Duufal mbind mi',
@@ -620,7 +636,6 @@ Sa màkkaanu IP mooy $3 xammeekaayu téye gi mooy #$5. Di la sakku nga joxe leen
'blockededitsource' => "Ëmbitu '''say coppite''' yi nga def fii '''$1''' mooy lii ci suuf:",
'whitelistedittitle' => 'Laaj na nga dugg ngir man a soppi xët wi',
'whitelistedittext' => 'Faaw nga doon $1 ngir am sañ-sañu soppi ëmbit li.',
-'confirmedittitle' => 'Laaj na nga dëggal sa m-bataaxal ngir man a soppi xët yi',
'confirmedittext' => 'Ngir man a soppi dara faaw nga dëggal sa m-bataaxal. Ngir kocc-koccal walla dëggal sa màkkaan demal ci say [[Special:Preferences|tànneef]].',
'nosuchsectiontitle' => 'Xaaj bi amul',
'nosuchsectiontext' => 'Da nga doon jéema soppi ab xaaj bu amul.',
@@ -637,9 +652,13 @@ Kon ngir xàmmee ko fàw nga jëfandikoo màkkaanub IP wam. Te màkkaanub IP jë
Su fekkee jëfandikukatu alaxam nga, te nga gis ne dees laa féetale ay kàddu yoo moomul, ngalla [[Special:UserLogin|bindu]] walla [[Special:UserLogin|dugg]] ngir benn jaxase bañatee am ëllëg .''",
'noarticletext' => 'Fi mu ne ni amul menn mbind ci xët wii; man ngaa [[Special:Search/{{PAGENAME}}|seet koju xët wi]] ci yeneen xët, <span class="plainlinks">[{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} seet ci xëtu jagleel wi ],
walla [{{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|action=edit}} soppi xët wii].',
+'noarticletext-nopermission' => 'Nii-nii amul menn mbind ci wii xët.
+Man nga [[Special:Search/{{PAGENAME}}|seet bii koj]] ci yeneen xët,
+walla <span class="plainlinks">[{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} nga seet ci yéenekaay yees ko féetaleel]</span>.',
'userpage-userdoesnotexist' => 'Mii sàqum jëfandikukat « $1 » du bu ku-bindu. Seetal bu baax ndax da ngaa namma sos walla soppi wii xët.',
'clearyourcache' => "'''Karmat :''' Soo dence xët wi ba noppi, faaw nga far nëmbiitu sa joowukaay ngir man a gis say coppite, te nga, su dee '''Mozilla / Firefox / Safari :''' cuq ci ''yeesal'' te bësaale ''shift'', walla nga bës ''Shift-R'' walla ''Ctrl-F5'' (Command-R ci Mac ), su dee '''Konqueror''': cuq ''yeesal'' walla nga bës ''F5''; su dee '''Opera''' faral nëbiit li (''Jumtukaay → Tànneef'') su dee '''Internet Explorer:''' cuq ci ''yeesal te bësaale ''Ctrl'' walla nga bës ''Ctrl-F5''.",
-'usercssjsyoucanpreview' => "'''Xelal :''' di la digël nga cuq ci «Wonendi» ngir gis say xobi CSS walla JavaScript yu bees laata nga leen di denc.",
+'usercssyoucanpreview' => "'''Xelal :''' di la digël nga cuq ci «Wonendi» ngir gis say xobi CSS walla JavaScript yu bees laata nga leen di denc.",
+'userjsyoucanpreview' => "'''Xelal :''' di la digël nga cuq ci «Wonendi» ngir gis say xobi CSS walla JavaScript yu bees laata nga leen di denc.",
'usercsspreview' => "Bul fatte ne lii wonendib sa CSS rekk la; dencagoo say coppite!'''",
'userjspreview' => "'''Bul fatte ne lii ab wonendib sa yoonu javaScript rekk la; dencagoo say coppite!'''",
'userinvalidcssjstitle' => "'''Moytul :''' amul genn col gu tudd « $1 ». Bul fatte ne xët yiy jeexee .css ak .js seeni koj ay araf yu tuut ñoo ciy tegu/.<br />ci misaal, {{ns:user}}:Foo/'''m'''onobook.css moo baax, waaye bii du baax {{ns:user}}:Foo/'''M'''onobook.css .",
@@ -690,8 +709,8 @@ Jëfandikukat yi nekk yorkat rekk a ko man a soppi.'''",
'semiprotectedpagewarning' => "'''Karmat :''' wii xët dañ kaa aar ba nga xam ne ñi bindu rekk a ko man a soppi.",
'cascadeprotectedwarning' => "'''MOYTUL :''' Xët wii dañ kaa aar ba nga xam ne yorkat yi rek ñoo koy man a soppi. Kaaraange googu dañ kaa def ndaxte xët wii dañ kaa dugal ci biir {{PLURAL:$1|aw xët wu ñu aar|ay xët yu ñu aar}}.",
'titleprotectedwarning' => "'''MOYTUL: wii xët dañ koo aar ba tax laaj na nga am [[Special:ListGroupRights|yenn sañ-sañ]] yi ngir man koo sos.'''",
-'templatesused' => 'Royuwaay yi nekk ci wii xët :',
-'templatesusedpreview' => 'Royuwaay yi nekk ci gii wonendi :',
+'templatesused' => '{{PLURAL:$1| Royuwaay bi| Royuwaay yi}} nekk ci wii xët :',
+'templatesusedpreview' => '{{PLURAL:$1| Royuwaay bi|Royuwaay yi}} nekk ci gii wonendi :',
'templatesusedsection' => 'Royuwaay yi ne ci bii xaaj:',
'template-protected' => '(aar)',
'template-semiprotected' => '(aar-diggu)',
@@ -702,12 +721,13 @@ Jëfandikukat yi nekk yorkat rekk a ko man a soppi.'''",
'permissionserrors' => 'Njuumte ci sañ-sañ yi',
'permissionserrorstext' => 'Amuloo sañ-sañu àggali jëf ji nga tambali, ngax {{PLURAL:$1|lii toftal|yii toftal}} :',
'permissionserrorstext-withaction' => 'Amoo sañ-sañu $2, ngir {{PLURAL:$1|lii di toftal |yii di toftal}} :',
-'recreate-deleted-warn' => "'''Moytul: yaa ngi nekk di sosaat aw xët wu ñu faroon.'''
+'recreate-moveddeleted-warn' => "'''Moytul: yaa ngi nekk di sosaat aw xët wees faroon.'''
-Wóorluwul bu baax ndax sosaat xët wi di na doon li gën. Xoolal yéenekaayu far gi ci suuf.",
-'deleted-notice' => 'Xët wii dañu koo far.
-Jaar-jaaru far bi moo ngi ci suuf ngir yeneen xibaar.',
-'deletelog-fulllog' => 'Wone jaar-jaar yépp',
+Wóorlul bu baax ndax sosaat xët wi di na doon li gën.
+Xoolal yéenekaayu far gi ci suuf.",
+'moveddeleted-notice' => 'Xët wii dañu koo far.
+Jaar-jaaru far yeek tuddewaat yi moo ngi ci suuf ngir yeneen xibaar.',
+'log-fulllog' => 'Wone yéenekaay bu matale',
'edit-hook-aborted' => 'Dogug coppite gi ak xeet yi.
Li ko waral xameesu ko',
'edit-gone-missing' => 'Yeesalug xët wi antuwul.
@@ -742,7 +762,7 @@ Ngirtey téye gi $3 joxe, mooy ne: ''$2''.",
'currentrev' => 'Sumb bi teew',
'currentrev-asof' => 'Sumb bi teew bu $1',
'revisionasof' => 'Sumb bu $1',
-'revision-info' => 'Sumb bu $1, bu: $2', # Additionally available: $3: revision id
+'revision-info' => 'Sumb bu $1, bu: $2',
'previousrevision' => '← Sumb bi jiitu',
'nextrevision' => 'Sumb bi toftal →',
'currentrevisionlink' => 'Sumb bi teew',
@@ -755,7 +775,6 @@ Ngirtey téye gi $3 joxe, mooy ne: ''$2''.",
(teew) = li mu wuuteek sumb bi teew, (jii) = li mu wuuteek sumb bi jiitu, <b>c</b> = coppite yu néewal.',
'history-fieldset-title' => 'Joowal ci jaar-jaar gi',
-'deletedrev' => '[far nañ ko]',
'histfirst' => 'Cëru yi njëkk',
'histlast' => 'Cëru yi mujj',
'historysize' => '({{PLURAL:$1|$1 byte|$1 byte}})',
@@ -764,20 +783,29 @@ Ngirtey téye gi $3 joxe, mooy ne: ''$2''.",
# Revision feed
'history-feed-title' => 'Jaar-jaaru sumb yi',
'history-feed-description' => 'Jaar-jaaru xët wi ci bii wiki',
-'history-feed-item-nocomment' => '$1 ci $2', # user at time
+'history-feed-item-nocomment' => '$1 ci $2',
'history-feed-empty' => 'Xët wi nga laaj amul. Xej-na dañ koo dindi ci dal bi walla ñu tuddewaat ko. Man nga jéem a [[Special:Search|seet ci wiki bi]] ndax ay xët yu bees am nañ fi.',
# Revision deletion
'rev-deleted-comment' => '(sanni-kàddu bi far nañ ko)',
'rev-deleted-user' => '(turu jëfandikukat bi far nañ ko)',
'rev-deleted-event' => '(duggit li far nañ ko)',
-'rev-deleted-text-permission' => "Sumb bu xët wii dañ koo '''far'''. Xoolal [{{fullurl:Special:Log/delete|page={{PAGENAMEE}}}} jaar-jaaru farte] yi ngir yeneeni xibaar.",
-'rev-deleted-text-view' => 'Bii sumb bu xët wii dañ koo far. Li nga doon yorkat moo tax nga man gis mbind mi. Saytul [{{fullurl:Special:Log/delete|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} jaar-jaaru far] yi ngir yeneeni xibaar.',
-'rev-deleted-no-diff' => "Manoo wone bii diff ndax benn ci sumb yi dañ koo '''far'''.
-Man ngaa ami xibaar ci [{{fullurl:Special:Log/delete|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} jaar-jaaru far] yi.",
-'rev-deleted-unhide-diff' => "Benn ci sumbi diff bi dañ koo '''far''''.
-Man ngaa ami xamle ci [{{fullurl:Special:Log/delete|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} jaar-jaaru far] yi.
-Li nga doon yorkat tax na nga man a [$1 xool bii diff] su la neexee.",
+'rev-deleted-text-permission' => "Sumb bu xët wii dañ koo '''far'''. Xoolal [{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}/delete|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} jaar-jaaru farte] yi ngir yeneeni xibaar.",
+'rev-deleted-text-unhide' => "Sumb bu xët wii dañ koo '''far'''.
+Man nga am yeneeni xamle ci [{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}/delete|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} jaar-jaaru far] yi.
+Li nga doon yorkat tax na nga man a [$1 saytu bii sumb] su la neexee.",
+'rev-suppressed-text-unhide' => "Sumb bu xët wii dees koo '''far'''.
+Saytul [{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}/suppress|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} jaar-jaaru far] yi ngir yeneeni xamle.
+Li nga doon saytukat tax na nga man a [$1 gis bii sumb] su la neexee.",
+'rev-deleted-text-view' => "Bii sumb bu xët wii dañ koo '''far'''.
+Li nga doon yorkat moo tax nga man gis mbind mi. Saytul [{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}/delete|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} jaar-jaaru far] yi ngir yeneeni xibaar.",
+'rev-suppressed-text-view' => "Bii sumb bu wii xët dees koo '''faroon'''.
+Saytukat yi man nañu koo gis ba-tay; saytul [{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}/suppress|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} jaar-jaaru far] yi ngir yenneni xamle.",
+'rev-deleted-no-diff' => "Manoo wone gii méngale ndax benn ci sumb yi dañu koo '''far'''.
+Man ngaa ami xibaar ci [{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}/suppress|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} jaar-jaaru far] yi.",
+'rev-deleted-unhide-diff' => "Benn ci sumb yi ngay méngale dees koo '''far'''.
+Man ngaa ami xamle ci [{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}/suppress|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} jaar-jaaru far] yi.
+Li nga doon yorkat tax na ba-tay nga man a [$1 gis gii wuute] su la neexee.",
'rev-delundel' => 'wone/nëbb',
'revisiondelete' => 'Far/Deloosiwaati sumb',
'revdelete-nooldid-title' => 'Waxoo ban sumb',
@@ -785,27 +813,32 @@ Li nga doon yorkat tax na nga man a [$1 xool bii diff] su la neexee.",
'revdelete-nologtype-title' => 'Joxewoo benn xeetu yéenekaay',
'revdelete-nologtype-text' => 'Waxoo ci ban xeetu yéenekaay ngay amal jëf jii.',
'revdelete-nologid-title' => 'Duggiitu yéenekaay bi baaxul',
+'revdelete-no-file' => 'Dencukaay bi amul',
+'revdelete-show-file-confirm' => 'Ndax wóor na ne bëgg ngaa wone sumb bees far bu bii dencukaay "<nowiki>$1</nowiki>" bu $2 ci $3?',
+'revdelete-show-file-submit' => 'Waaw',
'revdelete-selected' => "'''{{PLURAL:$2|Sumbum '''$1''' mi falu|Sumbi '''$1''' yi falu}} :'''",
'logdelete-selected' => "'''{{PLURAL:$1|Xew-xewu yéenekaay bi falu|Xew-xewi yéenekaay yi falu}}:'''",
'revdelete-text' => "'''Sumb yi nga far dañuy wéy di feeñ ci jaar-jaaru xët wi, waaye mbind yi ñu ëmb ñépp duñ leen man a gis.'''
-Yeneen yorkat yu {{SITENAME}} di nañ man a gis ëmbit yu laqu yi te loppanti leen ci benn jokkalekaay bi, su fekkee defuñu fi ay digal yu leen koy tere man a def.
-Dëgalal ne bëgg nga ko def dëgg-dëgg, te xam nga bu baax limuy jur, te it méngoo na ak [[{{MediaWiki:Policy-url}}| àtte yiñ fi taxawal]].",
+Yeneen yorkat yu {{SITENAME}} di nañ man a gis ëmbit yu laqu yi te loppanti leen ci benn jokkalekaay bi, su fekkee defuñu fi ay digal yu leen koy tere man a def.",
'revdelete-legend' => 'Taxawal ay digal ci sumb yi ñu far:',
'revdelete-hide-text' => 'Nëbb mbindum sumb bi',
+'revdelete-hide-image' => 'Nëbb ëmbiitu dencukaay bi',
'revdelete-hide-name' => 'Nëbb jëf ji ak njeexitam',
'revdelete-hide-comment' => 'Nëbb saraay coppite gi',
'revdelete-hide-user' => 'Nëbb tur walla màkkaanu IP bu soppikat bi',
'revdelete-hide-restricted' => 'Nëbb yii xibaar yorkat yi itam',
'revdelete-suppress' => 'Nëbb xibaar yi yorkat yi tamit.',
-'revdelete-hide-image' => 'Nëbb ëmbiitu dencukaay bi',
'revdelete-unsuppress' => 'Far digal yi ci sumb yees delloowaat',
'revdelete-log' => 'Ngirte :',
'revdelete-submit' => 'Def ko ci sumb bi falu',
'revdelete-logentry' => 'Gisub sumb bi soppiku na ngir [[$1]]',
'logdelete-logentry' => 'Gisub xew-xew bii [[$1]] dañ kaa soppi',
'revdelete-success' => "'''Coppiteg gisub sumb bi, baax na.'''",
+'revdelete-failure' => "'''Gisub sumb bi manoo koo soppi'''
'logdelete-success' => "'''Gisub xew-xew bi soppiku na bu baax.'''",
+'logdelete-failure' => "'''Gisub yéenekaay bi manoo koo soppi'''
'revdel-restore' => 'Soppi gis bi',
'pagehist' => 'Jaar-jaaru xët wi',
'deletedhist' => 'Jaar-jaaru far gi',
@@ -818,6 +851,18 @@ Dëgalal ne bëgg nga ko def dëgg-dëgg, te xam nga bu baax limuy jur, te it m
'revdelete-unhid' => 'wone $1',
'revdelete-log-message' => '$1 ngir $2 {{PLURAL:$2|sumb|sumb}}',
'logdelete-log-message' => '$1 ngir $2 {{PLURAL:$2|xew-xew|xew-xew}}',
+'revdelete-hide-current' => 'Njuumte ci nëbbug cër bi taarixam doon $2, $1: mooy sumb bi teew.
+Maneesu koo nëbb.',
+'revdelete-show-no-access' => "Njuumte ci woneg cër bi taarixam doon $2, $1: dees koo jàppe niki lees ''digal''.
+Manoo cee jot.",
+'revdelete-modify-no-access' => "Njuumte ci coppiteg cër bi taariixam doon $2, $1: dees koo jàppe niki lees ''digal''.
+Manoo cee dugg.",
+'revdelete-modify-missing' => 'Njuumte ci coppiteg cër bi xammekaayam doon $1: nekkatul ci dàttub njoxe bi!',
+'revdelete-no-change' => "'''Moytul:''' cër bi taarixam doon $2, $1 laajoon nañu ba noppi anami gisam.",
+'revdelete-concurrent-change' => 'Njuumte ci coppiteg cër bi taarixam doon $2, $1: beneen jëfandikukat moo soppi nekkiinam ci jamono ji nga koy jéem a soppi.
+Xoolal jaar-jaar yi.',
+'revdelete-only-restricted' => 'Manoo fare yii cër ci gisu yorkat yi te tànnoo lu bon-bon benn ci yeneen tànneefi far yi.',
+'revdelete-edit-reasonlist' => 'Soppi ngirtey far gi',
# Suppression log
'suppressionlog' => 'Yéenekaayu far yi',
@@ -860,58 +905,8 @@ Soo jëfandikoo lëkkalekaayu joow yi day neenal boyot yi nga jotoon a fal.',
'difference' => '(Wuute gi ci sumb yi)',
'lineno' => 'Rëdd $1 :',
'compareselectedversions' => 'Méngale sumb yi nga fal',
-'visualcomparison' => 'Méngale gu gisu',
-'wikicodecomparison' => 'Méngale gu wikitexte gi',
'editundo' => 'neenal',
'diff-multi' => '({{PLURAL:$1|am sumb mu diggu feeñul|$1 sumb yu diggu feeñuñu}}.)',
-'diff-movedto' => 'mu jëm $1',
-'diff-styleadded' => 'meliin gees yokk $1',
-'diff-added' => 'yokkees na $1',
-'diff-changedto' => 'soppi nañ ko $1',
-'diff-movedoutof' => 'toppale nañ ko ci biti $1',
-'diff-styleremoved' => 'meliin gees far $1',
-'diff-removed' => '$1 far nañ ko',
-'diff-changedfrom' => 'soppi nañ ko mat na $1',
-'diff-src' => 'Gongikuwaay',
-'diff-withdestination' => 'ak bàyyikuwaay $1',
-'diff-with' => '&#32;ak $1 $2',
-'diff-with-additional' => '$1 $2',
-'diff-with-final' => '&#32;ak $1 $2',
-'diff-width' => 'yaatuwaay',
-'diff-height' => 'kawewaay',
-'diff-p' => "ab '''xise'''",
-'diff-blockquote' => "aw '''tudd'''",
-'diff-h1' => "ab '''bopp (tolluwaay 1)'''",
-'diff-h2' => "ab '''bopp (tolluwaay 2)'''",
-'diff-h3' => "ab '''bopp (tolluwaay 3)'''",
-'diff-h4' => "ab '''bopp (tolluwaay 5)'''",
-'diff-h5' => "ab '''bopp (tolluwaay 5)'''",
-'diff-div' => "ab '''séddale'''",
-'diff-ul' => "ab '''lim bu nosoodi'''",
-'diff-ol' => "ab '''lim bu nosu'''",
-'diff-li' => "ab '''limu ay jukki'''",
-'diff-table' => "ab '''alliwa'''",
-'diff-tbody' => "aw '''ëmbitu alliwa'''",
-'diff-tr' => "aw '''rëdd'''",
-'diff-td' => "ag '''kër'''",
-'diff-th' => "ab '''kaw-xët'''",
-'diff-br' => "aw '''dog'''",
-'diff-hr' => "aw '''rëdd wu tëdd'''",
-'diff-code' => "ab '''danku yoonu nosukaay'''",
-'diff-dl' => "ab '''limu ay firi'''",
-'diff-dt' => "ab '''baatu firi'''",
-'diff-dd' => "ab '''firi'''",
-'diff-input' => "ab '''duggit'''",
-'diff-img' => "ab '''nataal'''",
-'diff-a' => "ab '''lëkkalekaay'''",
-'diff-i' => "'''wengal'''",
-'diff-b' => "'''duufal'''",
-'diff-strong' => "'''duufal'''",
-'diff-font' => "'''dayoo mbind'''",
-'diff-big' => "'''réy'''",
-'diff-del' => "'''faru'''",
-'diff-tt' => "'''yaatuwaay wi taxaw'''",
-'diff-strike' => "'''rëddu-digg'''",
# Search results
'searchresults' => 'Ngértey ceet gi',
@@ -920,28 +915,25 @@ Soo jëfandikoo lëkkalekaayu joow yi day neenal boyot yi nga jotoon a fal.',
'searchsubtitle' => 'Yaa ngi seet « \'\'\'[[:$1]]\'\'\' » ([[Special:Prefixindex/$1|wépp xët wu tambalee "$1"]]{{int:pipe-separator}}
[[Special:WhatLinksHere/$1|wépp xët wu lëkkalook "$1"]])',
'searchsubtitleinvalid' => 'Yaa ngi seet « $1 »',
-'noexactmatch' => "'''Amul wenn xët wu tudd « $1 » wu am.''' man ngaa [[:$1|sakk xët wi]].",
-'noexactmatch-nocreate' => "'''Amul wenn xët wu tudd« $1 ».'''",
'toomanymatches' => 'Dafa bari ay yem-yem. Soppil laaj bi.',
'titlematches' => 'Koju xët yi ñoo yam',
'notitlematches' => 'Amul benn koju xët wu yam ak ceet gi',
'textmatches' => 'Mbindu jukki yi ñoo yam.',
'notextmatches' => 'Amul benn mbindu jukki bu yam ak ceet gi.',
-'prevn' => '$1 yi jiitu',
-'nextn' => '$1 yi toftal',
+'prevn' => '{{PLURAL:$1|wi jiitu|$1 yi jiitu}}',
+'nextn' => '{{PLURAL:$1|$1}} yi toftal',
'prevn-title' => '$1 {{PLURAL:$1|ngérte bi jiitu t|ngérte yi jiitu}}',
'nextn-title' => '$1 {{PLURAL:$1|ngérte bi toftal|ngérte yi toftal}}',
'shown-title' => 'Wone $1 {{PLURAL:$1|ngérte|ngérte}} ciw xët',
-'viewprevnext' => 'Xool ($1) ($2) ($3).',
+'viewprevnext' => 'Xool ($1 {{int:pipe-separator}} $2) ($3).',
'searchmenu-legend' => 'Tànneefi ceet',
'searchmenu-exists' => "'''wenn xët wu tudd « [[:$1]] » moo am ci bii wiki'''",
'searchmenu-new' => "'''Sosal xët wii di « [[:$1|$1]] » ci bii wiki !'''",
'searchhelp-url' => 'Help:Ndimbal',
'searchmenu-prefix' => '[[Special:PrefixIndex/$1|Xoolal xët wi tambalee nii]]',
-'searchprofile-articles' => 'Xëtu ëmbit',
-'searchprofile-articles-and-proj' => 'Xëtu ëmbit ak wu sémb',
-'searchprofile-project' => 'Xëtu sémb bi',
-'searchprofile-images' => 'Ŋara',
+'searchprofile-articles' => 'Xëti ëmbiit',
+'searchprofile-project' => 'Xëti Ndimbal ak Sémb',
+'searchprofile-images' => 'Barixibaarukaay',
'searchprofile-everything' => 'Lépp',
'searchprofile-advanced' => 'Ceet gu xóot',
'searchprofile-articles-tooltip' => 'Seet ci $1',
@@ -949,8 +941,6 @@ Soo jëfandikoo lëkkalekaayu joow yi day neenal boyot yi nga jotoon a fal.',
'searchprofile-images-tooltip' => 'Seeti dencukaay',
'searchprofile-everything-tooltip' => 'Seet fépp (ba ci xëti waxtaanuwaay yi)',
'searchprofile-advanced-tooltip' => 'Seet ci barabi tur yi',
-'prefs-search-nsdefault' => 'Seet te jëfandikoowaale turi barab yiñ tëralnjëkk :',
-'prefs-search-nscustom' => 'Seet ci barabi tur yiñ jëmmal :',
'search-result-size' => '$1 ({{PLURAL:$2|1 baat|$2 baat}})',
'search-result-score' => 'Baaxaay: $1%',
'search-redirect' => '(jubluwaat bu jëm $1)',
@@ -963,11 +953,12 @@ Soo jëfandikoo lëkkalekaayu joow yi day neenal boyot yi nga jotoon a fal.',
'search-mwsuggest-disabled' => 'ñakk xelal',
'search-relatedarticle' => 'Yeneeni ngérte',
'mwsuggest-disable' => 'Doxadil xelal yu AJAX',
+'searcheverything-enable' => 'Seet ci barabi tur yépp',
'searchrelated' => 'yeneeni ngérte',
'searchall' => 'yépp',
'showingresults' => 'Woneg <b>$1</b> {{PLURAL:$1|ngérte|ciy ngérte}} doore ko ci #<b>$2</b>.',
'showingresultsnum' => 'Woneg <b>$3</b> {{PLURAL:$3|ngérte|ciy ngérte}} doore ko ci #<b>$2</b>.',
-'showingresultstotal' => "Fii ci suuf woneg {{PLURAL:$4|ngérte '''$1'''|ngérte '''$1 – $2'''}} ci lu mat '''$3'''",
+'showingresultsheader' => "{{PLURAL:$5|Ngérte '''$1''' bu '''$3'''|Ngértey '''$1 - $2'''}} ngir '''$4'''",
'nonefound' => "<strong>Karmat</strong> : ci yenn barabi tur yi rekk lañuy seet cig tëralnjëkk.
Jéemala bindaale ''all'' ngir seet ci biir ëmbit gépp (boolewaale ci xëti waxtaanuwaay yi, royuwaay yi, añs), walla nga jëfandikoo barabu tur bi la neek",
'search-nonefound' => 'Ceet gi jurul dara.',
@@ -976,83 +967,116 @@ Jéemala bindaale ''all'' ngir seet ci biir ëmbit gépp (boolewaale ci xëti wa
'powersearch-ns' => 'Seet ci barabi tur yi :',
'powersearch-redir' => 'Limu jubluwaat yi',
'powersearch-field' => 'Seet',
+'powersearch-togglelabel' => 'Fal:',
+'powersearch-toggleall' => 'Yépp',
+'powersearch-togglenone' => 'Dara',
'search-external' => 'Ceet gu biti',
'searchdisabled' => 'Ceet gi ci {{SITENAME}} doxul. Ci négandiku doxal gi, man nga seet ci Google. Jàppal ne, xéj-na ëmbiti {{SITENAME}} gi ci bii seetukaay yeesaluñ leen.',
+# Quickbar
+'qbsettings' => 'Banqaasu jumtukaay',
+'qbsettings-none' => 'Kenn',
+'qbsettings-fixedleft' => 'Cammooñ',
+'qbsettings-fixedright' => 'Ndijoor',
+'qbsettings-floatingleft' => 'Ci cammooñ',
+'qbsettings-floatingright' => 'Ci ndijoor',
# Preferences page
-'preferences' => 'Tànneef',
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-'prefs-edits' => 'Limu coppite yi:',
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-'prefsnologintext' => 'Laaj na nga <span class="plainlinks">[{{fullurl:Special:UserLogin|returnto=$1}} dugg]</span> ngir soppi say tànneef.',
-'prefsreset' => 'Tànneef yi loppanti nañ leen.',
-'qbsettings' => 'Banqaasu jumtukaay',
-'qbsettings-none' => 'Kenn',
-'qbsettings-fixedleft' => 'Cammooñ',
-'qbsettings-fixedright' => 'Ndijoor',
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-'datedefault' => 'Benn tànneef',
-'datetime' => 'Taariix ak waxtu',
-'math_failure' => 'Njuumte ci xayma',
-'math_unknown_error' => 'Njuumte li xamuñ ko',
-'math_unknown_function' => 'Solo si xamuñ ko',
-'math_lexing_error' => 'Njuumteg mbindin',
-'math_syntax_error' => 'njuumtey mbindin',
-'prefs-personal' => 'Xibaar yu la ñeel',
-'prefs-rc' => 'Coppite yu mujj',
-'prefs-watchlist' => 'Limu toppte',
-'prefs-watchlist-days' => 'Limu bes yi nga koy ba ci sa limu toppte :',
-'prefs-watchlist-edits' => 'Limu coppite yi ngay wone ci limu toppte gees yaatal gi:',
-'prefs-misc' => 'Yeneeni tànneef',
-'prefs-resetpass' => 'Soppi baatujàll',
-'saveprefs' => 'Wattu',
-'resetprefs' => 'Loppanti tànneef yi',
-'restoreprefs' => 'Delloo say tànneef nañu meloon ca sag mbindu',
-'textboxsize' => 'Boyotu coppite',
-'prefs-edit-boxsize' => 'Dayoo palanteeru coppite bi.',
-'rows' => 'Rëdd:',
-'columns' => 'Kenu :',
-'searchresultshead' => 'Seet',
-'resultsperpage' => 'Limu ngérte ci xët wu ne :',
-'contextlines' => 'Limu rëdd ci tont wu ne :',
-'recentchangesdays' => 'Limu bes yi nga koy wone ci coppite yu mujj yi :',
-'recentchangesdays-max' => '(bi ëpp $1 {{PLURAL:$1|bés|bés}})',
-'recentchangescount' => 'Limu coppite yi ngay wone ci coppite yu mujj yi, xëti jaar-jaar ak dencu yi, cig tëralnjëkk :',
-'savedprefs' => 'Say tànneef wattu nañu leen.',
-'timezonelegend' => 'Waxtuw barab:',
-'timezonetext' => 'Waxtu yi dox ci diggante waxtu gu sa barab ak waxtu gu joxekaay bi (UTC).',
-'localtime' => 'Waxtuw barab:',
-'timezoneuseserverdefault' => 'Jëfandikoo waxtuw joxekaay bi',
-'timezoneuseoffset' => 'Yeneen (waxaaleel wuute gi)',
-'timezoneoffset' => 'Wuute¹ :',
-'servertime' => 'Waxtu joxekaay bi :',
-'guesstimezone' => 'Jëfandikoo waxtuw sa joowukaay',
-'timezoneregion-africa' => 'Afrig',
-'timezoneregion-america' => 'Aamerig',
-'timezoneregion-antarctica' => 'Goxub Dottub bëj-saalum',
-'timezoneregion-arctic' => 'Goxub Dottub bëj-gànnaar',
-'timezoneregion-asia' => 'Asi',
-'timezoneregion-atlantic' => 'Mbàmbulaan gu Atlas',
-'timezoneregion-australia' => 'Óstraali',
-'timezoneregion-europe' => 'Tugal',
-'timezoneregion-indian' => 'Mbàmbulaan gu End',
-'timezoneregion-pacific' => 'Mbàmbulaan gu Dal',
-'allowemail' => 'Joxeel ndigël ngir yeneeni jëfandikukat man laa yónne bataaxal',
-'prefs-searchoptions' => 'Tànneefi Ceet',
-'prefs-namespaces' => 'dig-digalub tur',
-'defaultns' => 'Seet cig tëralnjëkk ci dig-digalu tur yi:',
-'default' => 'wàccaale',
-'prefs-custom-css' => 'CSS yees jëmmal',
-'prefs-custom-js' => 'JavaScript yees jëmmal',
+'preferences' => 'Tànneef',
+'mypreferences' => 'Samay tànneef',
+'prefs-edits' => 'Limu coppite yi:',
+'prefsnologin' => 'Duggoo',
+'prefsnologintext' => 'Laaj na nga <span class="plainlinks">[{{fullurl:{{#Special:UserLogin}}|returnto=$1}} dugg]</span> ngir soppi say tànneef.',
+'changepassword' => 'Coppiteg baatujàll bi',
+'prefs-skin' => 'Melokaan',
+'skin-preview' => 'Wonendil',
+'prefs-math' => 'Xayma',
+'datedefault' => 'Benn tànneef',
+'prefs-datetime' => 'Taariix ak waxtu',
+'prefs-personal' => 'Xibaar yu la ñeel',
+'prefs-rc' => 'Coppite yu mujj',
+'prefs-watchlist' => 'Limu toppte',
+'prefs-watchlist-days' => 'Limu bes yi nga koy ba ci sa limu toppte :',
+'prefs-watchlist-days-max' => '(Du weesu 7 fan)',
+'prefs-watchlist-edits' => 'Limu coppite yi ngay wone ci limu toppte gees yaatal gi:',
+'prefs-misc' => 'Yeneeni tànneef',
+'prefs-resetpass' => 'Soppi baatujàll',
+'prefs-email' => 'Tànneefi m-bataaxal',
+'saveprefs' => 'Wattu',
+'resetprefs' => 'Loppanti tànneef yi',
+'restoreprefs' => 'Delloo say tànneef nañu meloon ca sag mbindu',
+'prefs-editing' => 'Boyotu coppite',
+'prefs-edit-boxsize' => 'Dayoo palanteeru coppite bi.',
+'rows' => 'Rëdd:',
+'columns' => 'Kenu :',
+'searchresultshead' => 'Seet',
+'resultsperpage' => 'Limu ngérte ci xët wu ne :',
+'contextlines' => 'Limu rëdd ci tont wu ne :',
+'recentchangesdays' => 'Limu bes yi nga koy wone ci coppite yu mujj yi :',
+'recentchangesdays-max' => '(bi ëpp $1 {{PLURAL:$1|bés|bés}})',
+'recentchangescount' => 'Limu coppite yi ngay wone ci coppite yu mujj yi cig wàccaale:',
+'prefs-help-recentchangescount' => 'Dafa ëmb coppite yu mujj, xëti jaar-jaar yeek yéenekaay.',
+'savedprefs' => 'Say tànneef wattu nañu leen.',
+'timezonelegend' => 'Waxtuw barab:',
+'localtime' => 'Waxtuw barab:',
+'timezoneuseserverdefault' => 'Jëfandikoo waxtuw joxekaay bi',
+'timezoneuseoffset' => 'Yeneen (waxaaleel wuute gi)',
+'timezoneoffset' => 'Wuute¹ :',
+'servertime' => 'Waxtu joxekaay bi :',
+'guesstimezone' => 'Jëfandikoo waxtuw sa joowukaay',
+'timezoneregion-africa' => 'Afrig',
+'timezoneregion-america' => 'Aamerig',
+'timezoneregion-antarctica' => 'Goxub Dottub bëj-saalum',
+'timezoneregion-arctic' => 'Goxub Dottub bëj-gànnaar',
+'timezoneregion-asia' => 'Asi',
+'timezoneregion-atlantic' => 'Mbàmbulaan gu Atlas',
+'timezoneregion-australia' => 'Óstraali',
+'timezoneregion-europe' => 'Tugal',
+'timezoneregion-indian' => 'Mbàmbulaan gu End',
+'timezoneregion-pacific' => 'Mbàmbulaan gu Dal',
+'allowemail' => 'Joxeel ndigël ngir yeneeni jëfandikukat man laa yónne bataaxal',
+'prefs-searchoptions' => 'Tànneefi Ceet',
+'prefs-namespaces' => 'dig-digalub tur',
+'defaultns' => 'Walla nga seet ci barabi tur yi:',
+'default' => 'wàccaale',
+'prefs-files' => 'Dencukaay',
+'prefs-custom-css' => 'CSS yees jëmmal',
+'prefs-custom-js' => 'JavaScript yees jëmmal',
+'prefs-reset-intro' => 'Man ngaa jëfandikoo wii xët ngir delloowaat coppitey say tànneef delloo leen ci yi dal bi wàccaale. Doo ko man a neenal.',
+'prefs-emailconfirm-label' => 'Dëggalug sa m-bataaxal :',
+'prefs-textboxsize' => 'Dayoob palanteerub coppite bi',
+'youremail' => 'Sa màkkaanub m-bataaxal :',
+'username' => 'Turu jëfandikukat :',
+'uid' => 'Limu Jëfandikukat :',
+'prefs-memberingroups' => 'Céru {{PLURAL:$1|mbooloo|mbooloo yu}} :',
+'prefs-registration' => 'Taariixu sag mbindu :',
+'yourrealname' => 'Sa tur dëgg*',
+'yourlanguage' => 'Làkk :',
+'yournick' => 'Xaatim ngir say waxtaan :',
+'badsig' => 'Xaatim gu ñumm gi baaxul; saytul sa yoonub HTML.',
+'badsiglength' => 'Sa xaatim daa gudd lool, guddaay bi warul romb {{PLURAL:màndarga|$1 màndarga}}.',
+'gender-unknown' => 'Waxeesu ko',
+'gender-male' => 'Góor',
+'gender-female' => 'Jigéen',
+'email' => 'Màkkaanub m-bataaxal',
+'prefs-help-realname' => 'Sa tur dëgg du lu manuta ñakk: soo ko ci bëgge duggal it dañ koy jëfandikoo rek ngir moomale la say cëru.',
+'prefs-help-email' => 'Sa màkkaanub m-bataaxal du lu manuta ñakk: day tax rek ñu man laa yónne ab bataaxal jaare ko ci sa xëtu jëfandikukat walla yónne la baatujàll bu bees soo ko fattee, te du tax sa màkkaan gisu.',
+'prefs-help-email-required' => 'Laaj na ab màkkaanub m-bataaxal',
+'prefs-info' => 'Xibaaari dàtt',
+'prefs-i18n' => 'Digganteréewal',
+'prefs-signature' => 'Xaatim',
+'prefs-dateformat' => 'Melokaanu taariix',
+'prefs-timeoffset' => 'Wuutey waxtu',
+'prefs-advancedediting' => 'Tànneef yu xóot',
+'prefs-advancedrc' => 'Tànneef yu xóot',
+'prefs-advancedrendering' => 'Tànneef yu xóot',
+'prefs-advancedsearchoptions' => 'Tànneef yu xóot',
+'prefs-advancedwatchlist' => 'Tànneef yu xóot',
+'prefs-display' => 'Tànneefi wonewiin',
+'prefs-diffs' => 'Wuute',
# User rights
-'userrights' => 'Yorug sañ-sañu aji-sos', # Not used as normal message but as header for the special page itself
+'userrights' => 'Yorug sañ-sañu aji-sos',
'userrights-lookup-user' => 'Yorug mboolooy jëfandikukat',
'userrights-user-editname' => 'Dugal ab turu jëfandikukat :',
'editusergroup' => 'Coppiteg mboolooy Jëfandikukat',
@@ -1134,6 +1158,8 @@ Jéemala bindaale ''all'' ngir seet ci biir ëmbit gépp (boolewaale ci xëti wa
'right-editprotected' => 'Soppi xët yees aar',
'right-editinterface' => 'Soppi jokkalekaayu jëfandikukat bi',
'right-editusercssjs' => 'Soppi dencukaay yu CSS ak JS yu yeneen jëfandikukat',
+'right-editusercss' => 'Soppi dencukaay yu CSS yu yeneen jëfandikukat',
+'right-edituserjs' => 'Soppi dencukaay yu JS yu yeneen jëfandikukat',
'right-rollback' => 'Loppanti gu gaaw gu coppite yub jëfandikukat bu mujj ci wenn xët wi',
'right-markbotedits' => 'Fésal coppite yi niki yu ab bot def',
'right-noratelimit' => 'Bu digal ci jëf am njeexiit ci yaw',
@@ -1149,6 +1175,7 @@ Jéemala bindaale ''all'' ngir seet ci biir ëmbit gépp (boolewaale ci xëti wa
'right-siteadmin' => 'Caabi walla caabeedi dàttub njoxe bi',
'right-reset-passwords' => 'Soppi baatujàllub ay jëfandikukat',
'right-override-export-depth' => 'génne ay xët yu ëmbi xët yu lëkkaloo ba-ci xóotaay bu tolluwaayam àgg 5',
+'right-versiondetail' => 'Wone xamle yu matale ci sumbi tëriin wi',
# User rights log
'rightslog' => 'Sañ-sañi jëfandikukat',
@@ -1196,6 +1223,14 @@ Jéemala bindaale ''all'' ngir seet ci biir ëmbit gépp (boolewaale ci xëti wa
'recentchanges-legend' => 'tànneefi coppite yu mujj',
'recentchangestext' => 'Toppal ci wii xët coppite yu mujj ci {{SITENAME}}.',
'recentchanges-feed-description' => 'Toppal coppite yu mujj yu bii wiki.',
+'recentchanges-legend-newpage' => '$1 - xët wu bees',
+'recentchanges-label-newpage' => 'Coppite gi sos na xët wu bees',
+'recentchanges-legend-minor' => '$1 - Coppite yu néewal',
+'recentchanges-label-minor' => 'Coppite gu néewal la',
+'recentchanges-legend-bot' => '$1 - coppiteb bot',
+'recentchanges-label-bot' => 'Coppite bu ab bot def',
+'recentchanges-legend-unpatrolled' => '$1 - coppite bees fugluwul',
+'recentchanges-label-unpatrolled' => 'Coppite bii kenn fugloogu ko',
'rcnote' => '{{PLURAL:$1|Lii mooy coppite bu mujj bees def|Yii ñooy coppite yu mujj yees def}} ci {{PLURAL:$2|bés bu mujj bi|<b>$2</b> bés yu mujj yi}}; njoxe yi ñoo ngi leen yeesal $5 ci $4.',
'rcnotefrom' => "Yii ñooy coppite yi dalee '''$2''' (ba '''$1''').",
'rclistfrom' => 'Wone coppite yi mujj yi dooree $1.',
@@ -1213,7 +1248,6 @@ Jéemala bindaale ''all'' ngir seet ci biir ëmbit gépp (boolewaale ci xëti wa
'minoreditletter' => 'm',
'newpageletter' => 'N',
'boteditletter' => 'b',
-'sectionlink' => '→',
'number_of_watching_users_pageview' => '[{{PLURAL:$1|jëfandikukat moo koy topp|$1 jëfandikukat ñoo koy topp}}]',
'rc_categories' => 'Digalub wàll yi (xaajale leen ak « "|" »)',
'rc_categories_any' => 'Yépp',
@@ -1224,6 +1258,8 @@ Jéemala bindaale ''all'' ngir seet ci biir ëmbit gépp (boolewaale ci xëti wa
# Recent changes linked
'recentchangeslinked' => 'Coppite yi ko ñeel',
+'recentchangeslinked-feed' => 'Coppite yi ko ñeel',
+'recentchangeslinked-toolbox' => 'Coppite yi ko ñeel',
'recentchangeslinked-title' => 'Coppite yi ñeel $1',
'recentchangeslinked-backlink' => '← $1',
'recentchangeslinked-noresult' => 'Benn coppite amul ci xët yi mu lëkkalool ci diir bi nga wax.',
@@ -1234,7 +1270,6 @@ Jéemala bindaale ''all'' ngir seet ci biir ëmbit gépp (boolewaale ci xëti wa
# Upload
'upload' => 'Yeb ab dencukaay',
'uploadbtn' => 'Yeb ŋara wi',
-'reupload' => 'Yebaat ko',
'uploadnologin' => 'Duggoo',
'uploadnologintext' => 'Faaw nga [[Special:UserLogin|dugg]] ngir man a yebi ŋara.',
'upload_directory_missing' => 'Wayndareb yeb bu ($1) nekku fi te joxekaayub web bi manu koo sos.',
@@ -1277,7 +1312,6 @@ Saytul '''<tt>[[:$1]]</tt>''' su dee wóoru la ne bëgg nga koo soppi.
* Turu dencukaay bi ngay yeb : '''<tt>[[:$1]]</tt>'''
* Turu dencukaay bi fi am : '''<tt>[[:$2]]</tt>'''
Tànnal weneen tur.",
-'fileexists-thumb' => "<center>'''dencukaay bi am na fi'''</center>",
'fileexists-forbidden' => 'Am na ŋara wu ni tudd ba noppi te mano koo war; Dellul ginnaaw ngir yeb ŋara wi ak weneen tur
'fileexists-shared-forbidden' => 'Am na ŋara wu ni tudd ba noppi ci dencuwaayu ŋara bi ñuy bokk; Dellul ginnaaw ngir yeb ŋara wi ak weneen tur. [[File:$1|thumb|center|$1]]',
@@ -1313,6 +1347,7 @@ Dila ñaan nga tànn tur wuy faramfacce dencukaay bi.",
'listfiles_count' => 'Sumb',
# File description page
+'file-anchor-link' => 'Dencukaay',
'filehist' => 'Jaar-jaaru dencukaay bi',
'filehist-help' => 'Cuqal cib taariix/waxtu ngir gis ni dencukaay bi meloon ca jamono jooju.',
'filehist-deleteall' => 'Far lépp',
@@ -1321,10 +1356,12 @@ Dila ñaan nga tànn tur wuy faramfacce dencukaay bi.",
'filehist-current' => 'teew',
'filehist-datetime' => 'Taariix ak Waxtu',
'filehist-thumb' => 'Tuutal',
+'filehist-thumbtext' => 'Tuutal gu sumb bu $1',
'filehist-user' => 'Jëfandikukat',
'filehist-dimensions' => 'Dayoo',
'filehist-filesize' => 'Dayoo ŋara wi',
'filehist-comment' => 'Saraa',
+'filehist-missing' => 'Dencukaay bi fi nekkul',
'imagelinks' => 'Xët yi am bii dencukaay',
'linkstoimage' => '{{PLURAL:$1|Xët wii ci suuf ëmb na|$1 xët yii ci suuf ëmb nañu}} bii dencukaay:',
'linkstoimage-more' => 'Lu ëpp $1 {{PLURAL:$1|xët lëkkale nañu leen|xët lëkkale nañu leen}} ak bii dencukaay.
@@ -1334,15 +1371,16 @@ Ab [[Special:WhatLinksHere/$2|lim bu mat]] jàppandi na.',
'morelinkstoimage' => 'Xool [[Special:WhatLinksHere/$1|yeneeni lëkkalekaay]] yuy jëme ci bii dencukaay.',
'redirectstofile' => '{{PLURAL:$1|dencukaay bii di toftal ab|$1 dencukaay yii di toftal ay}} jubluwaat {{PLURAL:$1|la buy|lañu yuy}} jëme ci dencukaay bii:',
'duplicatesoffile' => '{{PLURAL:$1|Dencukaay bii|$1 Dencukaay yii}} di toftal {{PLURAL:$1|ab duppitu|ay duppitu}} bii {{PLURAL:$2|la|lañu}} ([[Special:FileDuplicateSearch/$2|yeneeni faramfacce]])::',
-'sharedupload' => 'Dencukaay bii $1 la bàyyikoo, te man nañu koo jëfandikoo ci yeneen sémb.', # $1 is the repo name, $2 is shareduploadwiki(-desc)
-'shareduploadwiki' => 'Xoolal $1 ngir yeneeni xamle.',
-'shareduploadwiki-desc' => 'Faramfacce gi feeñ fii ci suuf ci $1 la bàyyikoo.',
-'shareduploadwiki-linktext' => 'xëtu faramfacce wu ŋara wi',
-'noimage' => 'Amul wenn ŋara wu ni tudd wu am, waaye man ngaa $1.',
-'noimage-linktext' => 'yeb benn',
+'sharedupload' => 'Dencukaay bii $1 la bàyyikoo, te man nañu koo jëfandikoo ci yeneen sémb.',
+'sharedupload-desc-there' => 'Dencukaay bii $1 la bàyyikoo te man nañu koo jëfandikoo ci yeneen sémb.
+Saytul [$2 xëtu faramfaccewaayu dencukaay bii] ngir yeneeni xibaar.',
+'sharedupload-desc-here' => 'Dencukaay bii $1 la bàyyikoo te man nañu koo jëfandikoo ci yeneen sémb.
+Faramfacce gi ci [$2 xëtu faramfaccewaayu xët wi] lañuy wone ci suuf .',
+'filepage-nofile' => 'Amul benn dencukaay bu ni tudd.',
+'filepage-nofile-link' => 'Amul benn dencukaay bu ni tudd, waaye man nga koo [$1 yeb]',
'uploadnewversion-linktext' => 'Yeb sumb bu bees bu bii dencukaay',
-'shared-repo-from' => '$1', # $1 is the repository name
-'shared-repo' => 'ab dencu bees bokk', # used when shared-repo-NAME does not exist
+'shared-repo-from' => '$1',
+'shared-repo' => 'ab dencu bees bokk',
# File reversion
'filerevert' => 'Loppanti $1',
@@ -1395,7 +1433,7 @@ Bul fattee seet baxam amul yeneen lëkkalekaay yu lay jëmale ci royuwaay yi bal
# Random page
'randompage' => 'Aw xët ci mbetteel',
-'randompage-nopages' => 'Amul wenn xët wu barabu turam doon « $1 ».',
+'randompage-nopages' => 'Amul xët {{PLURAL:$2| wu barabu turam| yu seen barabu tur}} doon: $1.',
# Random redirect
'randomredirect' => 'Jubluwaat cig mbetteel',
@@ -1407,6 +1445,7 @@ Bul fattee seet baxam amul yeneen lëkkalekaay yu lay jëmale ci royuwaay yi bal
'statistics-header-edits' => 'Limbari ñeel coppite yi',
'statistics-header-views' => 'Limbari ñeel saytu yi',
'statistics-header-users' => 'Limbari ñeel jëfandikukat yi',
+'statistics-header-hooks' => 'Yeneen limbari',
'statistics-articles' => 'Xëti ëmbiit',
'statistics-pages' => 'Xët',
'statistics-pages-desc' => 'Xët yépp yi ci wiki bi, xëti waxtaanuwaay yi, jubluwaat yi, añs.',
@@ -1435,8 +1474,8 @@ Léegi mi ngi jublu [[$2]].',
'brokenredirects' => 'Jubluwaat yu yaqu',
'brokenredirectstext' => 'Jubluwaat yii dañuy jëmee ciy xët yu amul :',
-'brokenredirects-edit' => '(Soppi)',
-'brokenredirects-delete' => '(dindi)',
+'brokenredirects-edit' => 'Soppi',
+'brokenredirects-delete' => 'far',
'withoutinterwiki' => 'Xët yi amul lëkkalekaay diggantey-làkk',
'withoutinterwiki-summary' => 'Xët yii amuñu lëkkalekaay yuy jëme ci yeneeni làkk:',
@@ -1539,16 +1578,17 @@ Man ngaa wàññi wone gi soo tànnee ab yéenekaay, turu jëfandikukat, walla x
# Special:Categories
'categories' => 'Wàll',
-'categoriespagetext' => 'Wàll yii di toftal dañoo ëmb ay xët walla ay ŋaray xibaarukaay.
+'categoriespagetext' => '{{PLURAL:$1|Wàll wiy|Wàll yiy}} toftal {{PLURAL:$1|dafa ëmb |dañoo ëmb}} ay xët walla xibaarukaay.
[[Special:UnusedCategories|Wáll yu këmm]] yi wonewuñu leen fi.
-Xoola itam [[Special:WantedCategories|wáll yi ñuy laaj]].',
+Xoolal itam [[Special:WantedCategories|wàll yi ñuy laaj]].',
'categoriesfrom' => 'Wone wàll yi dalee ko ci :',
'special-categories-sort-count' => 'nosee lim',
'special-categories-sort-abc' => 'nosee abajada',
# Special:DeletedContributions
-'deletedcontributions' => 'Cëru yees far',
-'deletedcontributions-title' => 'Cëru yees far',
+'deletedcontributions' => 'Cëru yees far',
+'deletedcontributions-title' => 'Cëru yees far',
+'sp-deletedcontributions-contribs' => 'cëru',
# Special:LinkSearch
'linksearch' => 'Lëkkalekaay yu biti',
@@ -1561,6 +1601,13 @@ Xoola itam [[Special:WantedCategories|wáll yi ñuy laaj]].',
'listusersfrom' => 'Wone jëfandikukat yi doore ko ci:',
'listusers-submit' => 'Wone',
'listusers-noresult' => 'Benn jëfandikukat giseesu ko',
+'listusers-blocked' => '(téyees)',
+# Special:ActiveUsers
+'activeusers' => 'Limu jëfandikukat yu yëngu',
+'activeusers-count' => '$1 coppite {{PLURAL:$2|bu mujj|yu mujj}}',
+'activeusers-from' => 'Wone jëfandikukat yi dalee ko ci:',
+'activeusers-noresult' => 'Benn jëfandikukat giseesu ko',
# Special:Log/newusers
'newuserlogpage' => 'Jëfandikukat yu yees yi',
@@ -1571,18 +1618,23 @@ Xoola itam [[Special:WantedCategories|wáll yi ñuy laaj]].',
'newuserlog-autocreate-entry' => 'Sáq mi sos na boppam',
# Special:ListGroupRights
-'listgrouprights' => 'Sañ-sañi mbooloom jëfandikukat mi',
-'listgrouprights-summary' => 'Lii di toftal mooy limu mboolooy jëfandikukat yi ne ci bii wiki, ak sañ-sañ yi ñu leen féetaleel.
+'listgrouprights' => 'Sañ-sañi mbooloom jëfandikukat mi',
+'listgrouprights-summary' => 'Lii di toftal mooy limu mboolooy jëfandikukat yi ne ci bii wiki, ak sañ-sañ yi ñu leen féetaleel.
Man ngaa fee gis itam [[{{MediaWiki:Listgrouprights-helppage}}|yeneen xibaar]] ñeel sañ-sañi mbooloo mu ci nekk.',
-'listgrouprights-group' => 'Mbooloo',
-'listgrouprights-rights' => 'Sañ-sañ',
-'listgrouprights-helppage' => 'Help:Sañ-sañi mbooloo yi',
-'listgrouprights-members' => '(limu cër yi)',
-'listgrouprights-right-display' => '$1 ($2)',
-'listgrouprights-addgroup' => 'Man ngaa yokk {{PLURAL:$2|mbooloo mi|mbooloo yi}} : $1',
-'listgrouprights-removegroup' => 'Man ngaa far {{PLURAL:$2|mbooloo mi|mbooloo yi}}: $1',
-'listgrouprights-addgroup-all' => 'Man ngaa yokk ci mbooloo yépp',
-'listgrouprights-removegroup-all' => 'Man ngaa faree ci mbooloo yépp',
+'listgrouprights-key' => '* <span class="listgrouprights-granted">Sañ-sañ yees joxe</span>
+* <span class="listgrouprights-revoked">Sañ-sañ yees nangu</span>',
+'listgrouprights-group' => 'Mbooloo',
+'listgrouprights-rights' => 'Sañ-sañ',
+'listgrouprights-helppage' => 'Help:Sañ-sañi mbooloo yi',
+'listgrouprights-members' => '(limu cër yi)',
+'listgrouprights-addgroup' => 'Man ngaa yokk {{PLURAL:$2|mbooloo mi|mbooloo yi}} : $1',
+'listgrouprights-removegroup' => 'Man ngaa far {{PLURAL:$2|mbooloo mi|mbooloo yi}}: $1',
+'listgrouprights-addgroup-all' => 'Man ngaa yokk ci mbooloo yépp',
+'listgrouprights-removegroup-all' => 'Man ngaa faree ci mbooloo yépp',
+'listgrouprights-addgroup-self' => 'Man ngaa yokk {{PLURAL:$2|mbooloo mi|mbooloo yi}} ci sa sàq : $1',
+'listgrouprights-removegroup-self' => 'Man ngaa far {{PLURAL:$2|mbooloo mi|mbooloo yi}} ci sa sàq: $1',
+'listgrouprights-addgroup-self-all' => 'Man ngaa yokk mbooloo yépp ci sa sàq',
+'listgrouprights-removegroup-self-all' => 'Man ngaa far mbooloo yépp ci sa sàq',
# E-mail user
'mailnologin' => 'Amul benn mákkaan boo man a yónne bataaxal bi',
@@ -1692,8 +1744,8 @@ Ki def coppite gi mooy Kenn ki masa cëru ci xët wii.',
am na keneen ku jota soppi walla loppanti xët wi.
Ki mujje soppi xët wi mooy [[User:$3|$3]] ([[User talk:$3|Waxtaan]]{{int:pipe-separator}}[[Special:Contributions/$3|{{int:contribslink}}]]).',
-'editcomment' => "Tënkug coppite gi mooy: « ''$1'' ».", # only shown if there is an edit comment
-'revertpage' => 'Loppantig coppite gu [[Special:Contributions/$2|$2]] ([[User talk:$2|Waxtaan]]) dello ko ci sumb mu [[User:$1|$1]]', # Additionally available: $3: revid of the revision reverted to, $4: timestamp of the revision reverted to, $5: revid of the revision reverted from, $6: timestamp of the revision reverted from
+'editcomment' => "Tënkug coppite gi mooy: « ''$1'' ».",
+'revertpage' => 'Loppantig coppite gu [[Special:Contributions/$2|$2]] ([[User talk:$2|Waxtaan]]) dello ko ci sumb mu [[User:$1|$1]]',
'rollback-success' => 'Ki loppanti mooy $1 ;
Ki ko dello ci sumb mu mujj mi mooy $2.',
'sessionfailure' => 'Dafa mel ne sa dugg gi am na ay tolof-tolof ;
@@ -1716,7 +1768,6 @@ nemmeekul [[Special:ProtectedPages|limu xët yi ñu aar]] ngir gis ab lim ci xë
'protectexpiry' => 'Jeexintal :',
'protect_expiry_invalid' => 'Waxtub njeextal bi baaxul.',
'protect_expiry_old' => 'Waxtub njeextal bi weesu na.',
-'protect-unchain' => 'Caabeedi sañal tuddewaat yi',
'protect-text' => "Fii man nga fee gise ak soppi tolluwaayu kaaraange gu wii xët '''<nowiki>$1</nowiki>'''.",
'protect-locked-blocked' => "Manoo soppi tolluwaayu kaaraange gi su ñu la téyee.
Nii la xët wi tëdde '''$1''' :",
@@ -1759,6 +1810,7 @@ Nii-nii kocc-koccalu xët wii ñooy '''$1''':",
'undelete-nodiff' => 'Giseesul benn sumb bu weesu.',
'undeletebtn' => 'Delloowaat',
'undeletelink' => 'Wone/delloowaat',
+'undeleteviewlink' => 'wone',
'undeletereset' => 'Neenal',
'undeleteinvert' => 'Jallarbi fal gi',
'undeletecomment' => 'Tënk :',
@@ -1797,7 +1849,7 @@ $1',
'contributions-title' => 'Cëru yu jëfandikukat bii di $1',
'mycontris' => 'Samay cëru',
'contribsub2' => 'Ngir $1 ($2)',
-'nocontribs' => 'Amul benn coppite bu melokaanoo nii bu ñu gis.', # Optional parameter: $1 is the user name
+'nocontribs' => 'Amul benn coppite bu melokaanoo nii bu ñu gis.',
'uctop' => '(bi mujj)',
'month' => 'Tambali ci weeru (ak yi jiitu) :',
'year' => 'Tambali ci atum (ak yi jiitu) :',
@@ -1806,7 +1858,10 @@ $1',
'sp-contributions-newbies-sub' => 'yu jëfandikukat yu yees yi',
'sp-contributions-newbies-title' => 'Cëru yu jëfandikukat yu yees yi',
'sp-contributions-blocklog' => 'Jaar-jaaru téye yi',
+'sp-contributions-deleted' => 'cëru yi ñu far',
'sp-contributions-logs' => 'Yéenekaay',
+'sp-contributions-talk' => 'waxtaan',
+'sp-contributions-userrights' => 'Yorug sañ-sañi jëfandikukat yi',
'sp-contributions-search' => 'Seet ay cëru',
'sp-contributions-username' => 'Makkaanu IP walla turu jëfandikukat :',
'sp-contributions-submit' => 'Seet',
@@ -1853,7 +1908,7 @@ $1',
'ipbenableautoblock' => 'Téye ci saa si màkkaanu IP bi mu mujje jëfandikoo, ak yeneen yi muy jëfandikoo-ji ngir amali coppite',
'ipbsubmit' => 'Téye bii jëfandikukat',
'ipbother' => 'Beneen diir:',
-'ipboptions' => '2 waxtu:2 hours,1 fan:1 day,3 fan:3 days,1 ayubés:1 week,2 ayubés:2 weeks,1 weer:1 month,3 weer:3 months,6 weer:6 months,1 at:1 year,ba-faaw:infinite', # display1:time1,display2:time2,...
+'ipboptions' => '2 waxtu:2 hours,1 fan:1 day,3 fan:3 days,1 ayubés:1 week,2 ayubés:2 weeks,1 weer:1 month,3 weer:3 months,6 weer:6 months,1 at:1 year,ba-faaw:infinite',
'ipbotheroption' => 'beneen',
'ipbotherreason' => 'Yeneeni ngirte/faramfacce:',
'ipbhidename' => 'Nëbb turu jëfandikukat bi ci coppite yeek lim yi',
@@ -1883,6 +1938,7 @@ Xoolal [[Special:IPBlockList|limu IP yees téye]] ngir gis ñees téye ñépp.',
'ipblocklist-submit' => 'Ceet',
'blocklistline' => '$1, $2 moo téye $3 ($4)',
'infiniteblock' => 'Ba-faww',
+'expiringblock' => 'jeex $1 ci $2',
'anononlyblock' => 'Alaxam rek',
'noautoblockblock' => 'Téye gu boppu doxadi na',
'createaccountblock' => 'Téyeg sosug sàq mi',
@@ -1896,7 +1952,6 @@ Xoolal [[Special:IPBlockList|limu IP yees téye]] ngir gis ñees téye ñépp.',
'contribslink' => 'cëru',
'autoblocker' => 'Dañ la téye ndax sa màkkanu IP « $1 » moo ko mujje jëfandikoo. Li waral téyeg $1 mooy ne : « $2 ».',
'blocklogpage' => 'Jaar-jaaru téye yi',
-'blocklog-fulllog' => 'Yéenekaay bu matale ci téye yi',
'blocklogentry' => 'moo téye « [[$1]] » - ci diirub : $2 $3',
'reblock-logentry' => 'moo soppi anami téye gu [[$1]] ak diirub njeextal bu $2 $3',
'blocklogtext' => 'Lii ab lim la ci téye ak téyedi yu jëfandikukat yi. Màkkaani IP yi ñu téye cig boppal limuñu leen fi. yëral [[Special:IPBlockList|limu jëfandikukat yiñ téye]] ngi gis ñi ñu téye nii-nii.',
@@ -1978,7 +2033,7 @@ Ci yii anam, faww nga tuddewaat walla yokk wii xëtu waxtaanuwaay ak sa loxo, su
'move-watch' => 'Topp xët wii',
'movepagebtn' => 'Tuddewaat xët wi',
'pagemovedsub' => 'Tuddewaat gi antu na',
-'movepage-moved' => "'''« $1 »''' lañu tuddewaat '''« $2 »'''", # The two titles are passed in plain text as $3 and $4 to allow additional goodies in the message.
+'movepage-moved' => "'''« $1 »''' lañu tuddewaat '''« $2 »'''",
'movepage-moved-redirect' => 'Sosees na ab jubluwaat',
'movepage-moved-noredirect' => 'Sosug ab jubluwaat far nañu ko.',
'articleexists' => 'Am na ba noppi ab jukki bu am bii koj, walla koj bi nga tànn baaxul. tànnal bennen.',
@@ -2022,10 +2077,9 @@ Manoo tudewaat aw xët ci wenn tur wi.',
'export-addcat' => 'Yokk',
# Namespace 8 related
-'allmessagesname' => 'Turu tool bi',
-'allmessagescurrent' => 'Bataaxal bi fi nekk',
-'allmessagestext' => "Lii mo'y limu bataaxal yëpp yi am ci biir MediaWiki",
-'allmessagesmodified' => 'Wone coppite yi rek',
+'allmessagesname' => 'Turu tool bi',
+'allmessagescurrent' => 'Bataaxal bi fi nekk',
+'allmessagestext' => "Lii mo'y limu bataaxal yëpp yi am ci biir MediaWiki",
# Thumbnails
'thumbnail-more' => 'Ngandal',
@@ -2057,6 +2111,7 @@ Manoo tudewaat aw xët ci wenn tur wi.',
'tooltip-search-fulltext' => 'Seet xët yi ëmb kàddu gi',
'tooltip-p-logo' => 'Xët wu njëkk',
'tooltip-n-mainpage' => 'Nemmeeku xët wu njëkk wi',
+'tooltip-n-mainpage-description' => 'Nemmeku xët wu njëkk wi',
'tooltip-n-portal' => 'Ngir xam dara ci mbiri sémb bi, noo ci mana jàppe',
'tooltip-n-currentevents' => 'Xibaar ci xew-xew yu teew yi',
'tooltip-n-recentchanges' => 'Limu coppite yi mujj ci wiki bi',
@@ -2124,7 +2179,7 @@ Dafay tax nga man a bind ngirte li ci boyotu tënk bi.',
# Attribution
'anonymous' => 'Benn walla ay jëfandikukat yu binduwul yu {{SITENAME}}',
'siteuser' => '$1, Jëfandikukatu {{SITENAME}}',
-'lastmodifiedatby' => '$3 moo mujje soppi xët wi ci $1, ci $2.', # $1 date, $2 time, $3 user
+'lastmodifiedatby' => '$3 moo mujje soppi xët wi ci $1, ci $2.',
'othercontribs' => 'Mi ngi dàttu ci liggéeyu $1.',
'others' => 'yeneen',
'siteusers' => '$1, Jëfandikukat yu {{SITENAME}}',
@@ -2139,13 +2194,17 @@ Dafay tax nga man a bind ngirte li ci boyotu tënk bi.',
# Math options
'mw_math_html' => 'HTML su manee ne, lu ko moy PNG',
+# Math errors
+'math_failure' => 'Njuumte ci xayma',
+'math_unknown_error' => 'Njuumte li xamuñ ko',
+'math_unknown_function' => 'Solo si xamuñ ko',
+'math_lexing_error' => 'Njuumteg mbindin',
+'math_syntax_error' => 'njuumtey mbindin',
# Browsing diffs
'previousdiff' => '← Coppite yi gën a yàgg',
'nextdiff' => 'Coppite yi mujj →',
-# Visual comparison
-'visual-comparison' => 'Méngale gu gisu',
# Media information
'file-info' => 'Réyaayu file bi : $1, type MIME : $2',
'file-info-size' => '($1 × $2 pixels, réyaayu file bi : $3, type MIME : $4)',
@@ -2175,7 +2234,7 @@ Lëkkalekaay yiy toftal, ci wenn rëdd wi, dees leen di jàppee nikiy sette, maa
* exposuretime
* fnumber
* isospeedratings
-* focallength', # Do not translate list items
+* focallength',
# EXIF tags
'exif-imagewidth' => 'Yaatuwaay',