path: root/maintenance/convertLinks.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'maintenance/convertLinks.php')
1 files changed, 84 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/maintenance/convertLinks.php b/maintenance/convertLinks.php
index 17b91110..221ebe37 100644
--- a/maintenance/convertLinks.php
+++ b/maintenance/convertLinks.php
@@ -36,14 +36,29 @@ class ConvertLinks extends Maintenance {
public function __construct() {
- $this->mDescription = "Convert from the old links schema (string->ID) to the new schema (ID->ID).
-The wiki should be put into read-only mode while this script executes";
+ $this->mDescription =
+ "Convert from the old links schema (string->ID) to the new schema (ID->ID)."
+ . "The wiki should be put into read-only mode while this script executes";
$this->addArg( 'logperformance', "Log performance to perfLogFilename.", false );
- $this->addArg( 'perfLogFilename', "Filename where performance is logged if --logperformance was set (defaults to 'convLinksPerf.txt').", false );
- $this->addArg( 'keep-links-table', "Don't overwrite the old links table with the new one, leave the new table at links_temp.", false );
- $this->addArg( 'nokeys', "Don't create keys, and so allow duplicates in the new links table.\n
-This gives a huge speed improvement for very large links tables which are MyISAM." /* (What about InnoDB?) */, false );
+ $this->addArg(
+ 'perfLogFilename',
+ "Filename where performance is logged if --logperformance was set "
+ . "(defaults to 'convLinksPerf.txt').",
+ false
+ );
+ $this->addArg(
+ 'keep-links-table',
+ "Don't overwrite the old links table with the new one, leave the new table at links_temp.",
+ false
+ );
+ $this->addArg(
+ 'nokeys',
+ /* (What about InnoDB?) */
+ "Don't create keys, and so allow duplicates in the new links table.\n"
+ . "This gives a huge speed improvement for very large links tables which are MyISAM.",
+ false
+ );
public function getDbType() {
@@ -56,22 +71,34 @@ This gives a huge speed improvement for very large links tables which are MyISAM
$type = $dbw->getType();
if ( $type != 'mysql' ) {
$this->output( "Link table conversion not necessary for $type\n" );
global $wgContLang;
- $numBadLinks = $curRowsRead = 0; # counters etc
- $totalTuplesInserted = 0; # total tuples INSERTed into links_temp
+ # counters etc
+ $numBadLinks = $curRowsRead = 0;
+ # total tuples INSERTed into links_temp
+ $totalTuplesInserted = 0;
+ # whether or not to give progress reports while reading IDs from cur table
+ $reportCurReadProgress = true;
- $reportCurReadProgress = true; # whether or not to give progress reports while reading IDs from cur table
- $curReadReportInterval = 1000; # number of rows between progress reports
+ # number of rows between progress reports
+ $curReadReportInterval = 1000;
- $reportLinksConvProgress = true; # whether or not to give progress reports during conversion
- $linksConvInsertInterval = 1000; # number of rows per INSERT
+ # whether or not to give progress reports during conversion
+ $reportLinksConvProgress = true;
+ # number of rows per INSERT
+ $linksConvInsertInterval = 1000;
$initialRowOffset = 0;
- # $finalRowOffset = 0; # not used yet; highest row number from links table to process
+ # not used yet; highest row number from links table to process
+ # $finalRowOffset = 0;
$overwriteLinksTable = !$this->hasOption( 'keep-links-table' );
$noKeys = $this->hasOption( 'noKeys' );
@@ -80,16 +107,19 @@ This gives a huge speed improvement for very large links tables which are MyISAM
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
- list( $cur, $links, $links_temp, $links_backup ) = $dbw->tableNamesN( 'cur', 'links', 'links_temp', 'links_backup' );
+ list( $cur, $links, $links_temp, $links_backup ) =
+ $dbw->tableNamesN( 'cur', 'links', 'links_temp', 'links_backup' );
if ( $dbw->tableExists( 'pagelinks' ) ) {
$this->output( "...have pagelinks; skipping old links table updates\n" );
$res = $dbw->query( "SELECT l_from FROM $links LIMIT 1" );
if ( $dbw->fieldType( $res, 0 ) == "int" ) {
$this->output( "Schema already converted\n" );
@@ -104,17 +134,17 @@ This gives a huge speed improvement for very large links tables which are MyISAM
} else {
$fh = false;
if ( $this->logPerformance ) {
- $fh = fopen ( $perfLogFilename, "w" );
+ $fh = fopen( $perfLogFilename, "w" );
if ( !$fh ) {
$this->error( "Couldn't open $perfLogFilename" );
$this->logPerformance = false;
- $baseTime = $startTime = $this->getMicroTime();
+ $baseTime = $startTime = microtime( true );
# Create a title -> cur_id map
$this->output( "Loading IDs from $cur table...\n" );
- $this->performanceLog ( $fh, "Reading $numRows rows from cur table...\n" );
- $this->performanceLog ( $fh, "rows read vs seconds elapsed:\n" );
+ $this->performanceLog( $fh, "Reading $numRows rows from cur table...\n" );
+ $this->performanceLog( $fh, "rows read vs seconds elapsed:\n" );
$dbw->bufferResults( false );
$res = $dbw->query( "SELECT cur_namespace,cur_title,cur_id FROM $cur" );
@@ -129,7 +159,10 @@ This gives a huge speed improvement for very large links tables which are MyISAM
if ( $reportCurReadProgress ) {
if ( ( $curRowsRead % $curReadReportInterval ) == 0 ) {
- $this->performanceLog( $fh, $curRowsRead . " " . ( $this->getMicroTime() - $baseTime ) . "\n" );
+ $this->performanceLog(
+ $fh,
+ $curRowsRead . " " . ( microtime( true ) - $baseTime ) . "\n"
+ );
$this->output( "\t$curRowsRead rows of $cur table read.\n" );
@@ -137,7 +170,10 @@ This gives a huge speed improvement for very large links tables which are MyISAM
$dbw->freeResult( $res );
$dbw->bufferResults( true );
$this->output( "Finished loading IDs.\n\n" );
- $this->performanceLog( $fh, "Took " . ( $this->getMicroTime() - $baseTime ) . " seconds to load IDs.\n\n" );
+ $this->performanceLog(
+ $fh,
+ "Took " . ( microtime( true ) - $baseTime ) . " seconds to load IDs.\n\n"
+ );
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -145,12 +181,14 @@ This gives a huge speed improvement for very large links tables which are MyISAM
# convert, and write to the new table.
$this->performanceLog( $fh, "Resetting timer.\n\n" );
- $baseTime = $this->getMicroTime();
+ $baseTime = microtime( true );
$this->output( "Processing $numRows rows from $links table...\n" );
$this->performanceLog( $fh, "Processing $numRows rows from $links table...\n" );
$this->performanceLog( $fh, "rows inserted vs seconds elapsed:\n" );
- for ( $rowOffset = $initialRowOffset; $rowOffset < $numRows; $rowOffset += $linksConvInsertInterval ) {
+ for ( $rowOffset = $initialRowOffset; $rowOffset < $numRows;
+ $rowOffset += $linksConvInsertInterval
+ ) {
$sqlRead = "SELECT * FROM $links ";
$sqlRead = $dbw->limitResult( $sqlRead, $linksConvInsertInterval, $rowOffset );
$res = $dbw->query( $sqlRead );
@@ -176,7 +214,8 @@ This gives a huge speed improvement for very large links tables which are MyISAM
$dbw->freeResult( $res );
- # $this->output( "rowOffset: $rowOffset\ttuplesAdded: $tuplesAdded\tnumBadLinks: $numBadLinks\n" );
+ # $this->output( "rowOffset: $rowOffset\ttuplesAdded: "
+ # . "$tuplesAdded\tnumBadLinks: $numBadLinks\n" );
if ( $tuplesAdded != 0 ) {
if ( $reportLinksConvProgress ) {
$this->output( "Inserting $tuplesAdded tuples into $links_temp..." );
@@ -185,15 +224,25 @@ This gives a huge speed improvement for very large links tables which are MyISAM
$totalTuplesInserted += $tuplesAdded;
if ( $reportLinksConvProgress ) {
$this->output( " done. Total $totalTuplesInserted tuples inserted.\n" );
- $this->performanceLog( $fh, $totalTuplesInserted . " " . ( $this->getMicroTime() - $baseTime ) . "\n" );
+ $this->performanceLog(
+ $fh,
+ $totalTuplesInserted . " " . ( microtime( true ) - $baseTime ) . "\n"
+ );
- $this->output( "$totalTuplesInserted valid titles and $numBadLinks invalid titles were processed.\n\n" );
- $this->performanceLog( $fh, "$totalTuplesInserted valid titles and $numBadLinks invalid titles were processed.\n" );
- $this->performanceLog( $fh, "Total execution time: " . ( $this->getMicroTime() - $startTime ) . " seconds.\n" );
+ $this->output( "$totalTuplesInserted valid titles and "
+ . "$numBadLinks invalid titles were processed.\n\n" );
+ $this->performanceLog(
+ $fh,
+ "$totalTuplesInserted valid titles and $numBadLinks invalid titles were processed.\n"
+ );
+ $this->performanceLog(
+ $fh,
+ "Total execution time: " . ( microtime( true ) - $startTime ) . " seconds.\n"
+ );
if ( $this->logPerformance ) {
- fclose ( $fh );
+ fclose( $fh );
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -209,7 +258,6 @@ This gives a huge speed improvement for very large links tables which are MyISAM
$dbw->query( "RENAME TABLE links TO $links_backup, $links_temp TO $links", __METHOD__ );
$this->output( " done.\n\n" );
- $dbw->close();
$this->output( "Conversion complete. The old table remains at $links_backup;\n" );
$this->output( "delete at your leisure.\n" );
} else {
@@ -223,6 +271,7 @@ This gives a huge speed improvement for very large links tables which are MyISAM
if ( !( $dbConn->isOpen() ) ) {
$this->output( "Opening connection to database failed.\n" );
$links_temp = $dbConn->tableName( 'links_temp' );
@@ -234,14 +283,14 @@ This gives a huge speed improvement for very large links tables which are MyISAM
$this->output( "Creating temporary links table..." );
if ( $this->hasOption( 'noKeys' ) ) {
$dbConn->query( "CREATE TABLE $links_temp ( " .
- "l_from int(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', " .
- "l_to int(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0')" );
+ "l_from int(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', " .
+ "l_to int(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0')" );
} else {
$dbConn->query( "CREATE TABLE $links_temp ( " .
- "l_from int(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', " .
- "l_to int(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', " .
- "UNIQUE KEY l_from(l_from,l_to), " .
- "KEY (l_to))" );
+ "l_from int(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', " .
+ "l_to int(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', " .
+ "UNIQUE KEY l_from(l_from,l_to), " .
+ "KEY (l_to))" );
$this->output( " done.\n\n" );
@@ -251,11 +300,6 @@ This gives a huge speed improvement for very large links tables which are MyISAM
fwrite( $fh, $text );
- private function getMicroTime() { # return time in seconds, with microsecond accuracy
- list( $usec, $sec ) = explode( " ", microtime() );
- return ( (float)$usec + (float)$sec );
- }
$maintClass = "ConvertLinks";