path: root/maintenance/language/checkLanguage.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'maintenance/language/checkLanguage.php')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 303 deletions
diff --git a/maintenance/language/checkLanguage.php b/maintenance/language/checkLanguage.php
index 36d32a48..f8553a1e 100644
--- a/maintenance/language/checkLanguage.php
+++ b/maintenance/language/checkLanguage.php
@@ -2,313 +2,13 @@
* Check a language file.
- * @addtogroup Maintenance
+ * @file
+ * @ingroup MaintenanceLanguage
require_once( dirname(__FILE__).'/../' );
+require_once( '' );
require_once( '' );
$cli = new CheckLanguageCLI( $options );
-class CheckLanguageCLI {
- private $code = null;
- private $level = 2;
- private $doLinks = false;
- private $wikiCode = 'en';
- private $includeExif = false;
- private $checkAll = false;
- private $output = 'plain';
- private $checks = array();
- private $defaultChecks = array(
- 'untranslated', 'obsolete', 'variables', 'empty', 'plural',
- 'whitespace', 'xhtml', 'chars', 'links', 'unbalanced'
- );
- private $L = null;
- /**
- * GLOBALS: $wgLanguageCode;
- */
- public function __construct( Array $options ) {
- if ( isset( $options['help'] ) ) {
- echo $this->help();
- exit();
- }
- if ( isset($options['lang']) ) {
- $this->code = $options['lang'];
- } else {
- global $wgLanguageCode;
- $this->code = $wgLanguageCode;
- }
- if ( isset($options['level']) ) {
- $this->level = $options['level'];
- }
- $this->doLinks = isset($options['links']);
- $this->includeExif = !isset($options['noexif']);
- $this->checkAll = isset($options['all']);
- if ( isset($options['wikilang']) ) {
- $this->wikiCode = $options['wikilang'];
- }
- if ( isset( $options['whitelist'] ) ) {
- $this->checks = explode( ',', $options['whitelist'] );
- } elseif ( isset( $options['blacklist'] ) ) {
- $this->checks = array_diff(
- $this->defaultChecks,
- explode( ',', $options['blacklist'] )
- );
- } else {
- $this->checks = $this->defaultChecks;
- }
- if ( isset($options['output']) ) {
- $this->output = $options['output'];
- }
- # Some additional checks not enabled by default
- if ( isset( $options['duplicate'] ) ) {
- $this->checks[] = 'duplicate';
- }
- $this->L = new languages( $this->includeExif );
- }
- protected function getChecks() {
- $checks = array();
- $checks['untranslated'] = 'getUntranslatedMessages';
- $checks['duplicate'] = 'getDuplicateMessages';
- $checks['obsolete'] = 'getObsoleteMessages';
- $checks['variables'] = 'getMessagesWithoutVariables';
- $checks['plural'] = 'getMessagesWithoutPlural';
- $checks['empty'] = 'getEmptyMessages';
- $checks['whitespace'] = 'getMessagesWithWhitespace';
- $checks['xhtml'] = 'getNonXHTMLMessages';
- $checks['chars'] = 'getMessagesWithWrongChars';
- $checks['links'] = 'getMessagesWithDubiousLinks';
- $checks['unbalanced'] = 'getMessagesWithUnbalanced';
- return $checks;
- }
- protected function getDescriptions() {
- $descriptions = array();
- $descriptions['untranslated'] = '$1 message(s) of $2 are not translated to $3, but exist in en:';
- $descriptions['duplicate'] = '$1 message(s) of $2 are translated the same in en and $3:';
- $descriptions['obsolete'] = '$1 message(s) of $2 do not exist in en or are in the ignore list, but are in $3';
- $descriptions['variables'] = '$1 message(s) of $2 in $3 don\'t use some variables that en uses:';
- $descriptions['plural'] = '$1 message(s) of $2 in $3 don\'t use {{plural}} while en uses:';
- $descriptions['empty'] = '$1 message(s) of $2 in $3 are empty or -:';
- $descriptions['whitespace'] = '$1 message(s) of $2 in $3 have trailing whitespace:';
- $descriptions['xhtml'] = '$1 message(s) of $2 in $3 contain illegal XHTML:';
- $descriptions['chars'] = '$1 message(s) of $2 in $3 include hidden chars which should not be used in the messages:';
- $descriptions['links'] = '$1 message(s) of $2 in $3 have problematic link(s):';
- $descriptions['unbalanced'] = '$1 message(s) of $2 in $3 have unbalanced {[]}:';
- return $descriptions;
- }
- protected function help() {
- return <<<ENDS
-Run this script to check a specific language file, or all of them.
-Command line settings are in form --parameter[=value].
- * lang: Language code (default: the installation default language).
- * all: Check all customized languages
- * help: Show this help.
- * level: Show the following level (default: 2).
- * links: Link the message values (default off).
- * wikilang: For the links, what is the content language of the wiki to display the output in (default en).
- * whitelist: Do only the following checks (form: code,code).
- * blacklist: Don't do the following checks (form: code,code).
- * duplicate: Additionally check for messages which are translated the same to English (default off).
- * noexif: Don't check for EXIF messages (a bit hard and boring to translate), if you know that they are currently not translated and want to focus on other problems (default off).
-Check codes (ideally, all of them should result 0; all the checks are executed by default (except duplicate and language specific check blacklists in
- * untranslated: Messages which are required to translate, but are not translated.
- * duplicate: Messages which translation equal to fallback
- * obsolete: Messages which are untranslatable, but translated.
- * variables: Messages without variables which should be used.
- * empty: Empty messages.
- * whitespace: Messages which have trailing whitespace.
- * xhtml: Messages which are not well-formed XHTML (checks only few common errors).
- * chars: Messages with hidden characters.
- * links: Messages which contains broken links to pages (does not find all).
- * unbalanced: Messages which contains unequal numbers of opening {[ and closing ]}.
-Display levels (default: 2):
- * 0: Skip the checks (useful for checking syntax).
- * 1: Show only the stub headers and number of wrong messages, without list of messages.
- * 2: Show only the headers and the message keys, without the message values.
- * 3: Show both the headers and the complete messages, with both keys and values.
- }
- private $results = array();
- public function execute() {
- $this->doChecks();
- if ( $this->level > 0 ) {
- switch ($this->output) {
- case 'plain':
- $this->outputText();
- break;
- case 'wiki':
- $this->outputWiki();
- break;
- default:
- throw new MWException( "Invalid output type $this->output");
- }
- }
- }
- protected function doChecks() {
- $ignoredCodes = array( 'en', 'enRTL' );
- $this->results = array();
- # Check the language
- if ( $this->checkAll ) {
- foreach ( $this->L->getLanguages() as $language ) {
- if ( !in_array($language, $ignoredCodes) ) {
- $this->results[$language] = $this->checkLanguage( $language );
- }
- }
- } else {
- if ( in_array($this->code, $ignoredCodes) ) {
- throw new MWException("Cannot check code $this->code.");
- } else {
- $this->results[$this->code] = $this->checkLanguage( $this->code );
- }
- }
- }
- protected function getCheckBlacklist() {
- static $checkBlacklist = null;
- if ( $checkBlacklist === null ) {
- $checkBlacklist = array();
- require( dirname(__FILE__) . '/' );
- }
- return $checkBlacklist;
- }
- protected function checkLanguage( $code ) {
- # Syntax check only
- if ( $this->level === 0 ) {
- $this->L->getMessages( $code );
- return;
- }
- $results = array();
- $checkFunctions = $this->getChecks();
- $checkBlacklist = $this->getCheckBlacklist();
- foreach ( $this->checks as $check ) {
- if ( isset($checkBlacklist[$code]) &&
- in_array($check, $checkBlacklist[$code]) ) {
- $result[$check] = array();
- continue;
- }
- $callback = array( $this->L, $checkFunctions[$check] );
- if ( !is_callable($callback ) ) {
- throw new MWException( "Unkown check $check." );
- }
- $results[$check] = call_user_func( $callback , $code );
- }
- return $results;
- }
- protected function outputText( ) {
- foreach ( $this->results as $code => $results ) {
- $translated = $this->L->getMessages( $code );
- $translated = count( $translated['translated'] );
- foreach ( $results as $check => $messages ) {
- $count = count( $messages );
- if ( $count ) {
- $search = array( '$1', '$2', '$3' );
- $replace = array( $count, $translated, $code );
- $descriptions = $this->getDescriptions();
- echo "\n" . str_replace( $search, $replace, $descriptions[$check] ) . "\n";
- if ( $this->level == 1 ) {
- echo "[messages are hidden]\n";
- } else {
- foreach ( $messages as $key => $value ) {
- if ( $this->doLinks ) {
- $displayKey = ucfirst( $key );
- if ( $code == $this->wikiCode ) {
- $displayKey = "[[MediaWiki:$displayKey|$key]]";
- } else {
- $displayKey = "[[MediaWiki:$displayKey/$code|$key]]";
- }
- } else {
- $displayKey = $key;
- }
- if ( $this->level == 2 ) {
- echo "* $displayKey\n";
- } else {
- echo "* $displayKey: '$value'\n";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Globals: $wgContLang, $IP
- */
- function outputWiki() {
- global $wgContLang, $IP;
- $detailText = '';
- $rows[] = '! Language !! Code !! Total !! ' . implode( ' !! ', $this->checks );
- foreach ( $this->results as $code => $results ) {
- $detailTextForLang = "==$code==\n";
- $numbers = array();
- $problems = 0;
- $detailTextForLangChecks = array();
- foreach ( $results as $check => $messages ) {
- $count = count( $messages );
- if ( $count ) {
- $problems += $count;
- $messageDetails = array();
- foreach ( $messages as $key => $details ) {
- $messageDetails[] = $key;
- }
- $detailTextForLangChecks[] = "===$code-$check===\n* " . implode( ', ', $messageDetails );
- $numbers[] = "'''[[#$code-$check|$count]]'''";
- } else {
- $numbers[] = $count;
- }
- }
- if ( count( $detailTextForLangChecks ) ) {
- $detailText .= $detailTextForLang . implode( "\n", $detailTextForLangChecks ) . "\n";
- }
- if ( !$problems ) { continue; } // Don't list languages without problems
- $language = $wgContLang->getLanguageName( $code );
- $rows[] = "| $language || $code || $problems || " . implode( ' || ', $numbers );
- }
- $tableRows = implode( "\n|-\n", $rows );
- $version = SpecialVersion::getVersion( $IP );
- echo <<<EOL
-'''Check results are for:''' <code>$version</code>
-{| class="sortable wikitable" border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: #F9F9F9; border: 1px #AAAAAA solid; border-collapse: collapse; clear:both;"
- }