path: root/maintenance/language/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'maintenance/language/')
1 files changed, 212 insertions, 148 deletions
diff --git a/maintenance/language/ b/maintenance/language/
index bcbf05ee..2324785e 100644
--- a/maintenance/language/
+++ b/maintenance/language/
@@ -5,187 +5,251 @@
* @addtogroup Maintenance
-require_once( '' );
-require_once( '' );
- * Write a messages array as a PHP text and write it to the messages file.
- *
- * @param $messages The messages array.
- * @param $code The language code.
- * @param $write Write to the messages file?
- * @param $listUnknown List the unknown messages?
- */
-function writeMessagesToFile( $messages, $code, $write, $listUnknown ) {
- # Rewrite the messages array
- $messages = writeMessagesArray( $messages, $code == 'en' );
- $messagesText = $messages[0];
- $sortedMessages = $messages[1];
- # Write to the file
- $filename = Language::getMessagesFileName( $code );
- $contents = file_get_contents( $filename );
- if ( strpos( $contents, '$messages' ) !== false ) {
- $contents = explode( '$messages', $contents );
- if ( $messagesText == '$messages' . $contents[1] ) {
- echo "Generated messages for language $code. Same as the current file.\n";
- } else {
- if ( $write ) {
- $new = $contents[0];
- $new .= $messagesText;
- file_put_contents( $filename, $new );
- echo "Generated and wrote messages for language $code.\n";
+class MessageWriter {
+ static $optionalComment = 'only translate this message to other languages if you have to change it';
+ static $ignoredComment = "don't translate or duplicate this message to other languages";
+ static $loaded = false;
+ static $messageStructure;
+ static $blockComments;
+ static $messageComments;
+ static $ignoredMessages;
+ static $optionalMessages;
+ /**
+ * Write a messages array as a PHP text and write it to the messages file.
+ *
+ * @param $messages The messages array.
+ * @param $code The language code.
+ * @param $write Write to the messages file?
+ * @param $listUnknown List the unknown messages?
+ */
+ public static function writeMessagesToFile( $messages, $code, $write, $listUnknown ) {
+ # Rewrite the messages array
+ $messages = self::writeMessagesArray( $messages, $code == 'en' );
+ $messagesText = $messages[0];
+ $sortedMessages = $messages[1];
+ # Write to the file
+ $filename = Language::getMessagesFileName( $code );
+ $contents = file_get_contents( $filename );
+ if( strpos( $contents, '$messages' ) !== false ) {
+ $contents = explode( '$messages', $contents );
+ if( $messagesText == '$messages' . $contents[1] ) {
+ echo "Generated messages for language $code. Same as the current file.\n";
} else {
- echo "Generated messages for language $code. Please run the script again (without the parameter \"dry-run\") to write the array to the file.\n";
+ if( $write ) {
+ $new = $contents[0];
+ $new .= $messagesText;
+ file_put_contents( $filename, $new );
+ echo "Generated and wrote messages for language $code.\n";
+ } else {
+ echo "Generated messages for language $code. Please run the script again (without the parameter \"dry-run\") to write the array to the file.\n";
+ }
- }
- if ( $listUnknown && isset( $sortedMessages['unknown'] ) && !empty( $sortedMessages['unknown'] ) ) {
- echo "\nThere are " . count( $sortedMessages['unknown'] ) . " unknown messages, please check them:\n";
- foreach ( $sortedMessages['unknown'] as $key => $value ) {
- echo "* " . $key . "\n";
+ if( $listUnknown && isset( $sortedMessages['unknown'] ) && !empty( $sortedMessages['unknown'] ) ) {
+ echo "\nThere are " . count( $sortedMessages['unknown'] ) . " unknown messages, please check them:\n";
+ foreach( $sortedMessages['unknown'] as $key => $value ) {
+ echo "* " . $key . "\n";
+ }
+ } else {
+ echo "Generated messages for language $code. There seems to be no messages array in the file.\n";
- } else {
- echo "Generated messages for language $code. There seems to be no messages array in the file.\n";
- * Write a messages array as a PHP text.
- *
- * @param $messages The messages array.
- * @param $ignoredComments Show comments about ignored and optional messages? (For English.)
- *
- * @return Array of the PHP text and the sorted messages array.
- */
-function writeMessagesArray( $messages, $ignoredComments = false ) {
- global $wgMessageStructure, $wgBlockComments;
- # Sort messages to blocks
- $sortedMessages['unknown'] = $messages;
- foreach ( $wgMessageStructure as $blockName => $block ) {
- foreach ( $block as $key ) {
- if ( array_key_exists( $key, $sortedMessages['unknown'] ) ) {
- $sortedMessages[$blockName][$key] = $sortedMessages['unknown'][$key];
- unset( $sortedMessages['unknown'][$key] );
+ /**
+ * Write a messages array as a PHP text.
+ *
+ * @param $messages The messages array.
+ * @param $ignoredComments Show comments about ignored and optional messages? (For English.)
+ *
+ * @return Array of the PHP text and the sorted messages array.
+ */
+ public static function writeMessagesArray( $messages, $ignoredComments = false ) {
+ # Load messages
+ if( !self::$loaded ) {
+ require( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/' );
+ self::$messageStructure = $wgMessageStructure;
+ self::$blockComments = $wgBlockComments;
+ self::$messageComments = $wgMessageComments;
+ require( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/' );
+ self::$ignoredMessages = $wgIgnoredMessages;
+ self::$optionalMessages = $wgOptionalMessages;
+ self::$loaded = true;
+ }
+ # Sort messages to blocks
+ $sortedMessages['unknown'] = $messages;
+ foreach( self::$messageStructure as $blockName => $block ) {
+ foreach( $block as $key ) {
+ if( array_key_exists( $key, $sortedMessages['unknown'] ) ) {
+ $sortedMessages[$blockName][$key] = $sortedMessages['unknown'][$key];
+ unset( $sortedMessages['unknown'][$key] );
+ }
- }
- # Write all the messages
- $messagesText = "\$messages = array(
+ # Write all the messages
+ $messagesText = "\$messages = array(
- foreach( $sortedMessages as $block => $messages ) {
- # Skip if it's the block of unknown messages - handle that in the end of file
- if ( $block == 'unknown' ) {
- continue;
+ foreach( $sortedMessages as $block => $messages ) {
+ # Skip if it's the block of unknown messages - handle that in the end of file
+ if( $block == 'unknown' ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( $ignoredComments ) {
+ $ignored = self::$ignoredMessages;
+ $optional = self::$optionalMessages;
+ } else {
+ $ignored = array();
+ $optional = array();
+ }
+ $comments = self::makeComments( array_keys($messages), self::$messageComments, $ignored, $optional );
+ # Write the block
+ $messagesText .= self::writeMessagesBlock( self::$blockComments[$block], $messages, $comments );
- # Write the block
- $messagesText .= writeMessagesBlock( $block, $wgBlockComments[$block], $messages, $ignoredComments );
- }
- ksort( $sortedMessages['unknown'] );
- $messagesText .= writeMessagesBlock( 'unknown', 'Unknown messages', $sortedMessages['unknown'], $ignoredComments ); # Write the unknown messages, alphabetically sorted
- $messagesText .= ");
+ # Write the unknown messages, alphabetically sorted.
+ # Of course, we don't have any comments for them, because the are unknown.
+ ksort( $sortedMessages['unknown'] );
+ $messagesText .= self::writeMessagesBlock( 'Unknown messages', $sortedMessages['unknown'] );
+ $messagesText .= ");
- return array( $messagesText, $sortedMessages );
+ return array( $messagesText, $sortedMessages );
+ }
- * Write a block of messages to PHP.
- *
- * @param $name The block name.
- * @param $comment The block comment.
- * @param $messages The block messages.
- * @param $ignoredComments Show comments about ignored and optional messages? (For English.)
- *
- * @return The block, formatted in PHP.
- */
-function writeMessagesBlock( $name, $comment, $messages, $ignoredComments ) {
- global $wgMessageComments, $wgMessagseWithDollarSigns;
- global $wgIgnoredMessages, $wgOptionalMessages;
- $blockText = '';
- # Skip the block if it includes no messages
- if ( empty( $messages ) ) {
- return '';
+ /**
+ * Generates an array of comments for messages.
+ *
+ * @param $messages Key of messages.
+ * @param $comments Comments for messages, indexed by key.
+ * @param $ignored List of ingored message keys.
+ * @param $optional List of optional message keys.
+ */
+ public static function makeComments( $messages, $comments, $ignored, $optional ) {
+ # Comment collector
+ $commentArray = array();
+ # List of keys only
+ foreach( $messages as $key ) {
+ $commentsForKey = array();
+ # Add descriptive comment for this message if there is one
+ if( array_key_exists( $key, $comments ) ) {
+ $commentsForKey[] = $comments[$key];
+ }
+ # For translator information only
+ if( in_array( $key, $ignored ) ) {
+ $commentsForKey[] = self::$ignoredComment;
+ } elseif( in_array( $key, $optional ) ) {
+ $commentsForKey[] = self::$optionalComment;
+ }
+ # Format one or more comments nicely and store in array
+ if( count( $commentsForKey ) ) {
+ $commentArray[$key] = ' # ' . implode( '; ', $commentsForKey );
+ }
+ }
+ return $commentArray;
- # Format the block comment (if exists); check for multiple lines comments
- if ( !empty( $comment ) ) {
- if ( strpos( $comment, "\n" ) === false ) {
- $blockText .= "# $comment
+ /**
+ * Write a block of messages to PHP.
+ *
+ * @param $blockComment The comment of whole block.
+ * @param $messages The block messages.
+ * @param $messageComments Optional comments for messages in this block.
+ * @param $prefix Prefix for every line, for indenting purposes.
+ *
+ * @return The block, formatted in PHP.
+ */
+ public static function writeMessagesBlock( $blockComment, $messages,
+ $messageComments = array(), $prefix = '' ) {
+ $blockText = '';
+ # Skip the block if it includes no messages
+ if( empty( $messages ) ) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ # Format the block comment (if exists); check for multiple lines comments
+ if( !empty( $blockComment ) ) {
+ if( strpos( $blockComment, "\n" ) === false ) {
+ $blockText .= "$prefix# $blockComment
- } else {
- $blockText .= "/*
+ } else {
+ $blockText .= "$prefix/*
+ }
- }
- # Get max key length
- $maxKeyLength = max( array_map( 'strlen', array_keys( $messages ) ) );
+ # Get max key length
+ $maxKeyLength = max( array_map( 'strlen', array_keys( $messages ) ) );
- # Format the messages
- foreach( $messages as $key => $value ) {
- # Add the key name
- $blockText .= "'$key'";
+ # Format the messages
+ foreach( $messages as $key => $value ) {
+ # Add the key name
+ $blockText .= "$prefix'$key'";
- # Add the appropriate block whitespace
- $blockText .= str_repeat( ' ', $maxKeyLength - strlen( $key ) );
+ # Add the appropriate block whitespace
+ $blockText .= str_repeat( ' ', $maxKeyLength - strlen( $key ) );
- # Refer to the value
- $blockText .= ' => ';
+ # Refer to the value
+ $blockText .= ' => ';
- # Check for the appropriate apostrophe and add the value
- if ( strpos( $value, "'" ) === false ) {
- $blockText .= "'$value'";
- } elseif ( strpos( $value, '"' ) === false && !in_array( $key, $wgMessagseWithDollarSigns ) ) {
- $blockText .= "\"$value\"";
- } else {
- # Pick the less numerous one to escape
- $quote = substr_count( $value, '"' ) + substr_count( $value, '$' ) >= substr_count( $value, "'" ) ? "'" : '"';
- if ('"' == $quote) { $extra = '$'; }
- else { $extra = ''; }
- $blockText .= $quote . addcslashes( $value, $quote.'\\'.$extra ) . $quote;
- }
+ # Check for the appropriate apostrophe and add the value
+ # Quote \ here, because it needs always escaping
+ $value = addcslashes( $value, '\\' );
+ # For readability
+ $single = "'";
+ $double = '"';
- # Comma
- $blockText .= ',';
- $ignoredComment = "don't translate or duplicate this message to other languages";
- $optionalComment = "only translate this message to other languages if you have to change it";
- $showIgnoredOrOptionalComment = in_array( $key, $wgIgnoredMessages ) || in_array( $key, $wgOptionalMessages );
- if ( $ignoredComments ) {
- if ( array_key_exists( $key, $wgMessageComments ) ) {
- $blockText .= ' # ' . $wgMessageComments[$key];
- if ( $showIgnoredOrOptionalComment ) {
- $blockText .= '; ';
+ if( strpos( $value, $single ) === false ) {
+ # Nothing ugly, just use '
+ $blockText .= $single.$value.$single;
+ } elseif( strpos( $value, $double ) === false && !preg_match('/\$[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff]/', $value) ) {
+ # No "-quotes, no variables that need quoting, use "
+ $blockText .= $double.$value.$double;
+ } else {
+ # Something needs quoting, pick the quote which causes less quoting
+ $quote = substr_count( $value, $double ) + substr_count( $value, '$' ) >= substr_count( $value, $single ) ? $single : $double;
+ if( $quote === $double ) {
+ $extra = '$';
+ } else {
+ $extra = '';
- } elseif ( $showIgnoredOrOptionalComment ) {
- $blockText .= ' # ';
+ $blockText .= $quote . addcslashes( $value, $quote . $extra ) . $quote;
- if ( in_array( $key, $wgIgnoredMessages ) ) {
- $blockText .= $ignoredComment;
- } elseif ( in_array( $key, $wgOptionalMessages ) ) {
- $blockText .= $optionalComment;
+ # Comma
+ $blockText .= ',';
+ # Add comments, if there is any
+ if( array_key_exists( $key, $messageComments ) ) {
+ $blockText .= $messageComments[$key];
- } elseif ( array_key_exists( $key, $wgMessageComments ) ) {
- $blockText .= ' # ' . $wgMessageComments[$key];
- }
- # Newline
- $blockText .= "
+ # Newline
+ $blockText .= "
- }
+ }
- # Newline to end the block
- $blockText .= "
+ # Newline to end the block
+ $blockText .= "
- return $blockText;
+ return $blockText;
+ }