path: root/resources/mediawiki.util/mediawiki.util.test.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'resources/mediawiki.util/mediawiki.util.test.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 172 deletions
diff --git a/resources/mediawiki.util/mediawiki.util.test.js b/resources/mediawiki.util/mediawiki.util.test.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 43bf1d88..00000000
--- a/resources/mediawiki.util/mediawiki.util.test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
- * mediaWiki.util Test Suite
- *
- * Available on Special:BlankPage?action=mwutiltest&debug=true
- *
- * @author Krinkle <>
- */
-(function ($, mw) {
- mw.test = {
- /* Variables */
- '$table' : null,
- 'addedTests' : [],
- /* Functions */
- /**
- * Adds a row to the test-table
- *
- * @param code String Code of the test to be executed
- * @param result String Expected result in 'var (vartype)' form
- * @param contain String Important part of the result, if result is different but does contain this it will not return ERROR but PARTIALLY
- */
- 'addTest' : function( code, result, contain ) {
- if (!contain) {
- contain = result;
- }
- this.addedTests.push([code, result, contain]);
- this.$table.append('<tr><td>' + mw.html.escape(code).replace(/ /g, '&nbsp;&nbsp;') + '</td><td>' + mw.html.escape(result).replace(/ /g, '&nbsp;&nbsp;') + '<td></td></td><td>?</td></tr>');
- },
- /* Initialisation */
- 'initialised' : false,
- 'init' : function () {
- if (this.initialised === false) {
- this.initialised = true;
- $(function () {
- if (wgCanonicalSpecialPageName == 'Blankpage' && mw.util.getParamValue('action') === 'mwutiltest') {
- // Build page
- document.title = 'mediaWiki.util JavaScript Test - ' + wgSiteName;
- $('#firstHeading').text('mediaWiki.util JavaScript Test');
- mw.util.$content.html(
- '<p>Below is a list of tests to confirm proper functionality of the mediaWiki.util functions</p>' +
- '<hr />' +
- '<table id="mw-mwutiltest-table" class="wikitable sortable" style="white-space:break; font-family:monospace,\'Courier New\'">' +
- '<tr><th>Exec</th><th>Should return</th><th>Does return</th><th>Equal ?</th></tr>' +
- '</table>'
- );
- mw.test.$table = $('table#mw-mwutiltest-table');
- // Populate tests
- mw.test.addTest('typeof $.trimLeft',
- 'function (string)');
- mw.test.addTest('$.trimLeft(\' foo bar \')',
- 'foo bar (string)');
- mw.test.addTest('typeof $.trimRight',
- 'function (string)');
- mw.test.addTest('$.trimRight(\' foo bar \')',
- ' foo bar (string)');
- mw.test.addTest('typeof $.isEmpty',
- 'function (string)');
- mw.test.addTest('$.isEmpty(\'string\')',
- 'false (boolean)');
- mw.test.addTest('$.isEmpty(\'0\')',
- 'true (boolean)');
- mw.test.addTest('$.isEmpty([])',
- 'true (boolean)');
- mw.test.addTest('typeof $.compareArray',
- 'function (string)');
- mw.test.addTest('$.compareArray( [1, "a", [], [2, \'b\'] ], [1, \'a\', [], [2, "b"] ] )',
- 'true (boolean)');
- mw.test.addTest('$.compareArray( [1], [2] )',
- 'false (boolean)');
- mw.test.addTest('4',
- '4 (number)');
- mw.test.addTest('typeof mediaWiki',
- 'object (string)');
- mw.test.addTest('typeof mw',
- 'object (string)');
- mw.test.addTest('typeof mw.util',
- 'object (string)');
- mw.test.addTest('typeof mw.html',
- 'object (string)');
- mw.test.addTest('typeof $.ucFirst',
- 'function (string)');
- mw.test.addTest('$.ucFirst( \'mediawiki\' )',
- 'Mediawiki (string)');
- mw.test.addTest('typeof $.escapeRE',
- 'function (string)');
- mw.test.addTest('$.escapeRE( \'.st{e}$st\' )',
- '\\.st\\{e\\}\\$st (string)');
- mw.test.addTest('typeof $.fn.checkboxShiftClick',
- 'function (string)');
- mw.test.addTest('typeof mw.util.rawurlencode',
- 'function (string)');
- mw.test.addTest('mw.util.rawurlencode( \'Test: A&B/Here\' )',
- 'Test%3A%20A%26B%2FHere (string)');
- mw.test.addTest('typeof mw.util.wikiGetlink',
- 'function (string)');
- mw.test.addTest('typeof mw.util.getParamValue',
- 'function (string)');
- mw.test.addTest('mw.util.getParamValue( \'action\' )',
- 'mwutiltest (string)');
- mw.test.addTest('mw.util.getParamValue( \'foo\', \'\' )',
- 'right (string)');
- mw.test.addTest('',
- 'RegExp (string)');
- mw.test.addTest('typeof mw.util.updateTooltipAccessKeys',
- 'function (string)');
- mw.test.addTest('typeof mw.util.addPortletLink',
- 'function (string)');
- mw.test.addTest('typeof mw.util.addPortletLink( "p-tb", "", "", "t-mworg", "Go to ", "m", "#t-print" )',
- 'object (string)');
- mw.test.addTest('a = mw.util.addPortletLink( "p-tb", "", "", "t-mworg", "Go to ", "m", "#t-print" ); $(a).text();',
- ' (string)');
- mw.test.addTest('mw.html.element( \'hr\' )',
- '<hr/> (string)');
- mw.test.addTest('mw.html.element( \'img\', { \'src\': \' page&action=edit\' } )',
- '<img src=" page&amp;action=edit"/> (string)');
- // Try to roughly keep the order similar to the order in the files
- // or alphabetical (depending on the context)
- // Run tests and compare results
- var exec,
- result,
- resulttype,
- numberoftests = 0,
- numberofpasseds = 0,
- numberofpartials = 0,
- numberoferrors = 0,
- $testrows;
- $testrows = mw.test.$table.find('tr');
- $.each(mw.test.addedTests, (function ( i ) {
- numberoftests++;
- exec = mw.test.addedTests[i][0];
- shouldreturn = mw.test.addedTests[i][1];
- shouldcontain = mw.test.addedTests[i][2];
- doesreturn = eval(exec);
- doesreturn = doesreturn + ' (' + typeof doesreturn + ')';
- $thisrow = $testrows.eq(i + 1);
- $thisrow.find('> td').eq(2).text(doesreturn);
- if (doesreturn.indexOf(shouldcontain) !== -1) {
- if (doesreturn == shouldreturn){
- $thisrow.find('> td').eq(3).css('background', '#EFE').text('OK');
- numberofpasseds++;
- } else {
- $thisrow.find('> td').eq(3).css('background', '#FFE').html('<small>PARTIALLY</small>');
- numberofpartials++;
- }
- } else {
- $thisrow.find('> td').eq(3).css('background', '#FEE').text('ERROR');
- numberoferrors++;
- }
- })
- );
- mw.test.$table.before('<p><strong>Ran ' + numberoftests + ' tests. ' + numberofpasseds + ' passed test(s). ' + numberoferrors + ' error(s). ' + numberofpartials + ' partially passed test(s). </p>');
- }
- });
- }
- }
- };
- mw.test.init();
-} )(jQuery, mediaWiki); \ No newline at end of file