path: root/resources/src/mediawiki/mediawiki.debug.profile.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'resources/src/mediawiki/mediawiki.debug.profile.js')
1 files changed, 556 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/resources/src/mediawiki/mediawiki.debug.profile.js b/resources/src/mediawiki/mediawiki.debug.profile.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..04f7acd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/src/mediawiki/mediawiki.debug.profile.js
@@ -0,0 +1,556 @@
+ * JavaScript for the debug toolbar profiler, enabled through $wgDebugToolbar
+ * and StartProfiler.php.
+ *
+ * @author Erik Bernhardson
+ * @since 1.23
+ */
+( function ( mw, $ ) {
+ 'use strict';
+ /**
+ * @singleton
+ * @class mw.Debug.profile
+ */
+ var profile = mw.Debug.profile = {
+ /**
+ * Object containing data for the debug toolbar
+ *
+ * @property ProfileData
+ */
+ data: null,
+ /**
+ * @property DOMElement
+ */
+ container: null,
+ /**
+ * Initializes the profiling pane.
+ */
+ init: function ( data, width, mergeThresholdPx, dropThresholdPx ) {
+ data = data || mw.config.get( 'debugInfo' ).profile;
+ profile.width = width || $(window).width() - 20;
+ // merge events from same pixel(some events are very granular)
+ mergeThresholdPx = mergeThresholdPx || 2;
+ // only drop events if requested
+ dropThresholdPx = dropThresholdPx || 0;
+ if (
+ ! ||
+ !Array.prototype.reduce ||
+ !Array.prototype.filter ||
+ !document.createElementNS ||
+ !document.createElementNS.bind
+ ) {
+ profile.container = profile.buildRequiresBrowserFeatures();
+ } else if ( data.length === 0 ) {
+ profile.container = profile.buildNoData();
+ } else {
+ // Initialize createSvgElement (now that we know we have
+ // document.createElementNS and bind)
+ this.createSvgElement = document.createElementNS.bind( document, '' );
+ // generate a flyout
+ = new ProfileData( data, profile.width, mergeThresholdPx, dropThresholdPx );
+ // draw it
+ profile.container = profile.buildSvg( profile.container );
+ profile.attachFlyout();
+ }
+ return profile.container;
+ },
+ buildRequiresBrowserFeatures: function () {
+ return $( '<div>' )
+ .text( 'Certain browser features, including parts of ECMAScript 5 and document.createElementNS, are required for the profile visualization.' )
+ .get( 0 );
+ },
+ buildNoData: function () {
+ return $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'mw-debug-profile-no-data' )
+ .text( 'No events recorded, ensure profiling is enabled in StartProfiler.php.' )
+ .get( 0 );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Creates DOM nodes appropriately namespaced for SVG.
+ * Initialized in init after checking support
+ *
+ * @param string tag to create
+ * @return DOMElement
+ */
+ createSvgElement: null,
+ /**
+ * @param DOMElement|undefined
+ */
+ buildSvg: function ( node ) {
+ var container, group, i, g,
+ timespan =,
+ gapPerEvent = 38,
+ space = 10.5,
+ currentHeight = space,
+ totalHeight = 0;
+ profile.ratio = ( profile.width - space * 2 ) / ( timespan.end - timespan.start );
+ totalHeight += gapPerEvent *;
+ if ( node ) {
+ $( node ).empty();
+ } else {
+ node = profile.createSvgElement( 'svg' );
+ node.setAttribute( 'version', '1.2' );
+ node.setAttribute( 'baseProfile', 'tiny' );
+ }
+ = totalHeight;
+ = profile.width;
+ // use a container that can be transformed
+ container = profile.createSvgElement( 'g' );
+ node.appendChild( container );
+ for ( i = 0; i <; i++ ) {
+ group =[i];
+ g = profile.buildTimeline( group );
+ g.setAttribute( 'transform', 'translate( 0 ' + currentHeight + ' )' );
+ container.appendChild( g );
+ currentHeight += gapPerEvent;
+ }
+ return node;
+ },
+ /**
+ * @param Object group of periods to transform into graphics
+ */
+ buildTimeline: function ( group ) {
+ var text, tspan, line, i,
+ sum = group.timespan.sum,
+ ms = ' ~ ' + ( sum < 1 ? sum.toFixed( 2 ) : sum.toFixed( 0 ) ) + ' ms',
+ timeline = profile.createSvgElement( 'g' );
+ timeline.setAttribute( 'class', 'mw-debug-profile-timeline' );
+ // draw label
+ text = profile.createSvgElement( 'text' );
+ text.setAttribute( 'x', profile.xCoord( group.timespan.start ) );
+ text.setAttribute( 'y', 0 );
+ text.textContent =;
+ timeline.appendChild( text );
+ // draw metadata
+ tspan = profile.createSvgElement( 'tspan' );
+ tspan.textContent = ms;
+ text.appendChild( tspan );
+ // draw timeline periods
+ for ( i = 0; i < group.periods.length; i++ ) {
+ timeline.appendChild( profile.buildPeriod( group.periods[i] ) );
+ }
+ // full-width line under each timeline
+ line = profile.createSvgElement( 'line' );
+ line.setAttribute( 'class', 'mw-debug-profile-underline' );
+ line.setAttribute( 'x1', 0 );
+ line.setAttribute( 'y1', 28 );
+ line.setAttribute( 'x2', profile.width );
+ line.setAttribute( 'y2', 28 );
+ timeline.appendChild( line );
+ return timeline;
+ },
+ /**
+ * @param Object period to transform into graphics
+ */
+ buildPeriod: function ( period ) {
+ var node,
+ head = profile.xCoord( period.start ),
+ tail = profile.xCoord( period.end ),
+ g = profile.createSvgElement( 'g' );
+ g.setAttribute( 'class', 'mw-debug-profile-period' );
+ $( g ).data( 'period', period );
+ if ( head + 16 > tail ) {
+ node = profile.createSvgElement( 'rect' );
+ node.setAttribute( 'x', head );
+ node.setAttribute( 'y', 8 );
+ node.setAttribute( 'width', 2 );
+ node.setAttribute( 'height', 9 );
+ g.appendChild( node );
+ node = profile.createSvgElement( 'rect' );
+ node.setAttribute( 'x', head );
+ node.setAttribute( 'y', 8 );
+ node.setAttribute( 'width', ( period.end - period.start ) * profile.ratio || 2 );
+ node.setAttribute( 'height', 6 );
+ g.appendChild( node );
+ } else {
+ node = profile.createSvgElement( 'polygon' );
+ node.setAttribute( 'points', pointList( [
+ [ head, 8 ],
+ [ head, 19 ],
+ [ head + 8, 8 ],
+ [ head, 8]
+ ] ) );
+ g.appendChild( node );
+ node = profile.createSvgElement( 'polygon' );
+ node.setAttribute( 'points', pointList( [
+ [ tail, 8 ],
+ [ tail, 19 ],
+ [ tail - 8, 8 ],
+ [ tail, 8 ]
+ ] ) );
+ g.appendChild( node );
+ node = profile.createSvgElement( 'line' );
+ node.setAttribute( 'x1', head );
+ node.setAttribute( 'y1', 9 );
+ node.setAttribute( 'x2', tail );
+ node.setAttribute( 'y2', 9 );
+ g.appendChild( node );
+ }
+ return g;
+ },
+ /**
+ * @param Object
+ */
+ buildFlyout: function ( period ) {
+ var contained, sum, ms, mem, i,
+ node = $( '<div>' );
+ for ( i = 0; i < period.contained.length; i++ ) {
+ contained = period.contained[i];
+ sum = contained.end - contained.start;
+ ms = '' + ( sum < 1 ? sum.toFixed( 2 ) : sum.toFixed( 0 ) ) + ' ms';
+ mem = formatBytes( contained.memory );
+ $( '<div>' ).text( )
+ .append( $( '<span>' ).text( ' ~ ' + ms + ' / ' + mem ).addClass( 'mw-debug-profile-meta' ) )
+ .appendTo( node );
+ }
+ return node;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Attach a hover flyout to all .mw-debug-profile-period groups.
+ */
+ attachFlyout: function () {
+ // for some reason addClass and removeClass from jQuery
+ // arn't working on svg elements in chrome <= 33.0 (possibly more)
+ var $container = $( profile.container ),
+ addClass = function ( node, value ) {
+ var current = node.getAttribute( 'class' ),
+ list = current ? current.split( ' ' ) : false,
+ idx = list ? list.indexOf( value ) : -1;
+ if ( idx === -1 ) {
+ node.setAttribute( 'class', current ? ( current + ' ' + value ) : value );
+ }
+ },
+ removeClass = function ( node, value ) {
+ var current = node.getAttribute( 'class' ),
+ list = current ? current.split( ' ' ) : false,
+ idx = list ? list.indexOf( value ) : -1;
+ if ( idx !== -1 ) {
+ list.splice( idx, 1 );
+ node.setAttribute( 'class', list.join( ' ' ) );
+ }
+ },
+ // hide all tipsy flyouts
+ hide = function () {
+ $container.find( '.mw-debug-profile-period.tipsy-visible' )
+ .each( function () {
+ removeClass( this, 'tipsy-visible' );
+ $( this ).tipsy( 'hide' );
+ } );
+ };
+ $container.find( '.mw-debug-profile-period' ).tipsy( {
+ fade: true,
+ gravity: function () {
+ return $ this ) + $ this );
+ },
+ className: 'mw-debug-profile-tipsy',
+ center: false,
+ html: true,
+ trigger: 'manual',
+ title: function () {
+ return profile.buildFlyout( $( this ).data( 'period' ) ).html();
+ }
+ } ).on( 'mouseenter', function () {
+ hide();
+ addClass( this, 'tipsy-visible' );
+ $( this ).tipsy( 'show' );
+ } );
+ $container.on( 'mouseleave', function ( event ) {
+ var $from = $( event.relatedTarget ),
+ $to = $( );
+ // only close the tipsy if we are not
+ if ( $from.closest( '.tipsy' ).length === 0 &&
+ $to.closest( '.tipsy' ).length === 0 &&
+ $to.get( 0 ).namespaceURI !== ''
+ ) {
+ hide();
+ }
+ } ).on( 'click', function () {
+ // convenience method for closing
+ hide();
+ } );
+ },
+ /**
+ * @return number the x co-ordinate for the specified timestamp
+ */
+ xCoord: function ( msTimestamp ) {
+ return ( msTimestamp - ) * profile.ratio;
+ }
+ };
+ function ProfileData( data, width, mergeThresholdPx, dropThresholdPx ) {
+ // validate input data
+ = function ( event ) {
+ event.periods = event.periods.filter( function ( period ) {
+ return period.start && period.end
+ && period.start < period.end
+ // period start must be a reasonable ms timestamp
+ && period.start > 1000000;
+ } );
+ return event;
+ } ).filter( function ( event ) {
+ return && event.periods.length > 0;
+ } );
+ // start and end time of the data
+ this.timespan = function ( result, event ) {
+ return event.periods.reduce( periodMinMax, result );
+ }, periodMinMax.initial() );
+ // transform input data
+ this.groups = this.collate( width, mergeThresholdPx, dropThresholdPx );
+ return this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * There are too many unique events to display a line for each,
+ * so this does a basic grouping.
+ */
+ ProfileData.groupOf = function ( label ) {
+ var pos, prefix = 'Profile section ended by close(): ';
+ if ( label.indexOf( prefix ) === 0 ) {
+ label = label.slice( prefix.length );
+ }
+ pos = [ '::', ':', '-' ].reduce( function ( result, separator ) {
+ var pos = label.indexOf( separator );
+ if ( pos === -1 ) {
+ return result;
+ } else if ( result === -1 ) {
+ return pos;
+ } else {
+ return Math.min( result, pos );
+ }
+ }, -1 );
+ if ( pos === -1 ) {
+ return label;
+ } else {
+ return label.slice( 0, pos );
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * @return Array list of objects with `name` and `events` keys
+ */
+ ProfileData.groupEvents = function ( events ) {
+ var group, i,
+ groups = {};
+ // Group events together
+ for ( i = events.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
+ group = ProfileData.groupOf( events[i].name );
+ if ( groups[group] ) {
+ groups[group].push( events[i] );
+ } else {
+ groups[group] = [events[i]];
+ }
+ }
+ // Return an array of groups
+ return Object.keys( groups ).map( function ( group ) {
+ return {
+ name: group,
+ events: groups[group]
+ };
+ } );
+ };
+ ProfileData.periodSorter = function ( a, b ) {
+ if ( a.start === b.start ) {
+ return a.end - b.end;
+ }
+ return a.start - b.start;
+ };
+ ProfileData.genMergePeriodReducer = function ( mergeThresholdMs ) {
+ return function ( result, period ) {
+ if ( result.length === 0 ) {
+ // period is first result
+ return [{
+ start: period.start,
+ end: period.end,
+ contained: [period]
+ }];
+ }
+ var last = result[result.length - 1];
+ if ( period.end < last.end ) {
+ // end is contained within previous
+ result[result.length - 1].contained.push( period );
+ } else if ( period.start - mergeThresholdMs < last.end ) {
+ // neighbors within merging distance
+ result[result.length - 1].end = period.end;
+ result[result.length - 1].contained.push( period );
+ } else {
+ // period is next result
+ result.push( {
+ start: period.start,
+ end: period.end,
+ contained: [period]
+ } );
+ }
+ return result;
+ };
+ };
+ /**
+ * Collect all periods from the grouped events and apply merge and
+ * drop transformations
+ */
+ ProfileData.extractPeriods = function ( events, mergeThresholdMs, dropThresholdMs ) {
+ // collect the periods from all events
+ return events.reduce( function ( result, event ) {
+ if ( !event.periods.length ) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ result.push.apply( result, function ( period ) {
+ // maintain link from period to event
+ period.source = event;
+ return period;
+ } ) );
+ return result;
+ }, [] )
+ // sort combined periods
+ .sort( ProfileData.periodSorter )
+ // Apply merge threshold. Original periods
+ // are maintained in the `contained` property
+ .reduce( ProfileData.genMergePeriodReducer( mergeThresholdMs ), [] )
+ // Apply drop threshold
+ .filter( function ( period ) {
+ return period.end - period.start > dropThresholdMs;
+ } );
+ };
+ /**
+ * runs a callback on all periods in the group. Only valid after
+ * groups.periods[0..n].contained are populated. This runs against
+ * un-transformed data and is better suited to summing or other
+ * stat collection
+ */
+ ProfileData.reducePeriods = function ( group, callback, result ) {
+ return group.periods.reduce( function ( result, period ) {
+ return period.contained.reduce( callback, result );
+ }, result );
+ };
+ /**
+ * Transforms grouping by labels, merging neighboring
+ * events in the groups, and drops events and groups below the
+ * display threshold. Groups are returned sorted by starting time.
+ */
+ ProfileData.prototype.collate = function ( width, mergeThresholdPx, dropThresholdPx ) {
+ // ms to pixel ratio
+ var ratio = ( this.timespan.end - this.timespan.start ) / width,
+ // transform thresholds to ms
+ mergeThresholdMs = mergeThresholdPx * ratio,
+ dropThresholdMs = dropThresholdPx * ratio;
+ return ProfileData.groupEvents( )
+ // generate data about the grouped events
+ .map( function ( group ) {
+ // Cleaned periods from all events
+ group.periods = ProfileData.extractPeriods(, mergeThresholdMs, dropThresholdMs );
+ // min and max timestamp per group
+ group.timespan = ProfileData.reducePeriods( group, periodMinMax, periodMinMax.initial() );
+ // ms from first call to end of last call
+ group.timespan.length = group.timespan.end - group.timespan.start;
+ // collect the un-transformed periods
+ group.timespan.sum = ProfileData.reducePeriods( group, function ( result, period ) {
+ result.push( period );
+ return result;
+ }, [] )
+ // sort by start time
+ .sort( ProfileData.periodSorter )
+ // merge overlapping
+ .reduce( ProfileData.genMergePeriodReducer( 0 ), [] )
+ // sum
+ .reduce( function ( result, period ) {
+ return result + period.end - period.start;
+ }, 0 );
+ return group;
+ }, this )
+ // remove groups that have had all their periods filtered
+ .filter( function ( group ) {
+ return group.periods.length > 0;
+ } )
+ // sort events by first start
+ .sort( function ( a, b ) {
+ return ProfileData.periodSorter( a.timespan, b.timespan );
+ } );
+ };
+ // reducer to find edges of period array
+ function periodMinMax( result, period ) {
+ if ( period.start < result.start ) {
+ result.start = period.start;
+ }
+ if ( period.end > result.end ) {
+ result.end = period.end;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ periodMinMax.initial = function () {
+ return { start: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, end: Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY };
+ };
+ function formatBytes( bytes ) {
+ var i, sizes = ['Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'];
+ if ( bytes === 0 ) {
+ return '0 Bytes';
+ }
+ i = parseInt( Math.floor( Math.log( bytes ) / Math.log( 1024 ) ), 10 );
+ return Math.round( bytes / Math.pow( 1024, i ), 2 ) + ' ' + sizes[i];
+ }
+ // turns a 2d array into a point list for svg
+ // polygon points attribute
+ // ex: [[1,2],[3,4],[4,2]] = '1,2 3,4 4,2'
+ function pointList( pairs ) {
+ return function ( pair ) {
+ return pair.join( ',' );
+ } ).join( ' ' );
+ }
+}( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );