path: root/tests/jasmine/spec/mediawiki.Uri.spec.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/jasmine/spec/mediawiki.Uri.spec.js')
1 files changed, 307 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/jasmine/spec/mediawiki.Uri.spec.js b/tests/jasmine/spec/mediawiki.Uri.spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..721ccb38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/jasmine/spec/mediawiki.Uri.spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+( function() {
+ // ensure we have a generic URI parser if not running in a browser
+ if ( !mw.Uri ) {
+ mw.Uri = mw.UriRelative( '' );
+ }
+ describe( "mw.Uri", function() {
+ describe( "should work well in loose and strict mode", function() {
+ function basicTests( strict ) {
+ describe( "should parse a simple HTTP URI correctly", function() {
+ var uriString = '';
+ var uri;
+ if ( strict ) {
+ uri = new mw.Uri( uriString, strict );
+ } else {
+ uri = new mw.Uri( uriString );
+ }
+ it( "should have basic object properties", function() {
+ expect( uri.protocol ).toEqual( 'http' );
+ expect( ).toEqual( '' );
+ expect( uri.port ).not.toBeDefined();
+ expect( uri.path ).toEqual( '/rfc/rfc2396.txt' );
+ expect( uri.query ).toEqual( {} );
+ expect( uri.fragment ).not.toBeDefined();
+ } );
+ describe( "should construct composite components of URI on request", function() {
+ it( "should have empty userinfo", function() {
+ expect( uri.getUserInfo() ).toEqual( '' );
+ } );
+ it( "should have authority equal to host", function() {
+ expect( uri.getAuthority() ).toEqual( '' );
+ } );
+ it( "should have hostport equal to host", function() {
+ expect( uri.getHostPort() ).toEqual( '' );
+ } );
+ it( "should have empty string as query string", function() {
+ expect( uri.getQueryString() ).toEqual( '' );
+ } );
+ it( "should have path as relative path", function() {
+ expect( uri.getRelativePath() ).toEqual( '/rfc/rfc2396.txt' );
+ } );
+ it( "should return a uri string equivalent to original", function() {
+ expect( uri.toString() ).toEqual( uriString );
+ } );
+ } );
+ } );
+ }
+ describe( "should work in loose mode", function() {
+ basicTests( false );
+ } );
+ describe( "should work in strict mode", function() {
+ basicTests( true );
+ } );
+ } );
+ it( "should parse a simple ftp URI correctly with user and password", function() {
+ var uri = new mw.Uri( 'ftp://usr:pwd@' );
+ expect( uri.protocol ).toEqual( 'ftp' );
+ expect( uri.user ).toEqual( 'usr' );
+ expect( uri.password ).toEqual( 'pwd' );
+ expect( ).toEqual( '' );
+ expect( uri.port ).not.toBeDefined();
+ expect( uri.path ).toEqual( '/' );
+ expect( uri.query ).toEqual( {} );
+ expect( uri.fragment ).not.toBeDefined();
+ } );
+ it( "should parse a simple querystring", function() {
+ var uri = new mw.Uri( '' );
+ expect( uri.protocol ).toEqual( 'http' );
+ expect( ).toEqual( '' );
+ expect( uri.port ).not.toBeDefined();
+ expect( uri.path ).toEqual( '/' );
+ expect( uri.query ).toBeDefined();
+ expect( uri.query ).toEqual( { q: 'uri' } );
+ expect( uri.fragment ).not.toBeDefined();
+ expect( uri.getQueryString() ).toEqual( 'q=uri' );
+ } );
+ describe( "should handle multiple value query args (overrideKeys on)", function() {
+ var uri = new mw.Uri( '', { overrideKeys: true } );
+ it ( "should parse with multiple values", function() {
+ expect( uri.query.m ).toEqual( 'bar' );
+ expect( uri.query.n ).toEqual( '1' );
+ } );
+ it ( "should accept multiple values", function() {
+ uri.query.n = [ "x", "y", "z" ];
+ expect( uri.toString() ).toContain( 'm=bar' );
+ expect( uri.toString() ).toContain( 'n=x&n=y&n=z' );
+ expect( uri.toString().length ).toEqual( ''.length );
+ } );
+ } );
+ describe( "should handle multiple value query args (overrideKeys off)", function() {
+ var uri = new mw.Uri( '', { overrideKeys: false } );
+ it ( "should parse with multiple values", function() {
+ expect( uri.query.m.length ).toEqual( 2 );
+ expect( uri.query.m[0] ).toEqual( 'foo' );
+ expect( uri.query.m[1] ).toEqual( 'bar' );
+ expect( uri.query.n ).toEqual( '1' );
+ } );
+ it ( "should accept multiple values", function() {
+ uri.query.n = [ "x", "y", "z" ];
+ expect( uri.toString() ).toContain( 'm=foo&m=bar' );
+ expect( uri.toString() ).toContain( 'n=x&n=y&n=z' );
+ expect( uri.toString().length ).toEqual( ''.length );
+ } );
+ it ( "should be okay with removing values", function() {
+ uri.query.m.splice( 0, 1 );
+ delete uri.query.n;
+ expect( uri.toString() ).toEqual( '' );
+ uri.query.m.splice( 0, 1 );
+ expect( uri.toString() ).toEqual( '' );
+ } );
+ } );
+ describe( "should deal with an all-dressed URI with everything", function() {
+ var uri = new mw.Uri( '' );
+ it( "should have basic object properties", function() {
+ expect( uri.protocol ).toEqual( 'http' );
+ expect( uri.user ).toEqual( 'auth' );
+ expect( uri.password ).not.toBeDefined();
+ expect( ).toEqual( '' );
+ expect( uri.port ).toEqual( '81' );
+ expect( uri.path ).toEqual( '/dir/dir.2/index.htm' );
+ expect( uri.query ).toEqual( { q1: '0', test1: null, test2: 'value (escaped)' } );
+ expect( uri.fragment ).toEqual( 'top' );
+ } );
+ describe( "should construct composite components of URI on request", function() {
+ it( "should have userinfo", function() {
+ expect( uri.getUserInfo() ).toEqual( 'auth' );
+ } );
+ it( "should have authority equal to auth@hostport", function() {
+ expect( uri.getAuthority() ).toEqual( '' );
+ } );
+ it( "should have hostport equal to host:port", function() {
+ expect( uri.getHostPort() ).toEqual( '' );
+ } );
+ it( "should have query string which contains all components", function() {
+ var queryString = uri.getQueryString();
+ expect( queryString ).toContain( 'q1=0' );
+ expect( queryString ).toContain( 'test1' );
+ expect( queryString ).not.toContain( 'test1=' );
+ expect( queryString ).toContain( 'test2=value+%28escaped%29' );
+ } );
+ it( "should have path as relative path", function() {
+ expect( uri.getRelativePath() ).toContain( uri.path );
+ expect( uri.getRelativePath() ).toContain( uri.getQueryString() );
+ expect( uri.getRelativePath() ).toContain( uri.fragment );
+ } );
+ } );
+ } );
+ describe( "should be able to clone itself", function() {
+ var original = new mw.Uri( '' );
+ var clone = original.clone();
+ it( "should make clones equivalent", function() {
+ expect( original ).toEqual( clone );
+ expect( original.toString() ).toEqual( clone.toString() );
+ } );
+ it( "should be able to manipulate clones independently", function() {
+ // but they are still different objects
+ expect( original ).not.toBe( clone );
+ // and can diverge
+ = '';
+ expect( ).not.toEqual( );
+ expect( original.toString() ).not.toEqual( clone.toString() );
+ } );
+ } );
+ describe( "should be able to construct URL from object", function() {
+ it ( "should construct given basic arguments", function() {
+ var uri = new mw.Uri( { protocol: 'http', host: '', path: '/this' } );
+ expect( uri.toString() ).toEqual( '' );
+ } );
+ it ( "should construct given more complex arguments", function() {
+ var uri = new mw.Uri( {
+ protocol: 'http',
+ host: '',
+ path: '/this',
+ query: { hi: 'there' },
+ fragment: 'blah'
+ } );
+ expect( uri.toString() ).toEqual( '' );
+ } );
+ it ( "should fail to construct without required properties", function() {
+ expect( function() {
+ var uri = new mw.Uri( { protocol: 'http', host: '' } );
+ } ).toThrow( "Bad constructor arguments" );
+ } );
+ } );
+ describe( "should be able to manipulate properties", function() {
+ var uri;
+ beforeEach( function() {
+ uri = new mw.Uri( '' );
+ } );
+ it( "can add a fragment", function() {
+ uri.fragment = 'frag';
+ expect( uri.toString() ).toEqual( '' );
+ } );
+ it( "can change host and port", function() {
+ = '';
+ uri.port = '8080';
+ expect( uri.toString() ).toEqual( '' );
+ } );
+ it ( "can add query arguments", function() {
+ = 'bar';
+ expect( uri.toString() ).toEqual( '' );
+ } );
+ it ( "can extend query arguments", function() {
+ = 'bar';
+ expect( uri.toString() ).toEqual( '' );
+ uri.extend( { foo: 'quux', pif: 'paf' } );
+ expect( uri.toString() ).toContain( 'foo=quux' );
+ expect( uri.toString() ).not.toContain( 'foo=bar' );
+ expect( uri.toString() ).toContain( 'pif=paf' );
+ } );
+ it ( "can remove query arguments", function() {
+ = 'bar';
+ expect( uri.toString() ).toEqual( '' );
+ delete( );
+ expect( uri.toString() ).toEqual( '' );
+ } );
+ } );
+ describe( "should handle protocol-relative URLs", function() {
+ it ( "should create protocol-relative URLs with same protocol as document", function() {
+ var uriRel = mw.UriRelative( 'glork://' );
+ var uri = new uriRel( '//' );
+ expect( uri.protocol ).toEqual( 'glork' );
+ } );
+ } );
+ it( "should throw error on no arguments to constructor", function() {
+ expect( function() {
+ var uri = new mw.Uri();
+ } ).toThrow( "Bad constructor arguments" );
+ } );
+ it( "should throw error on empty string as argument to constructor", function() {
+ expect( function() {
+ var uri = new mw.Uri( '' );
+ } ).toThrow( "Bad constructor arguments" );
+ } );
+ it( "should throw error on non-URI as argument to constructor", function() {
+ expect( function() {
+ var uri = new mw.Uri( 'glaswegian penguins' );
+ } ).toThrow( "Bad constructor arguments" );
+ } );
+ it( "should throw error on improper URI as argument to constructor", function() {
+ expect( function() {
+ var uri = new mw.Uri( 'http:/' );
+ } ).toThrow( "Bad constructor arguments" );
+ } );
+ it( "should throw error on URI without protocol or // in strict mode", function() {
+ expect( function() {
+ var uri = new mw.Uri( '', true );
+ } ).toThrow( "Bad constructor arguments" );
+ } );
+ it( "should normalize URI without protocol or // in loose mode", function() {
+ var uri = new mw.Uri( '', false );
+ expect( uri.toString() ).toEqual( '' );
+ } );
+ } );
+} )();