path: root/vendor/monolog/monolog/tests/Monolog/Handler/HipChatHandlerTest.php
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 166 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/monolog/monolog/tests/Monolog/Handler/HipChatHandlerTest.php b/vendor/monolog/monolog/tests/Monolog/Handler/HipChatHandlerTest.php
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index d58386a1..00000000
--- a/vendor/monolog/monolog/tests/Monolog/Handler/HipChatHandlerTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of the Monolog package.
- *
- * (c) Jordi Boggiano <>
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
-namespace Monolog\Handler;
-use Monolog\TestCase;
-use Monolog\Logger;
- * @author Rafael Dohms <>
- * @see
- */
-class HipChatHandlerTest extends TestCase
- private $res;
- private $handler;
- public function testWriteHeader()
- {
- $this->createHandler();
- $this->handler->handle($this->getRecord(Logger::CRITICAL, 'test1'));
- fseek($this->res, 0);
- $content = fread($this->res, 1024);
- $this->assertRegexp('/POST \/v1\/rooms\/message\?format=json&auth_token=.* HTTP\/1.1\\r\\nHost:\\r\\nContent-Type: application\/x-www-form-urlencoded\\r\\nContent-Length: \d{2,4}\\r\\n\\r\\n/', $content);
- return $content;
- }
- /**
- * @depends testWriteHeader
- */
- public function testWriteContent($content)
- {
- $this->assertRegexp('/from=Monolog&room_id=room1&notify=0&message=test1&message_format=text&color=red$/', $content);
- }
- public function testWriteWithComplexMessage()
- {
- $this->createHandler();
- $this->handler->handle($this->getRecord(Logger::CRITICAL, 'Backup of database "example" finished in 16 minutes.'));
- fseek($this->res, 0);
- $content = fread($this->res, 1024);
- $this->assertRegexp('/message=Backup\+of\+database\+%22example%22\+finished\+in\+16\+minutes\./', $content);
- }
- /**
- * @dataProvider provideLevelColors
- */
- public function testWriteWithErrorLevelsAndColors($level, $expectedColor)
- {
- $this->createHandler();
- $this->handler->handle($this->getRecord($level, 'Backup of database "example" finished in 16 minutes.'));
- fseek($this->res, 0);
- $content = fread($this->res, 1024);
- $this->assertRegexp('/color='.$expectedColor.'/', $content);
- }
- public function provideLevelColors()
- {
- return array(
- array(Logger::DEBUG, 'gray'),
- array(Logger::INFO, 'green'),
- array(Logger::WARNING, 'yellow'),
- array(Logger::ERROR, 'red'),
- array(Logger::CRITICAL, 'red'),
- array(Logger::ALERT, 'red'),
- array(Logger::EMERGENCY,'red'),
- array(Logger::NOTICE, 'green'),
- );
- }
- /**
- * @dataProvider provideBatchRecords
- */
- public function testHandleBatch($records, $expectedColor)
- {
- $this->createHandler();
- $this->handler->handleBatch($records);
- fseek($this->res, 0);
- $content = fread($this->res, 1024);
- $this->assertRegexp('/color='.$expectedColor.'/', $content);
- }
- public function provideBatchRecords()
- {
- return array(
- array(
- array(
- array('level' => Logger::WARNING, 'message' => 'Oh bugger!', 'level_name' => 'warning', 'datetime' => new \DateTime()),
- array('level' => Logger::NOTICE, 'message' => 'Something noticeable happened.', 'level_name' => 'notice', 'datetime' => new \DateTime()),
- array('level' => Logger::CRITICAL, 'message' => 'Everything is broken!', 'level_name' => 'critical', 'datetime' => new \DateTime())
- ),
- 'red',
- ),
- array(
- array(
- array('level' => Logger::WARNING, 'message' => 'Oh bugger!', 'level_name' => 'warning', 'datetime' => new \DateTime()),
- array('level' => Logger::NOTICE, 'message' => 'Something noticeable happened.', 'level_name' => 'notice', 'datetime' => new \DateTime()),
- ),
- 'yellow',
- ),
- array(
- array(
- array('level' => Logger::DEBUG, 'message' => 'Just debugging.', 'level_name' => 'debug', 'datetime' => new \DateTime()),
- array('level' => Logger::NOTICE, 'message' => 'Something noticeable happened.', 'level_name' => 'notice', 'datetime' => new \DateTime()),
- ),
- 'green',
- ),
- array(
- array(
- array('level' => Logger::DEBUG, 'message' => 'Just debugging.', 'level_name' => 'debug', 'datetime' => new \DateTime()),
- ),
- 'gray',
- ),
- );
- }
- private function createHandler($token = 'myToken', $room = 'room1', $name = 'Monolog', $notify = false)
- {
- $constructorArgs = array($token, $room, $name, $notify, Logger::DEBUG);
- $this->res = fopen('php://memory', 'a');
- $this->handler = $this->getMock(
- '\Monolog\Handler\HipChatHandler',
- array('fsockopen', 'streamSetTimeout', 'closeSocket'),
- $constructorArgs
- );
- $reflectionProperty = new \ReflectionProperty('\Monolog\Handler\SocketHandler', 'connectionString');
- $reflectionProperty->setAccessible(true);
- $reflectionProperty->setValue($this->handler, 'localhost:1234');
- $this->handler->expects($this->any())
- ->method('fsockopen')
- ->will($this->returnValue($this->res));
- $this->handler->expects($this->any())
- ->method('streamSetTimeout')
- ->will($this->returnValue(true));
- $this->handler->expects($this->any())
- ->method('closeSocket')
- ->will($this->returnValue(true));
- $this->handler->setFormatter($this->getIdentityFormatter());
- }
- /**
- * @expectedException InvalidArgumentException
- */
- public function testCreateWithTooLongName()
- {
- $hipChatHandler = new \Monolog\Handler\HipChatHandler('token', 'room', 'SixteenCharsHere');
- }