path: root/vendor/oojs/oojs-ui/demos/pages/toolbars.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/oojs/oojs-ui/demos/pages/toolbars.js')
1 files changed, 338 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/oojs/oojs-ui/demos/pages/toolbars.js b/vendor/oojs/oojs-ui/demos/pages/toolbars.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..550d8128
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/oojs/oojs-ui/demos/pages/toolbars.js
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+OO.ui.Demo.static.pages.toolbars = function ( demo ) {
+ var i, toolGroups, saveButton, actionButton, actionButtonDisabled, PopupTool, ToolGroupTool,
+ $demo = demo.$element,
+ $containers = $(),
+ toolFactories = [],
+ toolGroupFactories = [],
+ toolbars = [];
+ // Show some random accelerator keys that don't actually work
+ function getToolAccelerator( name ) {
+ return {
+ listTool1: 'Ctrl+Shift+1',
+ listTool2: 'Ctrl+Alt+2',
+ listTool3: 'Cmd+Enter',
+ listTool5: 'Shift+Down',
+ menuTool: 'Ctrl+M'
+ }[ name ];
+ }
+ for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
+ toolFactories.push( new OO.ui.ToolFactory() );
+ toolGroupFactories.push( new OO.ui.ToolGroupFactory() );
+ toolbars.push( new OO.ui.Toolbar( toolFactories[ i ], toolGroupFactories[ i ], { actions: true } ) );
+ toolbars[ i ].getToolAccelerator = getToolAccelerator;
+ }
+ function createTool( toolbar, group, name, icon, title, init, onSelect, displayBothIconAndLabel ) {
+ var Tool = function () {
+ Tool.super.apply( this, arguments );
+ this.toggled = false;
+ if ( init ) {
+ this );
+ }
+ };
+ OO.inheritClass( Tool, OO.ui.Tool );
+ Tool.prototype.onSelect = function () {
+ if ( onSelect ) {
+ this );
+ } else {
+ this.toggled = !this.toggled;
+ this.setActive( this.toggled );
+ }
+ toolbars[ toolbar ].emit( 'updateState' );
+ };
+ Tool.prototype.onUpdateState = function () {};
+ = name;
+ = group;
+ Tool.static.icon = icon;
+ Tool.static.title = title;
+ Tool.static.displayBothIconAndLabel = !!displayBothIconAndLabel;
+ return Tool;
+ }
+ function createToolGroup( toolbar, group ) {
+ $.each( toolGroups[ group ], function ( i, tool ) {
+ var args = tool.slice();
+ args.splice( 0, 0, toolbar, group );
+ toolFactories[ toolbar ].register( createTool.apply( null, args ) );
+ } );
+ }
+ function createDisabledToolGroup( parent, name ) {
+ var DisabledToolGroup = function () {
+ DisabledToolGroup.super.apply( this, arguments );
+ this.setDisabled( true );
+ };
+ OO.inheritClass( DisabledToolGroup, parent );
+ = name;
+ DisabledToolGroup.prototype.onUpdateState = function () {
+ this.setLabel( 'Disabled' );
+ };
+ return DisabledToolGroup;
+ }
+ toolGroupFactories[ 0 ].register( createDisabledToolGroup( OO.ui.BarToolGroup, 'disabledBar' ) );
+ toolGroupFactories[ 0 ].register( createDisabledToolGroup( OO.ui.ListToolGroup, 'disabledList' ) );
+ toolGroupFactories[ 1 ].register( createDisabledToolGroup( OO.ui.MenuToolGroup, 'disabledMenu' ) );
+ PopupTool = function ( toolGroup, config ) {
+ // Parent constructor
+ this, toolGroup, $.extend( { popup: {
+ padded: true,
+ label: 'Popup head',
+ head: true
+ } }, config ) );
+ this.popup.$body.append( '<p>Popup contents</p>' );
+ };
+ OO.inheritClass( PopupTool, OO.ui.PopupTool );
+ = 'popupTool';
+ = 'popupTools';
+ PopupTool.static.icon = 'help';
+ toolFactories[ 2 ].register( PopupTool );
+ ToolGroupTool = function ( toolGroup, config ) {
+ // Parent constructor
+ this, toolGroup, config );
+ };
+ OO.inheritClass( ToolGroupTool, OO.ui.ToolGroupTool );
+ = 'toolGroupTool';
+ = 'barTools';
+ ToolGroupTool.static.groupConfig = {
+ indicator: 'down',
+ include: [ { group: 'moreListTools' } ]
+ };
+ toolFactories[ 0 ].register( ToolGroupTool );
+ toolFactories[ 3 ].register( ToolGroupTool );
+ // Toolbar
+ toolbars[ 0 ].setup( [
+ {
+ type: 'bar',
+ include: [ { group: 'barTools' } ],
+ demote: [ 'toolGroupTool' ]
+ },
+ {
+ type: 'disabledBar',
+ include: [ { group: 'disabledBarTools' } ]
+ },
+ {
+ type: 'list',
+ indicator: 'down',
+ label: 'List',
+ icon: 'picture',
+ include: [ { group: 'listTools' } ],
+ allowCollapse: [ 'listTool1', 'listTool6' ]
+ },
+ {
+ type: 'disabledList',
+ indicator: 'down',
+ label: 'List',
+ icon: 'picture',
+ include: [ { group: 'disabledListTools' } ]
+ },
+ {
+ type: 'list',
+ indicator: 'down',
+ label: 'Auto-disabling list',
+ icon: 'picture',
+ include: [ { group: 'autoDisableListTools' } ]
+ },
+ {
+ label: 'Catch-all',
+ include: '*'
+ }
+ ] );
+ // Toolbar with action buttons
+ toolbars[ 1 ].setup( [
+ {
+ type: 'menu',
+ indicator: 'down',
+ icon: 'picture',
+ include: [ { group: 'menuTools' } ]
+ },
+ {
+ type: 'disabledMenu',
+ indicator: 'down',
+ icon: 'picture',
+ include: [ { group: 'disabledMenuTools' } ]
+ }
+ ] );
+ // Fake toolbar to be injected into the first toolbar
+ // demonstrating right-aligned menus
+ toolbars[ 2 ].setup( [
+ {
+ include: [ { group: 'popupTools' } ]
+ },
+ {
+ type: 'list',
+ icon: 'menu',
+ include: [ { group: 'listTools' } ]
+ }
+ ] );
+ toolbars[ 3 ].setup( [
+ {
+ type: 'bar',
+ include: [ { group: 'history' } ]
+ },
+ {
+ type: 'menu',
+ indicator: 'down',
+ include: [ { group: 'menuTools' } ]
+ },
+ {
+ type: 'list',
+ indicator: 'down',
+ icon: 'comment',
+ include: [ { group: 'listTools' } ],
+ allowCollapse: [ 'listTool1', 'listTool6' ]
+ },
+ {
+ type: 'bar',
+ include: [ { group: 'link' } ]
+ },
+ {
+ type: 'bar',
+ include: [ { group: 'cite' } ]
+ },
+ {
+ type: 'list',
+ indicator: 'down',
+ label: 'Insert',
+ include: [ { group: 'autoDisableListTools' }, { group: 'unusedStuff' } ]
+ }
+ ] );
+ saveButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( { label: 'Save', flags: [ 'progressive', 'primary' ] } );
+ actionButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( { label: 'Action' } );
+ actionButtonDisabled = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( { label: 'Disabled', disabled: true } );
+ toolbars[ 1 ].$actions
+ .append( actionButton.$element, actionButtonDisabled.$element );
+ toolbars[ 3 ].$actions
+ .append( toolbars[ 2 ].$element, saveButton.$element );
+ for ( i = 0; i < toolbars.length; i++ ) {
+ toolbars[ i ].emit( 'updateState' );
+ }
+ toolGroups = {
+ barTools: [
+ [ 'barTool', 'picture', 'Basic tool in bar' ],
+ [ 'disabledBarTool', 'picture', 'Basic tool in bar disabled', function () { this.setDisabled( true ); } ]
+ ],
+ disabledBarTools: [
+ [ 'barToolInDisabled', 'picture', 'Basic tool in disabled bar' ]
+ ],
+ listTools: [
+ [ 'listTool', 'picture', 'First basic tool in list' ],
+ [ 'listTool1', 'picture', 'Basic tool in list' ],
+ [ 'listTool3', 'picture', 'Basic disabled tool in list', function () { this.setDisabled( true ); } ],
+ [ 'listTool6', 'picture', 'A final tool' ]
+ ],
+ moreListTools: [
+ [ 'listTool2', 'code', 'Another basic tool' ],
+ [ 'listTool4', 'picture', 'More basic tools' ],
+ [ 'listTool5', 'ellipsis', 'And even more' ]
+ ],
+ popupTools: [
+ [ 'popupTool' ]
+ ],
+ disabledListTools: [
+ [ 'listToolInDisabled', 'picture', 'Basic tool in disabled list' ]
+ ],
+ autoDisableListTools: [
+ [ 'autoDisableListTool', 'picture', 'Click to disable this tool', null, function () { this.setDisabled( true ); } ]
+ ],
+ menuTools: [
+ [ 'menuTool', 'picture', 'Basic tool' ],
+ [ 'disabledMenuTool', 'picture', 'Basic tool disabled', function () { this.setDisabled( true ); } ]
+ ],
+ disabledMenuTools: [
+ [ 'menuToolInDisabled', 'picture', 'Basic tool' ]
+ ],
+ unusedStuff: [
+ [ 'unusedTool', 'help', 'This tool is not explicitly used anywhere' ],
+ [ 'unusedTool1', 'help', 'And neither is this one' ]
+ ],
+ history: [
+ [ 'undoTool', 'undo', 'Undo' ],
+ [ 'redoTool', 'redo', 'Redo' ]
+ ],
+ link: [
+ [ 'linkTool', 'link', 'Link' ]
+ ],
+ cite: [
+ [ 'citeTool', 'citeArticle', 'Cite', null, null, true ]
+ ]
+ };
+ createToolGroup( 0, 'unusedStuff' );
+ createToolGroup( 0, 'barTools' );
+ createToolGroup( 0, 'disabledBarTools' );
+ createToolGroup( 0, 'listTools' );
+ createToolGroup( 0, 'moreListTools' );
+ createToolGroup( 0, 'disabledListTools' );
+ createToolGroup( 0, 'autoDisableListTools' );
+ createToolGroup( 1, 'menuTools' );
+ createToolGroup( 1, 'disabledMenuTools' );
+ createToolGroup( 2, 'listTools' );
+ createToolGroup( 3, 'history' );
+ createToolGroup( 3, 'link' );
+ createToolGroup( 3, 'cite' );
+ createToolGroup( 3, 'menuTools' );
+ createToolGroup( 3, 'listTools' );
+ createToolGroup( 3, 'moreListTools' );
+ createToolGroup( 3, 'autoDisableListTools' );
+ createToolGroup( 3, 'unusedStuff' );
+ for ( i = 0; i < toolbars.length; i++ ) {
+ $containers = $containers.add(
+ new OO.ui.PanelLayout( {
+ expanded: false,
+ framed: true
+ } ).$element
+ .addClass( 'oo-ui-demo-container oo-ui-demo-toolbars' )
+ );
+ if ( i === 2 ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $containers.eq( i ).append( toolbars[ i ].$element );
+ }
+ $containers.append( '' );
+ $demo.append(
+ $containers.eq( 0 ).append( '<div class="oo-ui-demo-toolbars-contents">Toolbar</div>' ),
+ $containers.eq( 1 ).append( '<div class="oo-ui-demo-toolbars-contents">Toolbar with action buttons</div>' ),
+ $containers.eq( 3 ).append( '<div class="oo-ui-demo-toolbars-contents">Word processor toolbar</div>' )
+ );
+ for ( i = 0; i < toolbars.length; i++ ) {
+ toolbars[ i ].initialize();
+ }