self::METADATA_VERSION ); try { $f = new File_Ogg( $path ); $streams = array(); foreach ( $f->listStreams() as $streamIDs ) { foreach ( $streamIDs as $streamID ) { $stream = $f->getStream( $streamID ); $streams[$streamID] = array( 'serial' => $stream->getSerial(), 'group' => $stream->getGroup(), 'type' => $stream->getType(), 'vendor' => $stream->getVendor(), 'length' => $stream->getLength(), 'size' => $stream->getSize(), 'header' => $stream->getHeader(), 'comments' => $stream->getComments() ); } } $metadata['streams'] = $streams; $metadata['length'] = $f->getLength(); // Get the offset of the file (in cases where the file is a segment copy) $metadata['offset'] = $f->getStartOffset(); } catch ( OggException $e ) { // File not found, invalid stream, etc. $metadata['error'] = array( 'message' => $e->getMessage(), 'code' => $e->getCode() ); } return serialize( $metadata ); } /** * Display metadata box on file description page. * * This is pretty basic, it puts data from all the streams together, * and only outputs a couple of the most commonly used ogg "comments", * with comments from all the streams combined * * @param File $file * @param bool|IContextSource $context Context to use (optional) * @return array|bool */ public function formatMetadata( $file, $context = false ) { $meta = $this->getCommonMetaArray( $file ); if ( count( $meta ) === 0 ) { return false; } return $this->formatMetadataHelper( $meta, $context ); } /** * Get some basic metadata properties that are common across file types. * * @param File $file * @return array Array of metadata. See MW's FormatMetadata class for format. */ public function getCommonMetaArray( File $file ) { $metadata = $this->unpackMetadata( $file->getMetadata() ); if ( !$metadata || isset( $metadata['error'] ) || !isset( $metadata['streams'] ) ) { return array(); } // See // $metadataMap = array( 'title' => 'ObjectName', 'artist' => 'Artist', 'performer' => 'Artist', 'description' => 'ImageDescription', 'license' => 'UsageTerms', 'copyright' => 'Copyright', 'organization' => 'dc-publisher', 'date' => 'DateTimeDigitized', 'location' => 'LocationDest', 'contact' => 'Contact', 'encoded_using' => 'Software', 'encoder' => 'Software', // hash. Identifies source video. 'source_ohash' => 'OriginalDocumentID', 'comment' => 'UserComment', 'language' => 'LanguageCode', ); $props = array(); foreach( $metadata['streams'] as $stream ) { if ( isset( $stream['vendor'] ) ) { if ( !isset( $props['Software'] ) ) { $props['Software'] = array(); } $props['Software'][] = trim( $stream['vendor'] ); } if ( !isset( $stream['comments'] ) ) { continue; } foreach( $stream['comments'] as $name => $rawValue ) { // $value will be an array if the file has // a multiple tags with the same name. Otherwise it // is a string. foreach( (array) $rawValue as $value ) { $trimmedValue = trim( $value ); if ( $trimmedValue === '' ) { continue; } $lowerName = strtolower( $name ); if ( isset( $metadataMap[$lowerName] ) ) { $convertedName = $metadataMap[$lowerName]; if ( !isset( $props[$convertedName] ) ) { $props[$convertedName] = array(); } $props[$convertedName][] = $trimmedValue; } } } } // properties might be duplicated across streams foreach( $props as &$type ) { $type = array_unique( $type ); $type = array_values( $type ); } return $props; } /** * Get the "media size" * * @param $file File * @param $path string * @param $metadata bool * @return array|bool */ function getImageSize( $file, $path, $metadata = false ) { global $wgMediaVideoTypes; // Just return the size of the first video stream if ( $metadata === false ) { $metadata = $file->getMetadata(); } $metadata = $this->unpackMetadata( $metadata ); if ( isset( $metadata['error'] ) || !isset( $metadata['streams'] ) ) { return false; } foreach ( $metadata['streams'] as $stream ) { if ( in_array( $stream['type'], $wgMediaVideoTypes ) ) { $pictureWidth = $stream['header']['PICW']; $parNumerator = $stream['header']['PARN']; $parDenominator = $stream['header']['PARD']; if( $parNumerator && $parDenominator ) { // Compensate for non-square pixel aspect ratios $pictureWidth = $pictureWidth * $parNumerator / $parDenominator; } return array( intval( $pictureWidth ), intval( $stream['header']['PICH'] ) ); } } return array( false, false ); } /** * @param $metadata * @return bool|mixed */ function unpackMetadata( $metadata ) { wfSuppressWarnings(); $unser = unserialize( $metadata ); wfRestoreWarnings(); if ( isset( $unser['version'] ) && $unser['version'] == self::METADATA_VERSION ) { return $unser; } else { return false; } } /** * @param $image * @return string */ function getMetadataType( $image ) { return 'ogg'; } /** * @param $file File */ function getWebType( $file ) { $baseType = ( $file->getWidth() == 0 && $file->getHeight() == 0 )? 'audio' : 'video'; $baseType .= '/ogg'; $streamTypes = $this->getStreamTypes( $file ); if ( !$streamTypes ) { return $baseType; } $codecs = strtolower( implode( ", ", $streamTypes ) ); return $baseType . '; codecs="' . $codecs . '"'; } /** * @param $file File * @return array|bool */ function getStreamTypes( $file ) { $streamTypes = array(); $metadata = $this->unpackMetadata( $file->getMetadata() ); if ( !$metadata || isset( $metadata['error'] ) ) { return false; } foreach ( $metadata['streams'] as $stream ) { $streamTypes[] = $stream['type']; } return array_unique( $streamTypes ); } /** * @param $file File * @return int */ function getOffset( $file ){ $metadata = $this->unpackMetadata( $file->getMetadata() ); if ( !$metadata || isset( $metadata['error'] ) || !isset( $metadata['offset']) ) { return 0; } else { return $metadata['offset']; } } /** * @param $file File * @return int */ function getLength( $file ) { $metadata = $this->unpackMetadata( $file->getMetadata() ); if ( !$metadata || isset( $metadata['error'] ) ) { return 0; } else { return $metadata['length']; } } /** * Get useful response headers for GET/HEAD requests for a file with the given metadata * @param $metadata mixed Result this handlers getMetadata() for a file * @return Array */ public function getStreamHeaders( $metadata ) { $metadata = $this->unpackMetadata( $metadata ); if ( $metadata && !isset( $metadata['error'] ) && isset( $metadata['length'] ) ) { return array( 'X-Content-Duration' => floatval( $metadata[ 'length' ] ) ); } return array(); } /** * @param $file File * @return float|int */ function getFramerate( $file ){ $metadata = $this->unpackMetadata( $file->getMetadata() ); if ( !$metadata || isset( $metadata['error'] ) ) { return 0; } else { // Return the first found theora stream framerate: foreach ( $metadata['streams'] as $stream ) { if( $stream['type'] == 'Theora' ){ return $stream['header']['FRN'] / $stream['header']['FRD']; } } return 0; } } /** * @param $file File * @return String */ function getShortDesc( $file ) { global $wgLang, $wgMediaAudioTypes, $wgMediaVideoTypes; $streamTypes = $this->getStreamTypes( $file ); if ( !$streamTypes ) { return parent::getShortDesc( $file ); } if ( array_intersect( $streamTypes, $wgMediaVideoTypes ) ) { // Count multiplexed audio/video as video for short descriptions $msg = 'timedmedia-ogg-short-video'; } elseif ( array_intersect( $streamTypes, $wgMediaAudioTypes ) ) { $msg = 'timedmedia-ogg-short-audio'; } else { $msg = 'timedmedia-ogg-short-general'; } return wfMessage( $msg, implode( '/', $streamTypes ), $wgLang->formatTimePeriod( $this->getLength( $file ) ) )->text(); } /** * @param $file File * @return String */ function getLongDesc( $file ) { global $wgLang, $wgMediaVideoTypes, $wgMediaAudioTypes; $streamTypes = $this->getStreamTypes( $file ); if ( !$streamTypes ) { $unpacked = $this->unpackMetadata( $file->getMetadata() ); if ( isset( $unpacked['error']['message'] ) ) { return wfMessage( 'timedmedia-ogg-long-error', $unpacked['error']['message'] )->text(); } else { return wfMessage( 'timedmedia-ogg-long-no-streams' )->text(); } } if ( array_intersect( $streamTypes,$wgMediaVideoTypes ) ) { if ( array_intersect( $streamTypes, $wgMediaAudioTypes ) ) { $msg = 'timedmedia-ogg-long-multiplexed'; } else { $msg = 'timedmedia-ogg-long-video'; } } elseif ( array_intersect( $streamTypes, $wgMediaAudioTypes ) ) { $msg = 'timedmedia-ogg-long-audio'; } else { $msg = 'timedmedia-ogg-long-general'; } $size = 0; $unpacked = $this->unpackMetadata( $file->getMetadata() ); if ( !$unpacked || isset( $metadata['error'] ) ) { $length = 0; } else { $length = $this->getLength( $file ); foreach ( $unpacked['streams'] as $stream ) { if( isset( $stream['size'] ) ) $size += $stream['size']; } } return wfMessage( $msg, implode( '/', $streamTypes ), $wgLang->formatTimePeriod( $length ), $wgLang->formatBitrate( $this->getBitRate( $file ) ) )->numParams( $file->getWidth(), $file->getHeight() )->text(); } /** * @param $file File * @return float|int */ function getBitRate( &$file ){ $size = 0; $unpacked = $this->unpackMetadata( $file->getMetadata() ); if ( !$unpacked || isset( $unpacked['error'] ) ) { $length = 0; } else { $length = $this->getLength( $file ); if ( isset( $unpacked['streams'] ) ) { foreach ( $unpacked['streams'] as $stream ) { if( isset( $stream['size'] ) ) $size += $stream['size']; } } } return $length == 0 ? 0 : $size / $length * 8; } }