/* Publish module for wikiEditor */ ( function( $ ) { $.wikiEditor.modules.publish = { /** * Compatability map */ 'browsers': { // Left-to-right languages 'ltr': { 'msie': [['>=', 7]], 'firefox': [['>=', 3]], 'opera': [['>=', 9.6]], 'safari': [['>=', 4]] }, // Right-to-left languages 'rtl': { 'msie': [['>=', 8]], 'firefox': [['>=', 3]], 'opera': [['>=', 9.6]], 'safari': [['>=', 4]] } }, /** * Internally used functions */ fn: { /** * Creates a publish module within a wikiEditor * @param context Context object of editor to create module in * @param config Configuration object to create module from */ create: function( context, config ) { // Build the dialog behind the Publish button var dialogID = 'wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-dialog'; $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.fn.create( context, { previewsave: { id: dialogID, titleMsg: 'wikieditor-publish-dialog-title', html: '\
\ \
\ \
\ \ \ \ \
', init: function() { $(this).find( '[rel]' ).each( function() { $(this).text( mediaWiki.msg( $(this).attr( 'rel' ) ) ); }); /* REALLY DIRTY HACK! */ // Reformat the copyright warning stuff var copyWarnHTML = $( '#editpage-copywarn p' ).html(); // TODO: internationalize by splitting on other characters that end statements var copyWarnStatements = copyWarnHTML.split( '. ' ); var newCopyWarnHTML = ''; // No list if there's only one element $(this).find( '.wikiEditor-publish-dialog-copywarn' ).html( copyWarnStatements.length > 1 ? newCopyWarnHTML : copyWarnHTML ); /* END OF REALLY DIRTY HACK */ if ( $( '#wpMinoredit' ).size() == 0 ) $( '#wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-dialog-minor' ).hide(); else if ( $( '#wpMinoredit' ).is( ':checked' ) ) $( '#wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-dialog-minor' ) .attr( 'checked', 'checked' ); if ( $( '#wpWatchthis' ).size() == 0 ) $( '#wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-dialog-watch' ).hide(); else if ( $( '#wpWatchthis' ).is( ':checked' ) ) $( '#wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-dialog-watch' ) .attr( 'checked', 'checked' ); $(this).find( 'form' ).submit( function( e ) { $(this).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).find( 'button:first' ).click(); e.preventDefault(); }); }, dialog: { buttons: { 'wikieditor-publish-dialog-publish': function() { var minorChecked = $( '#wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-dialog-minor' ).is( ':checked' ) ? 'checked' : ''; var watchChecked = $( '#wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-dialog-watch' ).is( ':checked' ) ? 'checked' : ''; $( '#wpMinoredit' ).attr( 'checked', minorChecked ); $( '#wpWatchthis' ).attr( 'checked', watchChecked ); $( '#wpSummary' ).val( $( '#wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-dialog-summary' ).val() ); $( '#editform' ).submit(); }, 'wikieditor-publish-dialog-goback': function() { $(this).dialog( 'close' ); } }, open: function() { $( '#wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-dialog-summary' ).focus(); }, width: 500 }, resizeme: false } } ); context.fn.addButton( { 'captionMsg': 'wikieditor-publish-button-publish', 'action': function() { $( '#' + dialogID ).dialog( 'open' ); return false; } } ); context.fn.addButton( { 'captionMsg': 'wikieditor-publish-button-cancel', 'action': function() { } } ); } } }; } )( jQuery );