getMain() ); } public function execute() { $params = $this->extractRequestParams(); $config = $this->getConfig(); if ( !$config->get( 'Feed' ) ) { $this->dieUsage( 'Syndication feeds are not available', 'feed-unavailable' ); } $feedClasses = $config->get( 'FeedClasses' ); if ( !isset( $feedClasses[$params['feedformat']] ) ) { $this->dieUsage( 'Invalid subscription feed type', 'feed-invalid' ); } if ( $params['showsizediff'] && $this->getConfig()->get( 'MiserMode' ) ) { $this->dieUsage( 'Size difference is disabled in Miser Mode', 'sizediffdisabled' ); } $msg = wfMessage( 'Contributions' )->inContentLanguage()->text(); $feedTitle = $config->get( 'Sitename' ) . ' - ' . $msg . ' [' . $config->get( 'LanguageCode' ) . ']'; $feedUrl = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Contributions', $params['user'] )->getFullURL(); $target = $params['user'] == 'newbies' ? 'newbies' : Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_USER, $params['user'] )->getText(); $feed = new $feedClasses[$params['feedformat']] ( $feedTitle, htmlspecialchars( $msg ), $feedUrl ); $pager = new ContribsPager( $this->getContext(), array( 'target' => $target, 'namespace' => $params['namespace'], 'year' => $params['year'], 'month' => $params['month'], 'tagFilter' => $params['tagfilter'], 'deletedOnly' => $params['deletedonly'], 'topOnly' => $params['toponly'], 'newOnly' => $params['newonly'], 'showSizeDiff' => $params['showsizediff'], ) ); $feedLimit = $this->getConfig()->get( 'FeedLimit' ); if ( $pager->getLimit() > $feedLimit ) { $pager->setLimit( $feedLimit ); } $feedItems = array(); if ( $pager->getNumRows() > 0 ) { $count = 0; $limit = $pager->getLimit(); foreach ( $pager->mResult as $row ) { // ContribsPager selects one more row for navigation, skip that row if ( ++$count > $limit ) { break; } $item = $this->feedItem( $row ); if ( $item !== null ) { $feedItems[] = $item; } } } ApiFormatFeedWrapper::setResult( $this->getResult(), $feed, $feedItems ); } protected function feedItem( $row ) { // This hook is the api contributions equivalent to the // ContributionsLineEnding hook. Hook implementers may cancel // the hook to signal the user is not allowed to read this item. $feedItem = null; $hookResult = Hooks::run( 'ApiFeedContributions::feedItem', array( $row, $this->getContext(), &$feedItem ) ); // Hook returned a valid feed item if ( $feedItem instanceof FeedItem ) { return $feedItem; // Hook was canceled and did not return a valid feed item } elseif ( !$hookResult ) { return null; } // Hook completed and did not return a valid feed item $title = Title::makeTitle( intval( $row->page_namespace ), $row->page_title ); if ( $title && $title->userCan( 'read', $this->getUser() ) ) { $date = $row->rev_timestamp; $comments = $title->getTalkPage()->getFullURL(); $revision = Revision::newFromRow( $row ); return new FeedItem( $title->getPrefixedText(), $this->feedItemDesc( $revision ), $title->getFullURL( array( 'diff' => $revision->getId() ) ), $date, $this->feedItemAuthor( $revision ), $comments ); } return null; } /** * @param Revision $revision * @return string */ protected function feedItemAuthor( $revision ) { return $revision->getUserText(); } /** * @param Revision $revision * @return string */ protected function feedItemDesc( $revision ) { if ( $revision ) { $msg = wfMessage( 'colon-separator' )->inContentLanguage()->text(); $content = $revision->getContent(); if ( $content instanceof TextContent ) { // only textual content has a "source view". $html = nl2br( htmlspecialchars( $content->getNativeData() ) ); } else { //XXX: we could get an HTML representation of the content via getParserOutput, but that may // contain JS magic and generally may not be suitable for inclusion in a feed. // Perhaps Content should have a getDescriptiveHtml method and/or a getSourceText method. //Compare also FeedUtils::formatDiffRow. $html = ''; } return '

' . htmlspecialchars( $revision->getUserText() ) . $msg . htmlspecialchars( FeedItem::stripComment( $revision->getComment() ) ) . "

" . $html . "
"; } return ''; } public function getAllowedParams() { $feedFormatNames = array_keys( $this->getConfig()->get( 'FeedClasses' ) ); $ret = array( 'feedformat' => array( ApiBase::PARAM_DFLT => 'rss', ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE => $feedFormatNames ), 'user' => array( ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE => 'user', ApiBase::PARAM_REQUIRED => true, ), 'namespace' => array( ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE => 'namespace' ), 'year' => array( ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE => 'integer' ), 'month' => array( ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE => 'integer' ), 'tagfilter' => array( ApiBase::PARAM_ISMULTI => true, ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE => array_values( ChangeTags::listDefinedTags() ), ApiBase::PARAM_DFLT => '', ), 'deletedonly' => false, 'toponly' => false, 'newonly' => false, 'showsizediff' => array( ApiBase::PARAM_DFLT => false, ), ); if ( $this->getConfig()->get( 'MiserMode' ) ) { $ret['showsizediff'][ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG] = 'api-help-param-disabled-in-miser-mode'; } return $ret; } protected function getExamplesMessages() { return array( 'action=feedcontributions&user=Example' => 'apihelp-feedcontributions-example-simple', ); } }