manager = $manager; $this->pathsByType = $pathsByType; $this->status = $status; } /** * Get a ScopedLock object representing a lock on resource paths. * Any locks are released once this object goes out of scope. * The status object is updated with any errors or warnings. * * $type can be "mixed" and $paths can be a map of types to paths (since 1.22). * Otherwise $type should be an integer and $paths should be a list of paths. * * @param LockManager $manager * @param array $paths List of storage paths or map of lock types to path lists * @param integer|string $type LockManager::LOCK_* constant or "mixed" * @param Status $status * @param integer $timeout Timeout in seconds (0 means non-blocking) (since 1.22) * @return ScopedLock|null Returns null on failure */ public static function factory( LockManager $manager, array $paths, $type, Status $status, $timeout = 0 ) { $pathsByType = is_integer( $type ) ? array( $type => $paths ) : $paths; $lockStatus = $manager->lockByType( $pathsByType, $timeout ); $status->merge( $lockStatus ); if ( $lockStatus->isOK() ) { return new self( $manager, $pathsByType, $status ); } return null; } /** * Release a scoped lock and set any errors in the attatched Status object. * This is useful for early release of locks before function scope is destroyed. * This is the same as setting the lock object to null. * * @param ScopedLock $lock * @return void * @since 1.21 */ public static function release( ScopedLock &$lock = null ) { $lock = null; } /** * Release the locks when this goes out of scope */ function __destruct() { $wasOk = $this->status->isOK(); $this->status->merge( $this->manager->unlockByType( $this->pathsByType ) ); if ( $wasOk ) { // Make sure status is OK, despite any unlockFiles() fatals $this->status->setResult( true, $this->status->value ); } } }