-- -- Create the new pagelinks table to merge links and brokenlinks data, -- and populate it. -- -- Unlike the old links and brokenlinks, these records will not need to be -- altered when target pages are created, deleted, or renamed. This should -- reduce the amount of severe database frustration that happens when widely- -- linked pages are altered. -- -- Fixups for brokenlinks to pages in namespaces need to be run after this; -- this is done by updaters.inc if run through the regular update scripts. -- -- 2005-05-26 -- -- -- Track page-to-page hyperlinks within the wiki. -- CREATE TABLE /*$wgDBprefix*/pagelinks ( -- Key to the page_id of the page containing the link. pl_from int(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', -- Key to page_namespace/page_title of the target page. -- The target page may or may not exist, and due to renames -- and deletions may refer to different page records as time -- goes by. pl_namespace int NOT NULL default '0', pl_title varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '', UNIQUE KEY pl_from(pl_from,pl_namespace,pl_title), KEY (pl_namespace,pl_title) ) /*$wgDBTableOptions*/; -- Import existing-page links INSERT INTO /*$wgDBprefix*/pagelinks (pl_from,pl_namespace,pl_title) SELECT l_from,page_namespace,page_title FROM /*$wgDBprefix*/links, /*$wgDBprefix*/page WHERE l_to=page_id; -- import brokenlinks -- NOTE: We'll have to fix up individual entries that aren't in main NS INSERT INTO /*$wgDBprefix*/pagelinks (pl_from,pl_namespace,pl_title) SELECT bl_from, 0, bl_to FROM /*$wgDBprefix*/brokenlinks; -- For each namespace do something like: -- -- UPDATE /*$wgDBprefix*/pagelinks -- SET pl_namespace=$ns, -- pl_title=TRIM(LEADING '$prefix:' FROM pl_title) -- WHERE pl_namespace=0 -- AND pl_title LIKE '$likeprefix:%'"; --