-- Used for caching expensive grouped queries that need two links (for example double-redirects) CREATE TABLE /*$wgDBprefix*/querycachetwo ( -- A key name, generally the base name of of the special page. qcc_type char(32) NOT NULL, -- Some sort of stored value. Sizes, counts... qcc_value int(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', -- Target namespace+title qcc_namespace int NOT NULL default '0', qcc_title char(255) binary NOT NULL default '', -- Target namespace+title2 qcc_namespacetwo int NOT NULL default '0', qcc_titletwo char(255) binary NOT NULL default '', KEY qcc_type (qcc_type,qcc_value), KEY qcc_title (qcc_type,qcc_namespace,qcc_title), KEY qcc_titletwo (qcc_type,qcc_namespacetwo,qcc_titletwo) ) /*$wgDBTableOptions*/;