mAction = 'fetchLocal'; $this->mBasePath = $IP; $this->mShared = false; $this->mSharedSupplement = false; if( isset( $args['help'] ) ) { $this->mAction = 'help'; } if( isset( $args['base'] ) ) { $this->mBasePath = $args['base']; } if( isset( $args['local'] ) ) { $this->mAction = 'fetchLocal'; } if( isset( $args['used'] ) ) { $this->mAction = 'fetchUsed'; } if( isset( $args['shared'] ) ) { if( isset( $args['used'] ) ) { // Include shared-repo files in the used check $this->mShared = true; } else { // Grab all local *plus* used shared $this->mSharedSupplement = true; } } } function run() { $this->{$this->mAction}( $this->mShared ); if( $this->mSharedSupplement ) { $this->fetchUsed( true ); } } function help() { echo << list-o-files.txt Options: --base= Set base relative path instead of wiki include root --local List all local files, used or not. No shared files included. --used Skip local images that are not used --shared Include images used from shared repository END; } /** * Fetch a list of all or used images from a particular image source. * @param string $table * @param string $directory Base directory where files are located * @param bool $shared true to pass shared-dir settings to hash func */ function fetchUsed( $shared ) { $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE ); $image = $dbr->tableName( 'image' ); $imagelinks = $dbr->tableName( 'imagelinks' ); $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT il_to, img_name FROM $imagelinks LEFT OUTER JOIN $image ON il_to=img_name"; $result = $dbr->query( $sql ); foreach( $result as $row ) { $this->outputItem( $row->il_to, $shared ); } $dbr->freeResult( $result ); } function fetchLocal( $shared ) { $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE ); $result = $dbr->select( 'image', array( 'img_name' ), '', __METHOD__ ); foreach( $result as $row ) { $this->outputItem( $row->img_name, $shared ); } $dbr->freeResult( $result ); } function outputItem( $name, $shared ) { $file = wfFindFile( $name ); if( $file && $this->filterItem( $file, $shared ) ) { $filename = $file->getFullPath(); $rel = wfRelativePath( $filename, $this->mBasePath ); echo "$rel\n"; } else { wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ": base file? $name\n" ); } } function filterItem( $file, $shared ) { return $shared || $file->isLocal(); } } $dumper = new UploadDumper( $options ); $dumper->run();