*/ /** * Search a directory for files with one of a set of extensions * * @param $dir Path to directory to search * @param $exts Array of extensions to search for * @return mixed Array of filenames on success, or false on failure */ function findFiles( $dir, $exts ) { if( is_dir( $dir ) ) { if( $dhl = opendir( $dir ) ) { while( ( $file = readdir( $dhl ) ) !== false ) { if( is_file( $dir . '/' . $file ) ) { list( $name, $ext ) = splitFilename( $dir . '/' . $file ); if( array_search( strtolower( $ext ), $exts ) !== false ) $files[] = $dir . '/' . $file; } } return $files; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } /** * Split a filename into filename and extension * * @param $filename Filename * @return array */ function splitFilename( $filename ) { $parts = explode( '.', $filename ); $ext = $parts[ count( $parts ) - 1 ]; unset( $parts[ count( $parts ) - 1 ] ); $fname = implode( '.', $parts ); return array( $fname, $ext ); } /** * Given an image hash, check that the structure exists to save the image file * and create it if it doesn't * * @param $hash Part of an image hash, e.g. /f/fd/ */ function makeHashPath( $hash ) { global $wgUploadDirectory; $parts = explode( '/', substr( $hash, 1, strlen( $hash ) - 2 ) ); if( !is_dir( $wgUploadDirectory . '/' . $parts[0] ) ) mkdir( $wgUploadDirectory . '/' . $parts[0] ); if( !is_dir( $wgUploadDirectory . '/' . $hash ) ) mkdir( $wgUploadDirectory . '/' . $hash ); } ?>