#!/usr/bin/perl ## Rough check that the base and postgres "tables.sql" are in sync ## Should be run from maintenance/postgres use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; my @old = ("../tables.sql"); my $new = "tables.sql"; ## Read in exceptions and other metadata my %ok; while () { next unless /^(\w+)\s*:\s*([^#]+)/; my ($name,$val) = ($1,$2); chomp $val; if ($name eq 'RENAME') { die "Invalid rename\n" unless $val =~ /(\w+)\s+(\w+)/; $ok{OLD}{$1} = $2; $ok{NEW}{$2} = $1; next; } if ($name eq 'XFILE') { push @old, $val; next; } for (split(/\s+/ => $val)) { $ok{$name}{$_} = 0; } } open my $newfh, "<", $new or die qq{Could not open $new: $!\n}; my $datatype = join '|' => qw( bool tinyint int bigint real float tinytext mediumtext text char varchar timestamp datetime tinyblob mediumblob blob ); $datatype .= q{|ENUM\([\"\w, ]+\)}; $datatype = qr{($datatype)}; my $typeval = qr{(\(\d+\))?}; my $typeval2 = qr{ unsigned| binary| NOT NULL| NULL| auto_increment| default ['\-\d\w"]+| REFERENCES .+CASCADE}; my $indextype = join '|' => qw(INDEX KEY FULLTEXT), "PRIMARY KEY", "UNIQUE INDEX", "UNIQUE KEY"; $indextype = qr{$indextype}; my $tabletype = qr{InnoDB|MyISAM|HEAP|HEAP MAX_ROWS=\d+}; my ($table,%old); for my $old (@old) { open my $oldfh, "<", $old or die qq{Could not open $old: $!\n}; while (<$oldfh>) { next if /^\s*\-\-/ or /^\s+$/; s/\s*\-\- [\w ]+$//; chomp; if (/CREATE\s*TABLE/i) { m{^CREATE TABLE /\*\$wgDBprefix\*/(\w+) \($} or die qq{Invalid CREATE TABLE at line $. of $old\n}; $table = $1; $old{$table}{name}=$table; } elsif (/^\) TYPE=($tabletype);$/) { $old{$table}{type}=$1; } elsif (/^ (\w+) $datatype$typeval$typeval2{0,3},?$/) { $old{$table}{column}{$1} = $2; } elsif (/^ ($indextype)(?: (\w+))? \(([\w, \(\)]+)\),?$/) { $old{$table}{lc $1."_name"} = $2 ? $2 : ""; $old{$table}{lc $1."pk_target"} = $3; } else { die "Cannot parse line $. of $old:\n$_\n"; } } close $oldfh; } $datatype = join '|' => qw( SMALLINT INTEGER BIGINT NUMERIC SERIAL TEXT CHAR VARCHAR BYTEA TIMESTAMPTZ CIDR ); $datatype = qr{($datatype)}; my %new; my ($infunction,$inview,$inrule) = (0,0,0); while (<$newfh>) { next if /^\s*\-\-/ or /^\s*$/; s/\s*\-\- [\w ']+$//; next if /^BEGIN;/ or /^SET / or /^COMMIT;/; next if /^CREATE SEQUENCE/; next if /^CREATE(?: UNIQUE)? INDEX/; next if /^CREATE FUNCTION/; next if /^CREATE TRIGGER/ or /^ FOR EACH ROW/; next if /^INSERT INTO/ or /^ VALUES \(/; next if /^ALTER TABLE/; chomp; if (/^\$mw\$;?$/) { $infunction = $infunction ? 0 : 1; next; } next if $infunction; next if /^CREATE VIEW/ and $inview = 1; if ($inview) { /;$/ and $inview = 0; next; } next if /^CREATE RULE/ and $inrule = 1; if ($inrule) { /;$/ and $inrule = 0; next; } if (/^CREATE TABLE "?(\w+)"? \($/) { $table = $1; $new{$table}{name}=$table; } elsif (/^\);$/) { } elsif (/^ (\w+) +$datatype/) { $new{$table}{column}{$1} = $2; } else { die "Cannot parse line $. of $new:\n$_\n"; } } close $newfh; ## Old but not new for my $t (sort keys %old) { if (!exists $new{$t} and !exists $ok{OLD}{$t}) { print "Table not in $new: $t\n"; next; } next if exists $ok{OLD}{$t} and !$ok{OLD}{$t}; my $newt = exists $ok{OLD}{$t} ? $ok{OLD}{$t} : $t; my $oldcol = $old{$t}{column}; my $newcol = $new{$newt}{column}; for my $c (keys %$oldcol) { if (!exists $newcol->{$c}) { print "Column $t.$c not in new\n"; next; } } for my $c (keys %$newcol) { if (!exists $oldcol->{$c}) { print "Column $t.$c not in old\n"; next; } } } ## New but not old: for (sort keys %new) { if (!exists $old{$_} and !exists $ok{NEW}{$_}) { print "Not in old: $_\n"; next; } } __DATA__ ## Known exceptions OLD: searchindex ## We use tsearch2 directly on the page table instead OLD: archive ## This is a view due to the char(14) timestamp hack RENAME: user mwuser ## Reserved word causing lots of problems RENAME: text pagecontent ## Reserved word NEW: archive2 ## The real archive table NEW: mediawiki_version ## Just us, for now XFILE: ../archives/patch-profiling.sql