/** * mediaWiki.Title * * @author Neil Kandalgaonkar, 2010 * @author Timo Tijhof, 2011 * @since 1.18 * * Relies on: mw.config (wgFormattedNamespaces, wgNamespaceIds, wgCaseSensitiveNamespaces), mw.util.wikiGetlink */ ( function ( mw, $ ) { /* Local space */ /** * Title * @constructor * * @param title {String} Title of the page. If no second argument given, * this will be searched for a namespace. * @param namespace {Number} (optional) Namespace id. If given, title will be taken as-is. * @return {Title} this */ function Title( title, namespace ) { this.ns = 0; // integer namespace id this.name = null; // name in canonical 'database' form this.ext = null; // extension if ( arguments.length === 2 ) { setNameAndExtension( this, title ); this.ns = fixNsId( namespace ); } else if ( arguments.length === 1 ) { setAll( this, title ); } return this; } var /** * Public methods (defined later) */ fn, /** * Strip some illegal chars: control chars, colon, less than, greater than, * brackets, braces, pipe, whitespace and normal spaces. This still leaves some insanity * intact, like unicode bidi chars, but it's a good start.. * @param s {String} * @return {String} */ clean = function ( s ) { if ( s !== undefined ) { return s.replace( /[\x00-\x1f\x23\x3c\x3e\x5b\x5d\x7b\x7c\x7d\x7f\s]+/g, '_' ); } }, /** * Convert db-key to readable text. * @param s {String} * @return {String} */ text = function ( s ) { if ( s !== null && s !== undefined ) { return s.replace( /_/g, ' ' ); } else { return ''; } }, /** * Sanitize name. */ fixName = function ( s ) { return clean( $.trim( s ) ); }, /** * Sanitize name. */ fixExt = function ( s ) { return clean( s ); }, /** * Sanitize namespace id. * @param id {Number} Namespace id. * @return {Number|Boolean} The id as-is or boolean false if invalid. */ fixNsId = function ( id ) { // wgFormattedNamespaces is an object of *string* key-vals (ie. arr["0"] not arr[0] ) var ns = mw.config.get( 'wgFormattedNamespaces' )[id.toString()]; // Check only undefined (may be false-y, such as '' (main namespace) ). if ( ns === undefined ) { return false; } else { return Number( id ); } }, /** * Get namespace id from namespace name by any known namespace/id pair (localized, canonical or alias). * * @example On a German wiki this would return 6 for any of 'File', 'Datei', 'Image' or even 'Bild'. * @param ns {String} Namespace name (case insensitive, leading/trailing space ignored). * @return {Number|Boolean} Namespace id or boolean false if unrecognized. */ getNsIdByName = function ( ns ) { // Don't cast non-strings to strings, because null or undefined // should not result in returning the id of a potential namespace // called "Null:" (e.g. on nullwiki.example.org) // Also, toLowerCase throws exception on null/undefined, because // it is a String.prototype method. if ( typeof ns !== 'string' ) { return false; } ns = clean( $.trim( ns.toLowerCase() ) ); // Normalize var id = mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceIds' )[ns]; if ( id === undefined ) { mw.log( 'mw.Title: Unrecognized namespace: ' + ns ); return false; } return fixNsId( id ); }, /** * Helper to extract namespace, name and extension from a string. * * @param title {mw.Title} * @param raw {String} * @return {mw.Title} */ setAll = function ( title, s ) { // In normal browsers the match-array contains null/undefined if there's no match, // IE returns an empty string. var matches = s.match( /^(?:([^:]+):)?(.*?)(?:\.(\w+))?$/ ), ns_match = getNsIdByName( matches[1] ); // Namespace must be valid, and title must be a non-empty string. if ( ns_match && typeof matches[2] === 'string' && matches[2] !== '' ) { title.ns = ns_match; title.name = fixName( matches[2] ); if ( typeof matches[3] === 'string' && matches[3] !== '' ) { title.ext = fixExt( matches[3] ); } } else { // Consistency with MediaWiki PHP: Unknown namespace -> fallback to main namespace. title.ns = 0; setNameAndExtension( title, s ); } return title; }, /** * Helper to extract name and extension from a string. * * @param title {mw.Title} * @param raw {String} * @return {mw.Title} */ setNameAndExtension = function ( title, raw ) { // In normal browsers the match-array contains null/undefined if there's no match, // IE returns an empty string. var matches = raw.match( /^(?:)?(.*?)(?:\.(\w+))?$/ ); // Title must be a non-empty string. if ( typeof matches[1] === 'string' && matches[1] !== '' ) { title.name = fixName( matches[1] ); if ( typeof matches[2] === 'string' && matches[2] !== '' ) { title.ext = fixExt( matches[2] ); } } else { throw new Error( 'mw.Title: Could not parse title "' + raw + '"' ); } return title; }; /* Static space */ /** * Whether this title exists on the wiki. * @param title {mixed} prefixed db-key name (string) or instance of Title * @return {mixed} Boolean true/false if the information is available. Otherwise null. */ Title.exists = function ( title ) { var type = $.type( title ), obj = Title.exist.pages, match; if ( type === 'string' ) { match = obj[title]; } else if ( type === 'object' && title instanceof Title ) { match = obj[title.toString()]; } else { throw new Error( 'mw.Title.exists: title must be a string or an instance of Title' ); } if ( typeof match === 'boolean' ) { return match; } return null; }; /** * @var Title.exist {Object} */ Title.exist = { /** * @var Title.exist.pages {Object} Keyed by PrefixedDb title. * Boolean true value indicates page does exist. */ pages: {}, /** * @example Declare existing titles: Title.exist.set(['User:John_Doe', ...]); * @example Declare titles nonexistent: Title.exist.set(['File:Foo_bar.jpg', ...], false); * @param titles {String|Array} Title(s) in strict prefixedDb title form. * @param state {Boolean} (optional) State of the given titles. Defaults to true. * @return {Boolean} */ set: function ( titles, state ) { titles = $.isArray( titles ) ? titles : [titles]; state = state === undefined ? true : !!state; var pages = this.pages, i, len = titles.length; for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { pages[ titles[i] ] = state; } return true; } }; /* Public methods */ fn = { constructor: Title, /** * Get the namespace number. * @return {Number} */ getNamespaceId: function (){ return this.ns; }, /** * Get the namespace prefix (in the content-language). * In NS_MAIN this is '', otherwise namespace name plus ':' * @return {String} */ getNamespacePrefix: function (){ return mw.config.get( 'wgFormattedNamespaces' )[this.ns].replace( / /g, '_' ) + (this.ns === 0 ? '' : ':'); }, /** * The name, like "Foo_bar" * @return {String} */ getName: function () { if ( $.inArray( this.ns, mw.config.get( 'wgCaseSensitiveNamespaces' ) ) !== -1 ) { return this.name; } else { return $.ucFirst( this.name ); } }, /** * The name, like "Foo bar" * @return {String} */ getNameText: function () { return text( this.getName() ); }, /** * Get full name in prefixed DB form, like File:Foo_bar.jpg, * most useful for API calls, anything that must identify the "title". */ getPrefixedDb: function () { return this.getNamespacePrefix() + this.getMain(); }, /** * Get full name in text form, like "File:Foo bar.jpg". * @return {String} */ getPrefixedText: function () { return text( this.getPrefixedDb() ); }, /** * The main title (without namespace), like "Foo_bar.jpg" * @return {String} */ getMain: function () { return this.getName() + this.getDotExtension(); }, /** * The "text" form, like "Foo bar.jpg" * @return {String} */ getMainText: function () { return text( this.getMain() ); }, /** * Get the extension (returns null if there was none) * @return {String|null} extension */ getExtension: function () { return this.ext; }, /** * Convenience method: return string like ".jpg", or "" if no extension * @return {String} */ getDotExtension: function () { return this.ext === null ? '' : '.' + this.ext; }, /** * Return the URL to this title * @return {String} */ getUrl: function () { return mw.util.wikiGetlink( this.toString() ); }, /** * Whether this title exists on the wiki. * @return {mixed} Boolean true/false if the information is available. Otherwise null. */ exists: function () { return Title.exists( this ); } }; // Alias fn.toString = fn.getPrefixedDb; fn.toText = fn.getPrefixedText; // Assign Title.prototype = fn; // Expose mw.Title = Title; }( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );