/** * Implements mediaWiki.util library */ ( function ( $, mw ) { "use strict"; // Local cache and alias var util = { /** * Initialisation * (don't call before document ready) */ init: function () { var profile, $tocTitle, $tocToggleLink, hideTocCookie; /* Set up $.messageBox */ $.messageBoxNew( { id: 'mw-js-message', parent: '#content' } ); /* Set tooltipAccessKeyPrefix */ profile = $.client.profile(); // Opera on any platform if ( profile.name === 'opera' ) { util.tooltipAccessKeyPrefix = 'shift-esc-'; // Chrome on any platform } else if ( profile.name === 'chrome' ) { util.tooltipAccessKeyPrefix = ( profile.platform === 'mac' // Chrome on Mac ? 'ctrl-option-' : profile.platform === 'win' // Chrome on Windows // (both alt- and alt-shift work, but alt-f triggers Chrome wrench menu // which alt-shift-f does not) ? 'alt-shift-' // Chrome on other (Ubuntu?) : 'alt-' ); // Non-Windows Safari with webkit_version > 526 } else if ( profile.platform !== 'win' && profile.name === 'safari' && profile.layoutVersion > 526 ) { util.tooltipAccessKeyPrefix = 'ctrl-alt-'; // Safari/Konqueror on any platform, or any browser on Mac // (but not Safari on Windows) } else if ( !( profile.platform === 'win' && profile.name === 'safari' ) && ( profile.name === 'safari' || profile.platform === 'mac' || profile.name === 'konqueror' ) ) { util.tooltipAccessKeyPrefix = 'ctrl-'; // Firefox 2.x and later } else if ( profile.name === 'firefox' && profile.versionBase > '1' ) { util.tooltipAccessKeyPrefix = 'alt-shift-'; } /* Fill $content var */ if ( $( '#bodyContent' ).length ) { // Vector, Monobook, Chick etc. util.$content = $( '#bodyContent' ); } else if ( $( '#mw_contentholder' ).length ) { // Modern util.$content = $( '#mw_contentholder' ); } else if ( $( '#article' ).length ) { // Standard, CologneBlue util.$content = $( '#article' ); } else { // #content is present on almost all if not all skins. Most skins (the above cases) // have #content too, but as an outer wrapper instead of the article text container. // The skins that don't have an outer wrapper do have #content for everything // so it's a good fallback util.$content = $( '#content' ); } // Table of contents toggle $tocTitle = $( '#toctitle' ); $tocToggleLink = $( '#togglelink' ); // Only add it if there is a TOC and there is no toggle added already if ( $( '#toc' ).length && $tocTitle.length && !$tocToggleLink.length ) { hideTocCookie = $.cookie( 'mw_hidetoc' ); $tocToggleLink = $( '' ) .text( mw.msg( 'hidetoc' ) ) .click( function ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); util.toggleToc( $(this) ); } ); $tocTitle.append( $tocToggleLink .wrap( '' ) .parent() .prepend( ' [' ) .append( '] ' ) ); if ( hideTocCookie === '1' ) { util.toggleToc( $tocToggleLink ); } } }, /* Main body */ /** * Encode the string like PHP's rawurlencode * * @param str string String to be encoded */ rawurlencode: function ( str ) { str = String( str ); return encodeURIComponent( str ) .replace( /!/g, '%21' ).replace( /'/g, '%27' ).replace( /\(/g, '%28' ) .replace( /\)/g, '%29' ).replace( /\*/g, '%2A' ).replace( /~/g, '%7E' ); }, /** * Encode page titles for use in a URL * We want / and : to be included as literal characters in our title URLs * as they otherwise fatally break the title * * @param str string String to be encoded */ wikiUrlencode: function ( str ) { return util.rawurlencode( str ) .replace( /%20/g, '_' ).replace( /%3A/g, ':' ).replace( /%2F/g, '/' ); }, /** * Get the link to a page name (relative to wgServer) * * @param str String: Page name to get the link for. * @return String: Location for a page with name of 'str' or boolean false on error. */ wikiGetlink: function ( str ) { return mw.config.get( 'wgArticlePath' ).replace( '$1', util.wikiUrlencode( typeof str === 'string' ? str : mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ) ) ); }, /** * Get address to a script in the wiki root. * For index.php use mw.config.get( 'wgScript' ) * * @param str string Name of script (eg. 'api'), defaults to 'index' * @return string Address to script (eg. '/w/api.php' ) */ wikiScript: function ( str ) { return mw.config.get( 'wgScriptPath' ) + '/' + ( str || 'index' ) + mw.config.get( 'wgScriptExtension' ); }, /** * Append a new style block to the head * * @param text string CSS to be appended * @return CSSStyleSheet */ addCSS: function ( text ) { var s = document.createElement( 'style' ); s.type = 'text/css'; s.rel = 'stylesheet'; // Insert into document before setting cssText (bug 33305) document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild( s ); if ( s.styleSheet ) { s.styleSheet.cssText = text; // IE } else { // Safari sometimes borks on null s.appendChild( document.createTextNode( String( text ) ) ); } return s.sheet || s; }, /** * Hide/show the table of contents element * * @param $toggleLink jQuery A jQuery object of the toggle link. * @param callback function Function to be called after the toggle is * completed (including the animation) (optional) * @return mixed Boolean visibility of the toc (true if it's visible) * or Null if there was no table of contents. */ toggleToc: function ( $toggleLink, callback ) { var $tocList = $( '#toc ul:first' ); // This function shouldn't be called if there's no TOC, // but just in case... if ( $tocList.length ) { if ( $tocList.is( ':hidden' ) ) { $tocList.slideDown( 'fast', callback ); $toggleLink.text( mw.msg( 'hidetoc' ) ); $( '#toc' ).removeClass( 'tochidden' ); $.cookie( 'mw_hidetoc', null, { expires: 30, path: '/' } ); return true; } else { $tocList.slideUp( 'fast', callback ); $toggleLink.text( mw.msg( 'showtoc' ) ); $( '#toc' ).addClass( 'tochidden' ); $.cookie( 'mw_hidetoc', '1', { expires: 30, path: '/' } ); return false; } } else { return null; } }, /** * Grab the URL parameter value for the given parameter. * Returns null if not found. * * @param param string The parameter name. * @param url string URL to search through (optional) * @return mixed Parameter value or null. */ getParamValue: function ( param, url ) { url = url || document.location.href; // Get last match, stop at hash var re = new RegExp( '^[^#]*[&?]' + $.escapeRE( param ) + '=([^&#]*)' ), m = re.exec( url ); if ( m && m.length > 1 ) { // Beware that decodeURIComponent is not required to understand '+' // by spec, as encodeURIComponent does not produce it. return decodeURIComponent( m[1].replace( /\+/g, '%20' ) ); } return null; }, /** * @var string * Access key prefix. Will be re-defined based on browser/operating system * detection in mw.util.init(). */ tooltipAccessKeyPrefix: 'alt-', /** * @var RegExp * Regex to match accesskey tooltips. */ tooltipAccessKeyRegexp: /\[(ctrl-)?(alt-)?(shift-)?(esc-)?(.)\]$/, /** * Add the appropriate prefix to the accesskey shown in the tooltip. * If the nodeList parameter is given, only those nodes are updated; * otherwise, all the nodes that will probably have accesskeys by * default are updated. * * @param $nodes {Array|jQuery} [optional] A jQuery object, or array * of elements to update. */ updateTooltipAccessKeys: function ( $nodes ) { if ( !$nodes ) { // Rather than going into a loop of all anchor tags, limit to few elements that // contain the relevant anchor tags. // Input and label are rare enough that no such optimization is needed $nodes = $( '#column-one a, #mw-head a, #mw-panel a, #p-logo a, input, label' ); } else if ( !( $nodes instanceof $ ) ) { $nodes = $( $nodes ); } $nodes.attr( 'title', function ( i, val ) { if ( val && util.tooltipAccessKeyRegexp.exec( val ) ) { return val.replace( util.tooltipAccessKeyRegexp, '[' + util.tooltipAccessKeyPrefix + '$5]' ); } return val; } ); }, /* * @var jQuery * A jQuery object that refers to the page-content element * Populated by init(). */ $content: null, /** * Add a link to a portlet menu on the page, such as: * * p-cactions (Content actions), p-personal (Personal tools), * p-navigation (Navigation), p-tb (Toolbox) * * The first three paramters are required, the others are optional and * may be null. Though providing an id and tooltip is recommended. * * By default the new link will be added to the end of the list. To * add the link before a given existing item, pass the DOM node * (document.getElementById( 'foobar' )) or the jQuery-selector * ( '#foobar' ) of that item. * * @example mw.util.addPortletLink( * 'p-tb', 'http://mediawiki.org/', * 'MediaWiki.org', 't-mworg', 'Go to MediaWiki.org ', 'm', '#t-print' * ) * * @param portlet string ID of the target portlet ( 'p-cactions' or 'p-personal' etc.) * @param href string Link URL * @param text string Link text * @param id string ID of the new item, should be unique and preferably have * the appropriate prefix ( 'ca-', 'pt-', 'n-' or 't-' ) * @param tooltip string Text to show when hovering over the link, without accesskey suffix * @param accesskey string Access key to activate this link (one character, try * to avoid conflicts. Use $( '[accesskey=x]' ).get() in the console to * see if 'x' is already used. * @param nextnode mixed DOM Node or jQuery-selector string of the item that the new * item should be added before, should be another item in the same * list, it will be ignored otherwise * * @return mixed The DOM Node of the added item (a ListItem or Anchor element, * depending on the skin) or null if no element was added to the document. */ addPortletLink: function ( portlet, href, text, id, tooltip, accesskey, nextnode ) { var $item, $link, $portlet, $ul; // Check if there's atleast 3 arguments to prevent a TypeError if ( arguments.length < 3 ) { return null; } // Setup the anchor tag $link = $( '' ).attr( 'href', href ).text( text ); if ( tooltip ) { $link.attr( 'title', tooltip ); } // Some skins don't have any portlets // just add it to the bottom of their 'sidebar' element as a fallback switch ( mw.config.get( 'skin' ) ) { case 'standard': case 'cologneblue': $( '#quickbar' ).append( $link.after( '
' ) ); return $link[0]; case 'nostalgia': $( '#searchform' ).before( $link ).before( ' | ' ); return $link[0]; default: // Skins like chick, modern, monobook, myskin, simple, vector... // Select the specified portlet $portlet = $( '#' + portlet ); if ( $portlet.length === 0 ) { return null; } // Select the first (most likely only) unordered list inside the portlet $ul = $portlet.find( 'ul' ); // If it didn't have an unordered list yet, create it if ( $ul.length === 0 ) { // If there's no
inside, append it to the portlet directly if ( $portlet.find( 'div:first' ).length === 0 ) { $portlet.append( '' ); } else { // otherwise if there's a div (such as div.body or div.pBody) // append the