(function( $ ) { $( document ).ready( function() { // Set up the help system $( '.mw-help-field-data' ) .hide() .closest( '.mw-help-field-container' ) .find( '.mw-help-field-hint' ) .show() .click( function() { $(this) .closest( '.mw-help-field-container' ) .find( '.mw-help-field-data' ) .slideToggle( 'fast' ); } ); // Show/hide code for DB-specific options // FIXME: Do we want slow, fast, or even non-animated (instantaneous) showing/hiding here? $( '.dbRadio' ).each( function() { $( '#' + $(this).attr( 'rel' ) ).hide(); } ); $( '#' + $( '.dbRadio:checked' ).attr( 'rel' ) ).show(); $( '.dbRadio' ).click( function() { var $checked = $( '.dbRadio:checked' ); var $wrapper = $( '#' + $checked.attr( 'rel' ) ); if ( !$wrapper.is( ':visible' ) ) { $( '.dbWrapper' ).hide( 'slow' ); $wrapper.show( 'slow' ); } } ); // Scroll to the bottom of upgrade log $( '#config-live-log' ).find( '> textarea' ).each( function() { this.scrollTop = this.scrollHeight; } ); // Show/hide Creative Commons thingy $( '.licenseRadio' ).click( function() { var $wrapper = $( '#config-cc-wrapper' ); if ( $( '#config__LicenseCode_cc-choose' ).is( ':checked' ) ) { $wrapper.show( 'slow' ); } else { $wrapper.hide( 'slow' ); } } ); // Show/hide random stuff (email, upload) $( '.showHideRadio' ).click( function() { var $wrapper = $( '#' + $(this).attr( 'rel' ) ); if ( $(this).is( ':checked' ) ) { $wrapper.show( 'slow' ); } else { $wrapper.hide( 'slow' ); } } ); $( '.hideShowRadio' ).click( function() { var $wrapper = $( '#' + $(this).attr( 'rel' ) ); if ( $(this).is( ':checked' ) ) { $wrapper.hide( 'slow' ); } else { $wrapper.show( 'slow' ); } } ); // Hide "other" textboxes by default // Should not be done in CSS for javascript disabled compatibility $( '.enabledByOther' ).closest( '.config-block' ).hide(); // Enable/disable "other" textboxes $( '.enableForOther' ).click( function() { var $textbox = $( '#' + $(this).attr( 'rel' ) ); if ( $(this).val() == 'other' ) { // FIXME: Ugh, this is ugly $textbox.removeAttr( 'readonly' ).closest( '.config-block' ).slideDown( 'fast' ); } else { $textbox.attr( 'readonly', 'readonly' ).closest( '.config-block' ).slideUp( 'fast' ); } } ); // Synchronize radio button label for sitename with textbox $label = $( 'label[for=config__NamespaceType_site-name]' ); labelText = $label.text(); $label.text( labelText.replace( '$1', '' ) ); $( '#config_wgSitename' ).bind( 'keyup change', syncText ).each( syncText ); function syncText() { var value = $(this).val() .replace( /[\[\]\{\}|#<>%+? ]/g, '_' ) .replace( /&/, '&' ) .replace( /__+/g, '_' ) .replace( /^_+/, '' ) .replace( /_+$/, '' ); value = value.substr( 0, 1 ).toUpperCase() + value.substr( 1 ); $label.text( labelText.replace( '$1', value ) ); } // Show/Hide memcached servers when needed $("input[name$='config_wgMainCacheType']").change( function() { var $memc = $( "#config-memcachewrapper" ); if( $( "input[name$='config_wgMainCacheType']:checked" ).val() == 'memcached' ) { $memc.show( 'slow' ); } else { $memc.hide( 'slow' ); } } ); } ); })(jQuery);