#!/usr/bin/env php ', $start, 'Time (compare)' ); $arr = wfArrayToCGI( array( 'baz' => 'AT&T', 'ignore' => '' ), array( 'foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'overridden value' ) ); is( $arr, "baz=AT%26T&foo=bar", 'Array to CGI' ); $mime = mimeTypeMatch( 'text/html', array( 'application/xhtml+xml' => 1.0, 'text/html' => 0.7, 'text/plain' => 0.3 ) ); is( $mime, 'text/html', 'Mime (1)' ); $mime = mimeTypeMatch( 'text/html', array( 'image/*' => 1.0, 'text/*' => 0.5 ) ); is( $mime, 'text/*', 'Mime (2)' ); $mime = mimeTypeMatch( 'text/html', array( '*/*' => 1.0 ) ); is( $mime, '*/*', 'Mime (3)' ); $mime = mimeTypeMatch( 'text/html', array( 'image/png' => 1.0, 'image/svg+xml' => 0.5 ) ); is( $mime, null, 'Mime (4)' ); $mime = wfNegotiateType( array( 'application/xhtml+xml' => 1.0, 'text/html' => 0.7, 'text/plain' => 0.5, 'text/*' => 0.2 ), array( 'text/html' => 1.0 ) ); is( $mime, 'text/html', 'Negotiate Mime (1)' ); $mime = wfNegotiateType( array( 'application/xhtml+xml' => 1.0, 'text/html' => 0.7, 'text/plain' => 0.5, 'text/*' => 0.2 ), array( 'application/xhtml+xml' => 1.0, 'text/html' => 0.5 ) ); is( $mime, 'application/xhtml+xml', 'Negotiate Mime (2)' ); $mime = wfNegotiateType( array( 'text/html' => 1.0, 'text/plain' => 0.5, 'text/*' => 0.5, 'application/xhtml+xml' => 0.2 ), array( 'application/xhtml+xml' => 1.0, 'text/html' => 0.5 ) ); is( $mime, 'text/html', 'Negotiate Mime (3)' ); $mime = wfNegotiateType( array( 'text/*' => 1.0, 'image/*' => 0.7, '*/*' => 0.3 ), array( 'application/xhtml+xml' => 1.0, 'text/html' => 0.5 ) ); is( $mime, 'text/html', 'Negotiate Mime (4)' ); $mime = wfNegotiateType( array( 'text/*' => 1.0 ), array( 'application/xhtml+xml' => 1.0 ) ); is( $mime, null, 'Negotiate Mime (5)' ); $t = gmmktime( 12, 34, 56, 1, 15, 2001 ); is( wfTimestamp( TS_MW, $t ), '20010115123456', 'TS_UNIX to TS_MW' ); is( wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, $t ), 979562096, 'TS_UNIX to TS_UNIX' ); is( wfTimestamp( TS_DB, $t ), '2001-01-15 12:34:56', 'TS_UNIX to TS_DB' ); $t = '20010115123456'; is( wfTimestamp( TS_MW, $t ), '20010115123456', 'TS_MW to TS_MW' ); is( wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, $t ), 979562096, 'TS_MW to TS_UNIX' ); is( wfTimestamp( TS_DB, $t ), '2001-01-15 12:34:56', 'TS_MW to TS_DB' ); $t = '2001-01-15 12:34:56'; is( wfTimestamp( TS_MW, $t ), '20010115123456', 'TS_DB to TS_MW' ); is( wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, $t ), 979562096, 'TS_DB to TS_UNIX' ); is( wfTimestamp( TS_DB, $t ), '2001-01-15 12:34:56', 'TS_DB to TS_DB' ); $sets = array( '' => '', '/' => '', '\\' => '', '//' => '', '\\\\' => '', 'a' => 'a', 'aaaa' => 'aaaa', '/a' => 'a', '\\a' => 'a', '/aaaa' => 'aaaa', '\\aaaa' => 'aaaa', '/aaaa/' => 'aaaa', '\\aaaa\\' => 'aaaa', '\\aaaa\\' => 'aaaa', '/mnt/upload3/wikipedia/en/thumb/8/8b/Zork_Grand_Inquisitor_box_cover.jpg/93px-Zork_Grand_Inquisitor_box_cover.jpg' => '93px-Zork_Grand_Inquisitor_box_cover.jpg', 'C:\\Progra~1\\Wikime~1\\Wikipe~1\\VIEWER.EXE' => 'VIEWER.EXE', 'Östergötland_coat_of_arms.png' => 'Östergötland_coat_of_arms.png', ); foreach( $sets as $from => $to ) { is( $to, wfBaseName( $from ), "wfBaseName('$from') => '$to'"); }