# # This file is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the # qa-browsertests top-level directory and at # https://git.wikimedia.org/blob/qa%2Fbrowsertests/HEAD/LICENSE. No part of # qa-browsertests, including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated, or # distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file. # # Copyright 2012-2014 by the Mediawiki developers. See the CREDITS file in the # qa-browsertests top-level directory and at # https://git.wikimedia.org/blob/qa%2Fbrowsertests/HEAD/CREDITS # When(/^I click Appearance$/) do visit(PreferencesPage).appearance_link_element.when_present.click end When(/^I navigate to Preferences$/) do visit(PreferencesPage) end Then(/^I can click Save$/) do on(PreferencesPage).save_button_element.should exist end Then(/^I can restore default settings$/) do on(PreferencesAppearancePage).restore_default_link_element.should exist end Then(/^I can see local time$/) do on(PreferencesAppearancePage).local_time_span_element.should exist end Then(/^I can see time offset section$/) do on(PreferencesAppearancePage).time_offset_table_element.should be_visible end Then(/^I can select date format$/) do on(PreferencesAppearancePage) do |page| page.no_preference_radio_element.should exist page.mo_day_year_radio_element.should exist page.day_mo_year_radio_element.should exist page.year_mo_day_radio_element.should exist page.iso_8601_radio_element.should exist end end Then(/^I can select image size$/) do on(PreferencesAppearancePage).size_select_element.should exist end Then(/^I can select my time zone$/) do on(PreferencesAppearancePage) do |page| page.time_offset_select_element.should exist page.other_offset_element.should exist end end Then(/^I can select skins$/) do on(PreferencesAppearancePage) do |page| page.cologne_blue_element.should exist page.modern_element.should exist page.monobook_element.should exist page.vector_element.should exist end end Then(/^I can select Threshold for stub link$/) do on(PreferencesAppearancePage).threshold_select_element.should exist end Then(/^I can select thumbnail size$/) do on(PreferencesAppearancePage).thumb_select_element.should exist end Then(/^I can select underline preferences$/) do on(PreferencesAppearancePage).underline_select_element.should exist end Then(/^I have advanced options checkboxes$/) do on(PreferencesAppearancePage) do |page| page.hidden_categories_check_element.should exist page.auto_number_check_element.should exist end end