# # This file is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the # qa-browsertests top-level directory and at # https://git.wikimedia.org/blob/qa%2Fbrowsertests/HEAD/LICENSE. No part of # qa-browsertests, including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated, or # distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file. # # Copyright 2012-2014 by the Mediawiki developers. See the CREDITS file in the # qa-browsertests top-level directory and at # https://git.wikimedia.org/blob/qa%2Fbrowsertests/HEAD/CREDITS # When(/^I click User profile$/) do visit(PreferencesPage).user_profile_link_element.when_present.click end Then(/^I can change my gender$/) do on(PreferencesUserProfilePage) do |page| page.gender_undefined_radio_element.should exist page.gender_male_radio_element.should exist page.gender_female_radio_element.should exist end end Then(/^I can change my language$/) do on(PreferencesUserProfilePage).lang_select_element.should exist end Then(/^I can change my signature$/) do on(PreferencesUserProfilePage).signature_field_element.should exist end Then(/^I can see my Basic informations$/) do on(PreferencesUserProfilePage).basic_info_table_element.should exist end Then(/^I can see my email$/) do on(PreferencesUserProfilePage).email_table_element.should exist end Then(/^I can see my signature$/) do on(PreferencesUserProfilePage).signature_table_element.should exist end