*/ class ParserTestParserHook { static function setup( &$parser ) { $parser->setHook( 'tag', array( __CLASS__, 'dumpHook' ) ); $parser->setHook( 'tåg', array( __CLASS__, 'dumpHook' ) ); $parser->setHook( 'statictag', array( __CLASS__, 'staticTagHook' ) ); return true; } static function dumpHook( $in, $argv ) { return "
\n" .
			var_export( $in, true ) . "\n" .
			var_export( $argv, true ) . "\n" .
"; } static function staticTagHook( $in, $argv, $parser ) { if ( !count( $argv ) ) { $parser->static_tag_buf = $in; return ''; } elseif ( count( $argv ) === 1 && isset( $argv['action'] ) && $argv['action'] === 'flush' && $in === null ) { // Clear the buffer, we probably don't need to if ( isset( $parser->static_tag_buf ) ) { $tmp = $parser->static_tag_buf; } else { $tmp = ''; } $parser->static_tag_buf = null; return $tmp; } else { // wtf? return "\nCall this extension as string or as" . " , not in any other way.\n" . "text: " . var_export( $in, true ) . "\n" . "argv: " . var_export( $argv, true ) . "\n"; } } }