"review=test" ); function setUp() { putenv( "http_proxy" ); /* Remove any proxy env var, so curl doesn't get confused */ if ( is_array( self::$content ) ) { return; } self::$has_curl = function_exists( 'curl_init' ); self::$has_fopen = wfIniGetBool( 'allow_url_fopen' ); if ( !file_exists( "/usr/bin/curl" ) ) { $this->markTestIncomplete( "This test requires the curl binary at /usr/bin/curl. If you have curl, please file a bug on this test, or, better yet, provide a patch." ); } $content = tempnam( wfTempDir(), "" ); $headers = tempnam( wfTempDir(), "" ); if ( !$content && !$headers ) { die( "Couldn't create temp file!" ); } // This probably isn't the best test for a proxy, but it works on my system! system( "curl -0 -o $content -s " . self::$proxy ); $out = file_get_contents( $content ); if ( $out ) { self::$has_proxy = true; } /* Maybe use wget instead of curl here ... just to use a different codebase? */ foreach ( $this->test_geturl as $u ) { system( "curl -0 -s -D $headers '$u' -o $content" ); self::$content["GET $u"] = file_get_contents( $content ); self::$headers["GET $u"] = file_get_contents( $headers ); } foreach ( $this->test_requesturl as $u ) { system( "curl -0 -s -X POST -H 'Content-Length: 0' -D $headers '$u' -o $content" ); self::$content["POST $u"] = file_get_contents( $content ); self::$headers["POST $u"] = file_get_contents( $headers ); } foreach ( $this->test_posturl as $u => $postData ) { system( "curl -0 -s -X POST -d '$postData' -D $headers '$u' -o $content" ); self::$content["POST $u => $postData"] = file_get_contents( $content ); self::$headers["POST $u => $postData"] = file_get_contents( $headers ); } unlink( $content ); unlink( $headers ); } function testInstantiation() { Http::$httpEngine = false; $r = MWHttpRequest::factory( "http://www.example.com/" ); if ( self::$has_curl ) { $this->assertThat( $r, $this->isInstanceOf( 'CurlHttpRequest' ) ); } else { $this->assertThat( $r, $this->isInstanceOf( 'PhpHttpRequest' ) ); } unset( $r ); if ( !self::$has_fopen ) { $this->setExpectedException( 'MWException' ); } Http::$httpEngine = 'php'; $r = MWHttpRequest::factory( "http://www.example.com/" ); $this->assertThat( $r, $this->isInstanceOf( 'PhpHttpRequest' ) ); unset( $r ); if ( !self::$has_curl ) { $this->setExpectedException( 'MWException' ); } Http::$httpEngine = 'curl'; $r = MWHttpRequest::factory( "http://www.example.com/" ); if ( self::$has_curl ) { $this->assertThat( $r, $this->isInstanceOf( 'CurlHttpRequest' ) ); } } function runHTTPFailureChecks() { // Each of the following requests should result in a failure. $timeout = 1; $start_time = time(); $r = Http::get( "http://www.example.com:1/", $timeout ); $end_time = time(); $this->assertLessThan( $timeout + 2, $end_time - $start_time, "Request took less than {$timeout}s via " . Http::$httpEngine ); $this->assertEquals( $r, false, "false -- what we get on error from Http::get()" ); $r = Http::get( "http://www.mediawiki.org/xml/made-up-url", $timeout ); $this->assertFalse( $r, "False on 404s" ); $r = MWHttpRequest::factory( "http://www.mediawiki.org/xml/made-up-url" ); $er = $r->execute(); if ( $r instanceof PhpHttpRequest && version_compare( '5.2.10', phpversion(), '>' ) ) { $this->assertRegexp( "/HTTP request failed/", $er->getWikiText() ); } else { $this->assertRegexp( "/404 Not Found/", $er->getWikiText() ); } } function testFailureDefault() { Http::$httpEngine = false; $this->runHTTPFailureChecks(); } function testFailurePhp() { if ( !self::$has_fopen ) { $this->markTestIncomplete( "This test requires allow_url_fopen=true." ); } Http::$httpEngine = "php"; $this->runHTTPFailureChecks(); } function testFailureCurl() { if ( !self::$has_curl ) { $this->markTestIncomplete( "This test requires curl." ); } Http::$httpEngine = "curl"; $this->runHTTPFailureChecks(); } /* ./phase3/includes/Import.php:1108: $data = Http::request( $method, $url ); */ /* ./includes/Import.php:1124: $link = Title::newFromText( "$interwiki:Special:Export/$page" ); */ /* ./includes/Import.php:1134: return ImportStreamSource::newFromURL( $url, "POST" ); */ function runHTTPRequests( $proxy = null ) { $opt = array(); if ( $proxy ) { $opt['proxy'] = $proxy; } elseif ( $proxy === false ) { $opt['noProxy'] = true; } /* no postData here because the only request I could find in code so far didn't have any */ foreach ( $this->test_requesturl as $u ) { $r = Http::request( "POST", $u, $opt ); $this->assertEquals( self::$content["POST $u"], "$r", "POST $u with " . Http::$httpEngine ); } } function testRequestDefault() { Http::$httpEngine = false; $this->runHTTPRequests(); } function testRequestPhp() { if ( !self::$has_fopen ) { $this->markTestIncomplete( "This test requires allow_url_fopen=true." ); } Http::$httpEngine = "php"; $this->runHTTPRequests(); } function testRequestCurl() { if ( !self::$has_curl ) { $this->markTestIncomplete( "This test requires curl." ); } Http::$httpEngine = "curl"; $this->runHTTPRequests(); } function runHTTPGets( $proxy = null ) { $opt = array(); if ( $proxy ) { $opt['proxy'] = $proxy; } elseif ( $proxy === false ) { $opt['noProxy'] = true; } foreach ( $this->test_geturl as $u ) { $r = Http::get( $u, 30, $opt ); /* timeout of 30s */ $this->assertEquals( self::$content["GET $u"], "$r", "Get $u with " . Http::$httpEngine ); } } function testGetDefault() { Http::$httpEngine = false; $this->runHTTPGets(); } function testGetPhp() { if ( !self::$has_fopen ) { $this->markTestIncomplete( "This test requires allow_url_fopen=true." ); } Http::$httpEngine = "php"; $this->runHTTPGets(); } function testGetCurl() { if ( !self::$has_curl ) { $this->markTestIncomplete( "This test requires curl." ); } Http::$httpEngine = "curl"; $this->runHTTPGets(); } function runHTTPPosts( $proxy = null ) { $opt = array(); if ( $proxy ) { $opt['proxy'] = $proxy; } elseif ( $proxy === false ) { $opt['noProxy'] = true; } foreach ( $this->test_posturl as $u => $postData ) { $opt['postData'] = $postData; $r = Http::post( $u, $opt ); $this->assertEquals( self::$content["POST $u => $postData"], "$r", "POST $u (postData=$postData) with " . Http::$httpEngine ); } } function testPostDefault() { Http::$httpEngine = false; $this->runHTTPPosts(); } function testPostPhp() { if ( !self::$has_fopen ) { $this->markTestIncomplete( "This test requires allow_url_fopen=true." ); } Http::$httpEngine = "php"; $this->runHTTPPosts(); } function testPostCurl() { if ( !self::$has_curl ) { $this->markTestIncomplete( "This test requires curl." ); } Http::$httpEngine = "curl"; $this->runHTTPPosts(); } function runProxyRequests() { if ( !self::$has_proxy ) { $this->markTestIncomplete( "This test requires a proxy." ); } $this->runHTTPGets( self::$proxy ); $this->runHTTPPosts( self::$proxy ); $this->runHTTPRequests( self::$proxy ); // Set false here to do noProxy $this->runHTTPGets( false ); $this->runHTTPPosts( false ); $this->runHTTPRequests( false ); } function testProxyDefault() { Http::$httpEngine = false; $this->runProxyRequests(); } function testProxyPhp() { if ( !self::$has_fopen ) { $this->markTestIncomplete( "This test requires allow_url_fopen=true." ); } Http::$httpEngine = 'php'; $this->runProxyRequests(); } function testProxyCurl() { if ( !self::$has_curl ) { $this->markTestIncomplete( "This test requires curl." ); } Http::$httpEngine = 'curl'; $this->runProxyRequests(); } function testIsLocalUrl() { } /* ./extensions/DonationInterface/payflowpro_gateway/payflowpro_gateway.body.php:559: $user_agent = Http::userAgent(); */ function testUserAgent() { } function testIsValidUrl() { } /** * @dataProvider cookieDomains */ function testValidateCookieDomain( $expected, $domain, $origin=null ) { if ( $origin ) { $ok = Cookie::validateCookieDomain( $domain, $origin ); $msg = "$domain against origin $origin"; } else { $ok = Cookie::validateCookieDomain( $domain ); $msg = "$domain"; } $this->assertEquals( $expected, $ok, $msg ); } function cookieDomains() { return array( array( false, "org"), array( false, ".org"), array( true, "wikipedia.org"), array( true, ".wikipedia.org"), array( false, "co.uk" ), array( false, ".co.uk" ), array( false, "gov.uk" ), array( false, ".gov.uk" ), array( true, "supermarket.uk" ), array( false, "uk" ), array( false, ".uk" ), array( false, "127.0.0." ), array( false, "127." ), array( false, "" ), array( true, "" ), array( false, "333.0.0.1" ), array( true, "example.com" ), array( false, "example.com." ), array( true, ".example.com" ), array( true, ".example.com", "www.example.com" ), array( false, "example.com", "www.example.com" ), array( true, "", "" ), array( false, "", "localhost" ), ); } function testSetCooke() { $c = new MockCookie( "name", "value", array( "domain" => "ac.th", "path" => "/path/", ) ); $this->assertFalse( $c->canServeDomain( "ac.th" ) ); $c = new MockCookie( "name", "value", array( "domain" => "example.com", "path" => "/path/", ) ); $this->assertTrue( $c->canServeDomain( "example.com" ) ); $this->assertFalse( $c->canServeDomain( "www.example.com" ) ); $c = new MockCookie( "name", "value", array( "domain" => ".example.com", "path" => "/path/", ) ); $this->assertFalse( $c->canServeDomain( "www.example.net" ) ); $this->assertFalse( $c->canServeDomain( "example.com" ) ); $this->assertTrue( $c->canServeDomain( "www.example.com" ) ); $this->assertFalse( $c->canServePath( "/" ) ); $this->assertFalse( $c->canServePath( "/bogus/path/" ) ); $this->assertFalse( $c->canServePath( "/path" ) ); $this->assertTrue( $c->canServePath( "/path/" ) ); $this->assertTrue( $c->isUnExpired() ); $this->assertEquals( "", $c->serializeToHttpRequest( "/path/", "www.example.net" ) ); $this->assertEquals( "", $c->serializeToHttpRequest( "/", "www.example.com" ) ); $this->assertEquals( "name=value", $c->serializeToHttpRequest( "/path/", "www.example.com" ) ); $c = new MockCookie( "name", "value", array( "domain" => "www.example.com", "path" => "/path/", ) ); $this->assertFalse( $c->canServeDomain( "example.com" ) ); $this->assertFalse( $c->canServeDomain( "www.example.net" ) ); $this->assertTrue( $c->canServeDomain( "www.example.com" ) ); $c = new MockCookie( "name", "value", array( "domain" => ".example.com", "path" => "/path/", "expires" => "-1 day", ) ); $this->assertFalse( $c->isUnExpired() ); $this->assertEquals( "", $c->serializeToHttpRequest( "/path/", "www.example.com" ) ); $c = new MockCookie( "name", "value", array( "domain" => ".example.com", "path" => "/path/", "expires" => "+1 day", ) ); $this->assertTrue( $c->isUnExpired() ); $this->assertEquals( "name=value", $c->serializeToHttpRequest( "/path/", "www.example.com" ) ); } function testCookieJarSetCookie() { $cj = new CookieJar; $cj->setCookie( "name", "value", array( "domain" => ".example.com", "path" => "/path/", ) ); $cj->setCookie( "name2", "value", array( "domain" => ".example.com", "path" => "/path/sub", ) ); $cj->setCookie( "name3", "value", array( "domain" => ".example.com", "path" => "/", ) ); $cj->setCookie( "name4", "value", array( "domain" => ".example.net", "path" => "/path/", ) ); $cj->setCookie( "name5", "value", array( "domain" => ".example.net", "path" => "/path/", "expires" => "-1 day", ) ); $this->assertEquals( "name4=value", $cj->serializeToHttpRequest( "/path/", "www.example.net" ) ); $this->assertEquals( "name3=value", $cj->serializeToHttpRequest( "/", "www.example.com" ) ); $this->assertEquals( "name=value; name3=value", $cj->serializeToHttpRequest( "/path/", "www.example.com" ) ); $cj->setCookie( "name5", "value", array( "domain" => ".example.net", "path" => "/path/", "expires" => "+1 day", ) ); $this->assertEquals( "name4=value; name5=value", $cj->serializeToHttpRequest( "/path/", "www.example.net" ) ); $cj->setCookie( "name4", "value", array( "domain" => ".example.net", "path" => "/path/", "expires" => "-1 day", ) ); $this->assertEquals( "name5=value", $cj->serializeToHttpRequest( "/path/", "www.example.net" ) ); } function testParseResponseHeader() { $cj = new CookieJar; $h[] = "Set-Cookie: name4=value; domain=.example.com; path=/; expires=Mon, 09-Dec-2029 13:46:00 GMT"; $cj->parseCookieResponseHeader( $h[0], "www.example.com" ); $this->assertEquals( "name4=value", $cj->serializeToHttpRequest( "/", "www.example.com" ) ); $h[] = "name4=value2; domain=.example.com; path=/path/; expires=Mon, 09-Dec-2029 13:46:00 GMT"; $cj->parseCookieResponseHeader( $h[1], "www.example.com" ); $this->assertEquals( "", $cj->serializeToHttpRequest( "/", "www.example.com" ) ); $this->assertEquals( "name4=value2", $cj->serializeToHttpRequest( "/path/", "www.example.com" ) ); $h[] = "name5=value3; domain=.example.com; path=/path/; expires=Mon, 09-Dec-2029 13:46:00 GMT"; $cj->parseCookieResponseHeader( $h[2], "www.example.com" ); $this->assertEquals( "name4=value2; name5=value3", $cj->serializeToHttpRequest( "/path/", "www.example.com" ) ); $h[] = "name6=value3; domain=.example.net; path=/path/; expires=Mon, 09-Dec-2029 13:46:00 GMT"; $cj->parseCookieResponseHeader( $h[3], "www.example.com" ); $this->assertEquals( "", $cj->serializeToHttpRequest( "/path/", "www.example.net" ) ); $h[] = "name6=value0; domain=.example.net; path=/path/; expires=Mon, 09-Dec-1999 13:46:00 GMT"; $cj->parseCookieResponseHeader( $h[4], "www.example.net" ); $this->assertEquals( "", $cj->serializeToHttpRequest( "/path/", "www.example.net" ) ); $h[] = "name6=value4; domain=.example.net; path=/path/; expires=Mon, 09-Dec-2029 13:46:00 GMT"; $cj->parseCookieResponseHeader( $h[5], "www.example.net" ); $this->assertEquals( "name6=value4", $cj->serializeToHttpRequest( "/path/", "www.example.net" ) ); } function runCookieRequests() { $r = MWHttpRequest::factory( "http://www.php.net/manual", array( 'followRedirects' => true ) ); $r->execute(); $jar = $r->getCookieJar(); $this->assertThat( $jar, $this->isInstanceOf( 'CookieJar' ) ); $serialized = $jar->serializeToHttpRequest( "/search?q=test", "www.php.net" ); $this->assertRegExp( '/\bCOUNTRY=[^=;]+/', $serialized ); $this->assertRegExp( '/\bLAST_LANG=[^=;]+/', $serialized ); $this->assertEquals( '', $jar->serializeToHttpRequest( "/search?q=test", "www.php.com" ) ); } function testCookieRequestDefault() { Http::$httpEngine = false; $this->runCookieRequests(); } function testCookieRequestPhp() { if ( !self::$has_fopen ) { $this->markTestIncomplete( "This test requires allow_url_fopen=true." ); } Http::$httpEngine = 'php'; $this->runCookieRequests(); } function testCookieRequestCurl() { if ( !self::$has_curl ) { $this->markTestIncomplete( "This test requires curl." ); } Http::$httpEngine = 'curl'; $this->runCookieRequests(); } /** * Test Http::isValidURI() * @bug 27854 : Http::isValidURI is to lax *@dataProvider provideURI */ function testIsValidUri( $expect, $URI, $message = '' ) { $this->assertEquals( $expect, (bool) Http::isValidURI( $URI ), $message ); } /** * Feeds URI to test a long regular expression in Http::isValidURI */ function provideURI() { /** Format: 'boolean expectation', 'URI to test', 'Optional message' */ return array( array( false, '¿non sens before!! http://a', 'Allow anything before URI' ), # (http|https) - only two schemes allowed array( true, 'http://www.example.org/' ), array( true, 'https://www.example.org/' ), array( true, 'http://www.example.org', 'URI without directory' ), array( true, 'http://a', 'Short name' ), array( true, 'http://étoile', 'Allow UTF-8 in hostname' ), # 'étoile' is french for 'star' array( false, '\\host\directory', 'CIFS share' ), array( false, 'gopher://host/dir', 'Reject gopher scheme' ), array( false, 'telnet://host', 'Reject telnet scheme' ), # :\/\/ - double slashes array( false, 'http//example.org', 'Reject missing colon in protocol' ), array( false, 'http:/example.org', 'Reject missing slash in protocol' ), array( false, 'http:example.org', 'Must have two slashes' ), # Following fail since hostname can be made of anything array( false, 'http:///example.org', 'Must have exactly two slashes, not three' ), # (\w+:{0,1}\w*@)? - optional user:pass array( true, 'http://user@host', 'Username provided' ), array( true, 'http://user:@host', 'Username provided, no password' ), array( true, 'http://user:pass@host', 'Username and password provided' ), # (\S+) - host part is made of anything not whitespaces array( false, 'http://!"èèè¿¿¿~~\'', 'hostname is made of any non whitespace' ), array( false, 'http://exam:ple.org/', 'hostname can not use colons!' ), # (:[0-9]+)? - port number array( true, 'http://example.org:80/' ), array( true, 'https://example.org:80/' ), array( true, 'http://example.org:443/' ), array( true, 'https://example.org:443/' ), # Part after the hostname is / or / with something else array( true, 'http://example/#' ), array( true, 'http://example/!' ), array( true, 'http://example/:' ), array( true, 'http://example/.' ), array( true, 'http://example/?' ), array( true, 'http://example/+' ), array( true, 'http://example/=' ), array( true, 'http://example/&' ), array( true, 'http://example/%' ), array( true, 'http://example/@' ), array( true, 'http://example/-' ), array( true, 'http://example//' ), array( true, 'http://example/&' ), # Fragment array( true, 'http://exam#ple.org', ), # This one is valid, really! array( true, 'http://example.org:80#anchor' ), array( true, 'http://example.org/?id#anchor' ), array( true, 'http://example.org/?#anchor' ), array( false, 'http://a ¿non !!sens after', 'Allow anything after URI' ), ); } }