'add.gif', 'remove' => array( 'file' => 'remove.svg', 'variants' => array( 'destructive' ), ), 'next' => array( 'file' => array( 'ltr' => 'next.svg', 'rtl' => 'prev.svg' ), ), 'help' => array( 'file' => array( 'ltr' => 'help-ltr.svg', 'rtl' => 'help-rtl.svg', 'lang' => array( 'he' => 'help-ltr.svg', ) ), ), 'bold' => array( 'file' => array( 'default' => 'bold-a.svg', 'lang' => array( 'en' => 'bold-b.svg', 'ar,de' => 'bold-f.svg', ) ), ) ); public static $commonImageVariants = array( 'invert' => array( 'color' => '#FFFFFF', 'global' => true, ), 'primary' => array( 'color' => '#598AD1', ), 'constructive' => array( 'color' => '#00C697', ), 'destructive' => array( 'color' => '#E81915', ), ); public static function providerGetModules() { return array( array( array( 'class' => 'ResourceLoaderImageModule', 'prefix' => 'oo-ui-icon', 'variants' => self::$commonImageVariants, 'images' => self::$commonImageData, ), '.oo-ui-icon-add { ... } .oo-ui-icon-add-invert { ... } .oo-ui-icon-remove { ... } .oo-ui-icon-remove-invert { ... } .oo-ui-icon-remove-destructive { ... } .oo-ui-icon-next { ... } .oo-ui-icon-next-invert { ... } .oo-ui-icon-help { ... } .oo-ui-icon-help-invert { ... } .oo-ui-icon-bold { ... } .oo-ui-icon-bold-invert { ... }', ), array( array( 'class' => 'ResourceLoaderImageModule', 'selectorWithoutVariant' => '.mw-ui-icon-{name}:after, .mw-ui-icon-{name}:before', 'selectorWithVariant' => '.mw-ui-icon-{name}-{variant}:after, .mw-ui-icon-{name}-{variant}:before', 'variants' => self::$commonImageVariants, 'images' => self::$commonImageData, ), '.mw-ui-icon-add:after, .mw-ui-icon-add:before { ... } .mw-ui-icon-add-invert:after, .mw-ui-icon-add-invert:before { ... } .mw-ui-icon-remove:after, .mw-ui-icon-remove:before { ... } .mw-ui-icon-remove-invert:after, .mw-ui-icon-remove-invert:before { ... } .mw-ui-icon-remove-destructive:after, .mw-ui-icon-remove-destructive:before { ... } .mw-ui-icon-next:after, .mw-ui-icon-next:before { ... } .mw-ui-icon-next-invert:after, .mw-ui-icon-next-invert:before { ... } .mw-ui-icon-help:after, .mw-ui-icon-help:before { ... } .mw-ui-icon-help-invert:after, .mw-ui-icon-help-invert:before { ... } .mw-ui-icon-bold:after, .mw-ui-icon-bold:before { ... } .mw-ui-icon-bold-invert:after, .mw-ui-icon-bold-invert:before { ... }', ), ); } /** * @dataProvider providerGetModules * @covers ResourceLoaderImageModule::getStyles */ public function testGetStyles( $module, $expected ) { $module = new ResourceLoaderImageModuleTestable( $module, __DIR__ . '/../../data/resourceloader' ); $styles = $module->getStyles( $this->getResourceLoaderContext() ); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $styles['all'] ); } } class ResourceLoaderImageModuleTestable extends ResourceLoaderImageModule { /** * Replace with a stub to make test cases easier to write. */ protected function getCssDeclarations( $primary, $fallback ) { return array( '...' ); } }