( function ( mw, $ ) { // mw.Title relies on these three config vars // Restore them after each test run var config = { wgFormattedNamespaces: { '-2': 'Media', '-1': 'Special', 0: '', 1: 'Talk', 2: 'User', 3: 'User talk', 4: 'Wikipedia', 5: 'Wikipedia talk', 6: 'File', 7: 'File talk', 8: 'MediaWiki', 9: 'MediaWiki talk', 10: 'Template', 11: 'Template talk', 12: 'Help', 13: 'Help talk', 14: 'Category', 15: 'Category talk', // testing custom / localized namespace 100: 'Penguins' }, wgNamespaceIds: { /*jshint camelcase: false */ media: -2, special: -1, '': 0, talk: 1, user: 2, user_talk: 3, wikipedia: 4, wikipedia_talk: 5, file: 6, file_talk: 7, mediawiki: 8, mediawiki_talk: 9, template: 10, template_talk: 11, help: 12, help_talk: 13, category: 14, category_talk: 15, image: 6, image_talk: 7, project: 4, project_talk: 5, /* testing custom / alias */ penguins: 100, antarctic_waterfowl: 100 }, wgCaseSensitiveNamespaces: [] }, repeat = function ( input, multiplier ) { return new Array( multiplier + 1 ).join( input ); }, cases = { // See also TitleTest.php#testSecureAndSplit valid: [ 'Sandbox', 'A "B"', 'A \'B\'', '.com', '~', '"', '\'', 'Talk:Sandbox', 'Talk:Foo:Sandbox', 'File:Example.svg', 'File_talk:Example.svg', 'Foo/.../Sandbox', 'Sandbox/...', 'A~~', // Length is 256 total, but only title part matters 'Category:' + repeat( 'x', 248 ), repeat( 'x', 252 ) ], invalid: [ '', '__ __', ' __ ', // Bad characters forbidden regardless of wgLegalTitleChars 'A [ B', 'A ] B', 'A { B', 'A } B', 'A < B', 'A > B', 'A | B', // URL encoding 'A%20B', 'A%23B', 'A%2523B', // XML/HTML character entity references // Note: The ones with # are commented out as those are interpreted as fragment and // as such end up being valid. 'A é B', //'A é B', //'A é B', // Subject of NS_TALK does not roundtrip to NS_MAIN 'Talk:File:Example.svg', // Directory navigation '.', '..', './Sandbox', '../Sandbox', 'Foo/./Sandbox', 'Foo/../Sandbox', 'Sandbox/.', 'Sandbox/..', // Tilde 'A ~~~ Name', 'A ~~~~ Signature', 'A ~~~~~ Timestamp', repeat( 'x', 256 ), // Extension separation is a js invention, for length // purposes it is part of the title repeat( 'x', 252 ) + '.json', // Namespace prefix without actual title // ':', // bug 54044 'Talk:', 'Category: ', 'Category: #bar' ] }; QUnit.module( 'mediawiki.Title', QUnit.newMwEnvironment( { config: config } ) ); QUnit.test( 'constructor', cases.invalid.length, function ( assert ) { var i, title; for ( i = 0; i < cases.valid.length; i++ ) { title = new mw.Title( cases.valid[i] ); } for ( i = 0; i < cases.invalid.length; i++ ) { /*jshint loopfunc:true */ title = cases.invalid[i]; assert.throws( function () { return new mw.Title( title ); }, cases.invalid[i] ); } } ); QUnit.test( 'newFromText', cases.valid.length + cases.invalid.length, function ( assert ) { var i; for ( i = 0; i < cases.valid.length; i++ ) { assert.equal( $.type( mw.Title.newFromText( cases.valid[i] ) ), 'object', cases.valid[i] ); } for ( i = 0; i < cases.invalid.length; i++ ) { assert.equal( $.type( mw.Title.newFromText( cases.invalid[i] ) ), 'null', cases.invalid[i] ); } } ); QUnit.test( 'Basic parsing', 12, function ( assert ) { var title; title = new mw.Title( 'File:Foo_bar.JPG' ); assert.equal( title.getNamespaceId(), 6 ); assert.equal( title.getNamespacePrefix(), 'File:' ); assert.equal( title.getName(), 'Foo_bar' ); assert.equal( title.getNameText(), 'Foo bar' ); assert.equal( title.getExtension(), 'JPG' ); assert.equal( title.getDotExtension(), '.JPG' ); assert.equal( title.getMain(), 'Foo_bar.JPG' ); assert.equal( title.getMainText(), 'Foo bar.JPG' ); assert.equal( title.getPrefixedDb(), 'File:Foo_bar.JPG' ); assert.equal( title.getPrefixedText(), 'File:Foo bar.JPG' ); title = new mw.Title( 'Foo#bar' ); assert.equal( title.getPrefixedText(), 'Foo' ); assert.equal( title.getFragment(), 'bar' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'Transformation', 11, function ( assert ) { var title; title = new mw.Title( 'File:quux pif.jpg' ); assert.equal( title.getNameText(), 'Quux pif', 'First character of title' ); title = new mw.Title( 'File:Glarg_foo_glang.jpg' ); assert.equal( title.getNameText(), 'Glarg foo glang', 'Underscores' ); title = new mw.Title( 'User:ABC.DEF' ); assert.equal( title.toText(), 'User:ABC.DEF', 'Round trip text' ); assert.equal( title.getNamespaceId(), 2, 'Parse canonical namespace prefix' ); title = new mw.Title( 'Image:quux pix.jpg' ); assert.equal( title.getNamespacePrefix(), 'File:', 'Transform alias to canonical namespace' ); title = new mw.Title( 'uSEr:hAshAr' ); assert.equal( title.toText(), 'User:HAshAr' ); assert.equal( title.getNamespaceId(), 2, 'Case-insensitive namespace prefix' ); // Don't ask why, it's the way the backend works. One space is kept of each set. title = new mw.Title( 'Foo __ \t __ bar' ); assert.equal( title.getMain(), 'Foo_bar', 'Merge multiple types of whitespace/underscores into a single underscore' ); // Regression test: Previously it would only detect an extension if there is no space after it title = new mw.Title( 'Example.js ' ); assert.equal( title.getExtension(), 'js', 'Space after an extension is stripped' ); title = new mw.Title( 'Example#foo' ); assert.equal( title.getFragment(), 'foo', 'Fragment' ); title = new mw.Title( 'Example#_foo_bar baz_' ); assert.equal( title.getFragment(), ' foo bar baz', 'Fragment' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'Namespace detection and conversion', 10, function ( assert ) { var title; title = new mw.Title( 'File:User:Example' ); assert.equal( title.getNamespaceId(), 6, 'Titles can contain namespace prefixes, which are otherwise ignored' ); title = new mw.Title( 'Example', 6 ); assert.equal( title.getNamespaceId(), 6, 'Default namespace passed is used' ); title = new mw.Title( 'User:Example', 6 ); assert.equal( title.getNamespaceId(), 2, 'Included namespace prefix overrides the given default' ); title = new mw.Title( ':Example', 6 ); assert.equal( title.getNamespaceId(), 0, 'Colon forces main namespace' ); title = new mw.Title( 'something.PDF', 6 ); assert.equal( title.toString(), 'File:Something.PDF' ); title = new mw.Title( 'NeilK', 3 ); assert.equal( title.toString(), 'User_talk:NeilK' ); assert.equal( title.toText(), 'User talk:NeilK' ); title = new mw.Title( 'Frobisher', 100 ); assert.equal( title.toString(), 'Penguins:Frobisher' ); title = new mw.Title( 'antarctic_waterfowl:flightless_yet_cute.jpg' ); assert.equal( title.toString(), 'Penguins:Flightless_yet_cute.jpg' ); title = new mw.Title( 'Penguins:flightless_yet_cute.jpg' ); assert.equal( title.toString(), 'Penguins:Flightless_yet_cute.jpg' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'Throw error on invalid title', 1, function ( assert ) { assert.throws( function () { return new mw.Title( '' ); }, 'Throw error on empty string' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'Case-sensivity', 3, function ( assert ) { var title; // Default config mw.config.set( 'wgCaseSensitiveNamespaces', [] ); title = new mw.Title( 'article' ); assert.equal( title.toString(), 'Article', 'Default config: No sensitive namespaces by default. First-letter becomes uppercase' ); // $wgCapitalLinks = false; mw.config.set( 'wgCaseSensitiveNamespaces', [0, -2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15] ); title = new mw.Title( 'article' ); assert.equal( title.toString(), 'article', '$wgCapitalLinks=false: Article namespace is sensitive, first-letter case stays lowercase' ); title = new mw.Title( 'john', 2 ); assert.equal( title.toString(), 'User:John', '$wgCapitalLinks=false: User namespace is insensitive, first-letter becomes uppercase' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'toString / toText', 2, function ( assert ) { var title = new mw.Title( 'Some random page' ); assert.equal( title.toString(), title.getPrefixedDb() ); assert.equal( title.toText(), title.getPrefixedText() ); } ); QUnit.test( 'getExtension', 7, function ( assert ) { function extTest( pagename, ext, description ) { var title = new mw.Title( pagename ); assert.equal( title.getExtension(), ext, description || pagename ); } extTest( 'MediaWiki:Vector.js', 'js' ); extTest( 'User:Example/common.css', 'css' ); extTest( 'File:Example.longextension', 'longextension', 'Extension parsing not limited (bug 36151)' ); extTest( 'Example/information.json', 'json', 'Extension parsing not restricted from any namespace' ); extTest( 'Foo.', null, 'Trailing dot is not an extension' ); extTest( 'Foo..', null, 'Trailing dots are not an extension' ); extTest( 'Foo.a.', null, 'Page name with dots and ending in a dot does not have an extension' ); // @broken: Throws an exception // extTest( '.NET', null, 'Leading dot is (or is not?) an extension' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'exists', 3, function ( assert ) { var title; // Empty registry, checks default to null title = new mw.Title( 'Some random page', 4 ); assert.strictEqual( title.exists(), null, 'Return null with empty existance registry' ); // Basic registry, checks default to boolean mw.Title.exist.set( ['Does_exist', 'User_talk:NeilK', 'Wikipedia:Sandbox_rules'], true ); mw.Title.exist.set( ['Does_not_exist', 'User:John', 'Foobar'], false ); title = new mw.Title( 'Project:Sandbox rules' ); assert.assertTrue( title.exists(), 'Return true for page titles marked as existing' ); title = new mw.Title( 'Foobar' ); assert.assertFalse( title.exists(), 'Return false for page titles marked as nonexistent' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'getUrl', 2, function ( assert ) { var title; // Config mw.config.set( 'wgArticlePath', '/wiki/$1' ); title = new mw.Title( 'Foobar' ); assert.equal( title.getUrl(), '/wiki/Foobar', 'Basic functionally, getUrl uses mw.util.getUrl' ); title = new mw.Title( 'John Doe', 3 ); assert.equal( title.getUrl(), '/wiki/User_talk:John_Doe', 'Escaping in title and namespace for urls' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'newFromImg', 28, function ( assert ) { var title, i, thisCase, prefix, cases = [ { url: '/wiki/images/thumb/9/91/Anticlockwise_heliotrope%27s.jpg/99px-Anticlockwise_heliotrope%27s.jpg', typeOfUrl: 'Normal hashed directory thumbnail', nameText: 'Anticlockwise heliotrope\'s', prefixedText: 'File:Anticlockwise heliotrope\'s.jpg' }, { url: '//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/80/Wikipedia-logo-v2.svg/150px-Wikipedia-logo-v2.svg.png', typeOfUrl: 'Commons thumbnail', nameText: 'Wikipedia-logo-v2', prefixedText: 'File:Wikipedia-logo-v2.svg' }, { url: '/wiki/images/9/91/Anticlockwise_heliotrope%27s.jpg', typeOfUrl: 'Full image', nameText: 'Anticlockwise heliotrope\'s', prefixedText: 'File:Anticlockwise heliotrope\'s.jpg' }, { url: 'http://localhost/thumb.php?f=Stuffless_Figaro%27s.jpg&width=180', typeOfUrl: 'thumb.php-based thumbnail', nameText: 'Stuffless Figaro\'s', prefixedText: 'File:Stuffless Figaro\'s.jpg' }, { url: '/wikipedia/commons/thumb/Wikipedia-logo-v2.svg/150px-Wikipedia-logo-v2.svg.png', typeOfUrl: 'Commons unhashed thumbnail', nameText: 'Wikipedia-logo-v2', prefixedText: 'File:Wikipedia-logo-v2.svg' }, { url: '/wiki/images/Anticlockwise_heliotrope%27s.jpg', typeOfUrl: 'Unhashed local file', nameText: 'Anticlockwise heliotrope\'s', prefixedText: 'File:Anticlockwise heliotrope\'s.jpg' }, { url: '', typeOfUrl: 'Empty string' }, { url: 'foo', typeOfUrl: 'String with only alphabet characters' }, { url: 'foobar.foobar', typeOfUrl: 'Not a file path' }, { url: '/a/a0/blah blah blah', typeOfUrl: 'Space characters' } ]; for ( i = 0; i < cases.length; i++ ) { thisCase = cases[i]; title = mw.Title.newFromImg( { src: thisCase.url } ); if ( thisCase.nameText !== undefined ) { prefix = '[' + thisCase.typeOfUrl + ' URL' + '] '; assert.notStrictEqual( title, null, prefix + 'Parses successfully' ); assert.equal( title.getNameText(), thisCase.nameText, prefix + 'Filename matches original' ); assert.equal( title.getPrefixedText(), thisCase.prefixedText, prefix + 'File page title matches original' ); assert.equal( title.getNamespaceId(), 6, prefix + 'Namespace ID matches File namespace' ); } else { assert.strictEqual( title, null, thisCase.typeOfUrl + ', should not produce an mw.Title object' ); } } } ); }( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );