* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; /** * @requires extension sockets */ class SyslogUdpHandlerTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { /** * @expectedException UnexpectedValueException */ public function testWeValidateFacilities() { $handler = new SyslogUdpHandler("ip", null, "invalidFacility"); } public function testWeSplitIntoLines() { $handler = new SyslogUdpHandler("", 514, "authpriv"); $handler->setFormatter(new \Monolog\Formatter\ChromePHPFormatter()); $socket = $this->getMock('\Monolog\Handler\SyslogUdp\UdpSocket', array('write'), array('lol', 'lol')); $socket->expects($this->at(0)) ->method('write') ->with("lol", "<".(LOG_AUTHPRIV + LOG_WARNING).">1 "); $socket->expects($this->at(1)) ->method('write') ->with("hej", "<".(LOG_AUTHPRIV + LOG_WARNING).">1 "); $handler->setSocket($socket); $handler->handle($this->getRecordWithMessage("hej\nlol")); } protected function getRecordWithMessage($msg) { return array('message' => $msg, 'level' => \Monolog\Logger::WARNING, 'context' => null, 'extra' => array(), 'channel' => 'lol'); } }