{ "@metadata": { "authors": [ "Amire80", "Beta16", "Erik Moeller", "Jdforrester", "Lloffiwr", "Mooeypoo", "Mormegil", "Nike", "PoLuX124", "Purodha", "Raymond", "Sagan", "Sayak Sarkar", "Shirayuki", "Siebrand", "Trevor Parscal", "Liuxinyu970226" ] }, "ooui-outline-control-move-down": "Tool tip for a button that moves items in a list down one place", "ooui-outline-control-move-up": "Tool tip for a button that moves items in a list up one place", "ooui-outline-control-remove": "Tool tip for a button that removes items from a list.\n{{Identical|Remove item}}", "ooui-toolbar-more": "Label for the toolbar group that contains a list of all other available tools.\n{{Identical|More}}", "ooui-toolgroup-expand": "Label for the fake tool that expands the full list of tools in a toolbar group.\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Ooui-toolgroup-collapse}}\n{{Identical|More}}", "ooui-toolgroup-collapse": "Label for the fake tool that collapses the full list of tools in a toolbar group.\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Ooui-toolgroup-expand}}\n{{Identical|Fewer}}", "ooui-dialog-message-accept": "Default label for the accept button of a message dialog\n{{Identical|OK}}", "ooui-dialog-message-reject": "Default label for the reject button of a message dialog\n{{Identical|Cancel}}", "ooui-dialog-process-error": "Title for process dialog error description", "ooui-dialog-process-dismiss": "Label for process dialog dismiss error button, visible when describing errors\n{{Identical|Dismiss}}", "ooui-dialog-process-retry": "Label for process dialog retry action button, visible when describing recoverable errors\n{{Identical|Try again}}", "ooui-dialog-process-continue": "Label for process dialog retry action button, visible when describing only warnings\n{{Identical|Continue}}", "ooui-selectfile-button-select": "Label for the file selection widget's select file button", "ooui-selectfile-not-supported": "Label for the file selection widget if file selection is not supported", "ooui-selectfile-placeholder": "Label for the file selection widget when no file is currently selected", "ooui-selectfile-dragdrop-placeholder": "Label for the file selection widget's drop target" }