This package provides an alternative to PHP's `assert()` that allows for an simple and reliable way to check preconditions and postconditions in PHP code. It was proposed [as a MediaWiki RFC](, but is completely generic and can be used by any PHP program or library. It is published under the MIT license, see the COPYING file. Usage ------- The Assert class provides several static methods for checking various kinds of assertions. The most common kind is to check the type of a parameter, typically in a constructor or a setter method: function setFoo( $foo ) { Assert::parameterType( 'integer', $foo, 'foo' ); Assert::parameter( $foo > 0, 'foo', 'must be greater than 0' ); } function __construct( $bar, array $bazz ) { Assert::parameterType( 'Me\MyApp\SomeClass', $bar ); Assert::parameterElementType( 'int', $bazz ); } Checking parameters, or other assertions such as pre- or postconditions, is not recommended for performance critical regions of the code, since evaluating expressions and calling the assertion functions costs time. Rationale ----------- The background of this proposal is the recurring discussions about whether PHP's `assert()` can and should be used in MediaWiki code. Two relevant threads: * [Using PHP's assert in MediaWiki code]( * [Is assert() allowed?]( The outcome appears to be that * assertions are generally a good way to improve code quality * but PHP's ''assert()'' is broken by design Following a [suggestion by Tim Starling](, this package provides an alternative to PHP's built in `assert()`. [![Build Status](]( [![Scrutinizer Code Quality](](