HISTORY ======= master current trunk * align with handlebars.js master v0.17 https://github.com/zordius/lightncandy/tree/v0.17 * 7bcce4c1a7 support {{@last}} for {{#each}} on both object and array. * b0c44c3b40 remove ending \n in lightncandy.php * e130875d5a support single quoted string input: {{foo 'bar'}}. * c603aa39d8 support `renderex` to extend anything in render function. * f063e5302c now render function debug constants works well in standalone mode. * 53f6a6816d fix parsing bug when there is a `=` inside single quoted string. * 2f16c0c393 now really autoload when installed with composer. * c4da1f576c supports {{^myHelper}}. v0.17 https://github.com/zordius/lightncandy/tree/v0.17 * 3b48a0acf7 fix parsing bug when FLAG_NOESCAPE enabled * 5c774b1b08 fix hbhelpers response error with options['fn'] when FLAG_BESTPERFORMANCE enabled * c60fe70bdb fix hbhelpers response error with options['inverse'] when FLAG_BESTPERFORMANCE enabled * e19b3e3426 provide options['root'] and options['_parent'] to hbhelpers * d8a288e83b refine variable parsing logic to support {{@../index}}, {{@../key}}, etc. v0.16 https://github.com/zordius/lightncandy/tree/v0.16 * align with handlebars.js 2.0.0 * 4f036aff62 better error message for named arguments. * 0b462a387b support {{#with var}} ... {{else}} ... {{/with}}. * 4ca624f651 fix 1 ANSI code error. * 01ea3e9f42 support instances with PHP __call magic funciton. * 38059036a7 support {{#foo}} or {{#each foo}} on PHP Traversable instance. * 366f5ec0ac add FLAG_MUSTACHESP and FLAG_MUSTACHEPAIN into FLAG_HANDLEBARS and FLAG_HANDLEBARSJS now. * b61d7b4a81 align with handlebars.js standalone tags behavior. * b211e1742e now render false as 'false'. * 655a2485be fix bug for {{helper "==="}} * bb58669162 support FLAG_NOESCAPE v0.15 https://github.com/zordius/lightncandy/tree/v0.15 * align with handlebars.js 2.0.0 * 4c750806e8 fix for \ in template * 12ab6626d6 support escape. \{{foo}} will be rendered as is. ( handlebars spec , require FLAG_SLASH ) * 876bd44d9c escape ` to &#x60; ( require FLAG_JSQUOTE ) * f1f388ed79 support {{^}} as {{else}} ( require FLAG_ELSE ) * d5e17204b6 support {{#each}} == {{#each .}} now. * 742126b440 fix {{>foo/bar}} partial not found bug. * d62c261ff9 support numbers as helper input {{helper 0.1 -1.2}} * d40c76b84f support escape in string arguments {{helper "test \" double quote"}} * ecb57a2348 fix for missing partial in partial bug. * 1adad5dbfa fix {{#with}} error when FLAG_WITH not used. * ffd5e35c2d fix error when rendering array value as {{.}} without FLAG_JSOBJECT. * bd4987adbd support changing context on partial {{>foo bar}} ( require FLAG_RUNTIMEPARTIAL ) * f5decaa7e3 support name sarguments on partial {{>foo bar name=tee}} . fix {{..}} bug. * c20bb36457 support `partials` in options. * e8779dbe8c change default `basedir` hehavior, stop partial files lookup when do not prodive `basedir` in options. * c4e3401fe4 fix {{>"test"}} or {{>[test]}} or {{>1234}} bug. * e59f62ea9b fix seciton behavior when input is object, and add one new flag: FLAG_MUSTACHESEC. * 80eaf8e007 use static::method not self::method for subclass. * 0bad5c8f20 fix usedFeature generation bugs v0.14 https://github.com/zordius/lightncandy/tree/v0.14 * align with handlebars.js 2.0.0-alpha.4 * fa6225f278 support boolen value in named arguments for cusotm helper * 160743e1c8 better error message when unmatch {{/foo}} tag detected * d9a9416907 support {{&foo}} * 8797485cfa fix {{^foo}} logic when foo is empty list * 523b1373c4 fix handlebars custom helper interface * a744a2d522 fix bad syntax when FLAG_RENDER_DEBUG + helpers * 0044f7bd10 change FLAG_THIS behavoir * b5b0739b68 support recursive context lookup now ( mustache spec , require FLAG_MUSTACHELOOKUP ) * 096c241fce support standalone tag detection now ( mustache spec , require FLAG_MUSTACHESP ) * cea46c9a67 support {{=<% %>=}} to set delimiter * 131696af11 support subexpression {{helper (helper2 foo) bar}} * 5184d41be6 support runtime/recursive partial ( require FLAG_RUNTIMEPARTIAL ) * 6408917f76 support partial indent ( mustache spec , require FLAG_MUSTACHEPAIN ) v0.13 https://github.com/zordius/lightncandy/tree/v0.13 * align with handlebars.js 2.0.0-alpha.4 * e5a8fe3833 fix issue #46 ( error with {{this.foo.bar}} ) * ea131512f9 fix issue #44 ( error with some helper inline function PHP code syntax ) * 522591a0c6 fix issue #49 ( error with some helper user function PHP code syntax ) * c4f7e1eaac support {{foo.bar}} lookup on instance foo then property/method bar ( flagd FLAG_PROPERTY or FLAG_METHOD required ) * 0f4c0daa4b stop simulate Javascript output for array when pass input to custom helpers * 22d07e5f0f BIG CHANGE of custom helper interface v0.12 https://github.com/zordius/lightncandy/tree/v0.12 * align with handlebars.js 2.0.0-alpha.2 * 64db34cf65 support {{@first}} and {{@last}} * bfa1fbef97 add new flag FLAG_SPVARS * 10a4623dc1 remove json schema support * 240d9fa290 only export used LCRun2 functions when compile() with FLAG_STANDALONE now * 3fa897c98c rename LCRun2 to LCRun3 for interface changed, old none standalone templates will error with newer version. * e0838c7418 now can output debug template map with ANSI color * 80dbeab63d fix php warning when compile with custom helper or block custom helper * 8ce6268b64 support Handlebars.js style custom helper v0.11 https://github.com/zordius/lightncandy/tree/v0.11 * align with handlebars.js 2.0.0-alpha.2 * a275d52c97 use php array, remove val(). * 8834914c2a only export used custom helper into render function now * eb6d82d871 refine option flag consts * fc437295ed refine comments for phpdoc * fbf116c3e2 fix for tailing ; after helper functions * f47a2d5014 fix for wrong param when new Exception * 94e71ebcbd add isset() check for input value * a826b8a1ab support {{else}} in {{#each}} now * 25dac11bb7 support {{!-- comments --}} now (this extension allow }} apperas in the comments) * e142b6e116 support {{@root}} or {{@root.foo.bar}} now * 58c8d84aa2 custom helper can return extra flag to change html encoded behavior now v0.10 https://github.com/zordius/lightncandy/tree/v0.10 * align with handlebars.js 2.0.0-alpha.1 * 4c9f681080 file name changed: lightncandy.inc => lightncandy.php * e3de01081c some minor fix for json schema * 1feec458c7 new variable handling logic, save variable name parsing time when render() . rendering performance improved 10~30%! * 3fa897c98c rename LCRun to LCRun2 for interface changed, old none standalone templates will error with newer version. * 43a6d33717 fix for {{../}} php warning message * 9189ebc1e4 now auto push documents from Travis CI * e077d0b631 support named arguments for custom helpers {{helper name=value}} * 2331b6fe55 support block custom helpers * 4fedaa25f7 support number value as named arguments * 6a91ab93d2 fix for default options and php warnings * fc157fde62 fix for doblue quoted arguments (issue #15) v0.9 https://github.com/zordius/lightncandy/tree/v0.9 * align with handlebars.js 1.3 * a55f2dd067 support both {{@index}} and {{@key}} when {{#each an_object}} * e59f931ea7 add FLAG_JSQUOTE support * 92b3cf58af report more than 1 error when compile() * 93cc121bcf test for wrong variable name format in test/error.php * 41c1b431b4 support advanced variable naming {{foo.[bar].10}} now * 15ce1a00a8 add FLAG_EXTHELPER option * f51337bde2 support space control {{~sometag}} or {{sometag~}} * fe3d67802e add FLAG_SPACECTL option * 920fbb3039 support custom helper * 07ae71a1bf migrate into Travis CI * ddd3335ff6 support "some string" argument * 20f6c888d7 html encode after custom helper executed * 10a2f45fdc add test generator * ccd1d3ddc2 migrate to Scrutinizer , change file name LightnCandy.inc to LightnCandy.php * 5ac8ad8d04 now is a Composer package v0.8 https://github.com/zordius/lightncandy/tree/v0.8 * align with handlebars.js 1.0.12 * aaec049 fix partial in partial not works bug * 52706cc fix for {{#var}} and {{^var}} , now when var === 0 means true * 4f7f816 support {{@key}} and {{@index}} in {{#each var}} * 63aef2a prevent array_diff_key() PHP warning when {{#each}} on none array value * 10f3d73 add more is_array() check when {{#each}} and {{#var}} * 367247b fix {{#if}} and {{#unless}} when value is an empty array * c76c0bb returns null if var is not exist in a template [contributed by dtelyukh@github.com] * d18bb6d add FLAG_ECHO support * aec2b2b fix {{#if}} and {{#unless}} when value is an empty string * 8924604 fix variable output when false in an array * e82c324 fix for ifv and ifvar logic difference * 1e38e47 better logic on var name checking. now support {{0}} in the loop, but it is not handlebars.js standard v0.7 https://github.com/zordius/lightncandy/tree/v0.7 * add HISTORY.md * 777304c change compile format to include in val, isec, ifvar * 55de127 support {{../}} in {{#each}} * 57e90af fix parent levels detection bug * 96bb4d7 fix bugs for {{#.}} and {{#this}} * f4217d1 add ifv and unl 2 new methods for LCRun * 3f1014c fix {{#this}} and {{#.}} bug when used with {{../var}} * cbf0b28 fix {{#if}} logic error when using {{../}} * 2b20ef8 fix {{#with}} + {{../}} bug * 540cd44 now support FLAG_STANDALONE * 67ac5ff support {{>partial}} * 98c7bb1 detect unclosed token now v0.6 https://github.com/zordius/lightncandy/tree/v0.6 * align with handlebarsjs 1.0.11 * 45ac3b6 fix #with bug when var is false * 1a46c2c minor #with logic fix. update document * fdc753b fix #each and section logic for 018-hb-withwith-006 * e6cc95a add FLAG_PARENT, detect template error when scan() * 1980691 make new LCRun::val() method to normal path.val logic * 110d24f {{#if path.var}} bug fixed * d6ae2e6 fix {{#with path.val}} when input value is null * 71cf074 fix for 020-hb-doteach testcase v0.5 https://github.com/zordius/lightncandy/tree/v0.5 * 955aadf fix #each bug when input is a hash * final version for following handlebarsjs 1.0.7