### <-- bridgin (with a pidgin) -->     a nifty purple plugin         to bridge multiple IM and chat sessions         across the various chat services supported by libpurple             (aim, facebook, googletalk, icq, identi.ca,                 irc, msn, myspace, twitter, yahoo and many others) this is a native purple plugin port of the [bridgin-php](https://github.com/bill-auger/bridgin-php) project ported to C in order to overcome the limitations of the original php/dbus script some new functionalities this allows: * supressing echo to public chats of admin commands and status reports * better handling of special forms such as '/me' , smileys , etc ... * issuing admin commands in the standard form ('/add' instead of '?/add') * painfree installation and automatic loading with pidgin * running on a nox box , windows , or mac ##build instructions for debian (ymmv) cd into your build dir and load the pidgin sources and build deps apt-get source pidgin sudo apt-get build-dep pidgin cd into ./pidgin-x.x.x/ and build pidgin and finch you do not need to install this build it is only used to simplify building the bridgin plugin if you already have pidgin , finch , or adium installed you can delete this entire directory after building the plugin if you want to use this newly compiled pidgin or finch you may need to remove some of the ./configure --disable* switches cd ./pidgin* ./configure --disable-gtkui --disable-vv --disable-meanwhile --disable-avahi --disable-dbus --disable-perl --disable-tk make now go make some C(__) and when the build has completed copy the contents of this repo into ./libpurple/plugins cd into the plugins dir and run the install script cp /* ./libpurple/plugins/ cd ./libpurple/plugins/ chmod a+x ./install ./install if your $HOME environment variable is properly set the install script should reply with the following message and pidgin will launch automatically upon successful installation "compilation success - installing to YOUR_HOME_DIR/.purple/plugins/" the bridgin plugin should now be available to pidgin in Tools->Plugins if it is not then use this command to check that the plugin was installed ls $HOME/.purple/plugins/bridgin.so if there is no output then you will need to manually move the file 'bridgin.so' into YOUR_HOME_DIR/.purple/plugins/ or /usr/lib/purple-2/ then restart pidgin if you are running without X or you do not want pidgin to launch automatically use this comand to compile and install only ./install nolaunch if you do not want the plugin to be automatically installed into your home dir use this comand to compile only make bridgin.so ## build instructions for windows follow [these instructions](https://test.developer.pidgin.im/wiki/BuildingWinPidgin) to build pidgin for windows then copy the contents of this repo into PIDGIN_SRC_DIR\libpurple\plugins cd into PIDGIN_SRC_DIR\libpurple\plugins then make and install with: make -f Makefile.mingw bridgin.dll copy bridgin.dll %APPDATA%\.purple\plugins