#!/hint/bash # # copy to /etc/xdg/pacpur/config to configure pacpur system-wide or to # ~/.config/pacpur/config to configure it for your user # # The following options are commented out with their default values listed. # If you wish to use different values, uncomment and update the values. # The Color and VerbosePkgLists options can be enabled in /etc/pacman.conf. # The clone directory can be changed through the $PURDEST environment variable. # The makepkg environment variables are also fully honored. #editor="${VISUAL:-${EDITOR:-vi}}" # build files editor #displaybuildfiles=diff # display build files (none|diff|full) #silent=false # silence output #sortby=name # sort method (name|votes|popularity) #sortorder=ascending # sort order (ascending|descending) #sudoloop=true # prevent sudo timeout