#!/hint/bash -euE # Copyright (C) 2018 Luke Shumaker # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later post_install+=(10:systemd-osi-shell:post_install) systemd-osi-shell:post_install() { local arg_mountpoint=$1 cat <<-'EOT' > "${arg_mountpoint}/etc/systemd/system/osi-shell.target" [Unit] Description=osi-shell target Requires=multi-user.target After=multi-user.target Conflicts=rescue.target AllowIsolate=yes EOT ln -sfT -- osi-shell.target "${arg_mountpoint}/etc/systemd/system/default.target" cat <<-'EOT' > "${arg_mountpoint}/etc/systemd/system/osi-shell.service" [Unit] Description=osi-shell service Wants=network-online.target After=network-online.target [Service] KillSignal=SIGHUP KillMode=process IgnoreSIGPIPE=no # We can't use login(1) because it masks the exit status of the shell, # but we want this to be a real local login with PAM, so use su(1), # but trick in in to using login(1)'s PAM config. We undo this trick by # using nsenter(1) to reset the mount namespace after we've done the PAM stuff. ExecStart=/bin/unshare --mount -- sh -c 'mount --bind /etc/pam.d/login /etc/pam.d/su && exec -- su -c "exec nsenter --mount --target=1 -- bash -l"' StandardInput=tty TTYPath=/dev/ttyS0 TTYReset=yes TTYVHangup=yes # Write the exit status to ttyS1 and poweroff # Bash sets exit status to 128+SIGNAL if we get killed by a signal, # but there's not a good one-liner way to get from signal name to number, # so just use 128. ExecStopPost=/bin/sh -c 'if [ "$EXIT_CODE" = exited ]; then echo $EXIT_STATUS; else echo 128; fi > /dev/ttyS1; systemctl poweroff --no-block' [Install] WantedBy=osi-shell.target EOT systemctl --root="$arg_mountpoint" enable osi-shell.service }