* umounting/destructing blockdevice/filesystem stuff in the blockdevice library. ** Goals not break while trying to build the setup like the user requested (breakage could happen if a device mapper volume is still active or a filesystem is still mounted) still allow user to mount stuff himself behind the installers back. he is smarter then us. just do what we're told. ** Options *** umount/deconstruct before trying to build problems: - it's hard to know what we should delete, our 'build' plan might be different then the current environment (eg devices with same name but other function), usually because of a previous run with the wrong settings, or which failed - we can't base ourselves on things like "we should only have / and /dev/shm". The user can mount things himself - quite complicated code if want to make it smart, but it's a dead end anyway. *** if buildup fails, ask user to rollback -> implemented approach - user should not ctrl-c and installer should not crash. this is doable. a 'wrong' state can be an acceptable exception. - right now we can start repartitioning a disks that has filesystems mounted. is this harmfull? this only happens if unclean rollback or user did it, so NP i think