path: root/configs/releng/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'configs/releng/')
1 files changed, 332 insertions, 118 deletions
diff --git a/configs/releng/ b/configs/releng/
index 4a48b0a..8080d25 100755
--- a/configs/releng/
+++ b/configs/releng/
@@ -2,53 +2,41 @@
set -e -u
iso_label="LIBRE_$(date +%Y%m)"
-version=$(date +%Y.%m.%d)
+iso_version=$(date +%Y.%m.%d)
arch=$(uname -m)
script_path=$(readlink -f ${0%/*})
# Base installation (root-image)
make_basefs() {
- mkarchiso ${verbose} -D "${install_dir}" -p "base" create "${work_dir}"
- mkarchiso ${verbose} -D "${install_dir}" -p "memtest86+ syslinux mkinitcpio-nfs-utils nbd" create "${work_dir}"
+ mkarchiso ${verbose} -w "${work_dir}" -D "${install_dir}" init
+ mkarchiso ${verbose} -w "${work_dir}" -D "${install_dir}" -p "memtest86+ mkinitcpio-nfs-utils nbd curl" install
# Additional packages (root-image)
make_packages() {
- mkarchiso ${verbose} -D "${install_dir}" -p "$(grep -v ^# ${script_path}/packages.${arch})" create "${work_dir}"
-# Customize installation (root-image)
-make_customize_root_image() {
- if [[ ! -e ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME} ]]; then
- cp -af ${script_path}/root-image ${work_dir}
- chmod 750 ${work_dir}/root-image/etc/sudoers.d
- chmod 440 ${work_dir}/root-image/etc/sudoers.d/g_wheel
- mkdir -p ${work_dir}/root-image/etc/pacman.d
- echo "Server =\$repo/os/\$arch" > \
- ${work_dir}/root-image/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
- chroot ${work_dir}/root-image /usr/sbin/locale-gen
- chroot ${work_dir}/root-image /usr/sbin/useradd -m -p "" -g users -G "audio,disk,optical,wheel" libre
-# Cleanup, makes the ISO lighter
-# Remove headers
- rm -rf ${work_dir}/root-image/usr/include/*
- : > ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME}
- fi
+ mkarchiso ${verbose} -w "${work_dir}" -D "${install_dir}" -p "$(grep -v ^# ${script_path}/packages.${arch})" install
# Copy mkinitcpio archiso hooks (root-image)
make_setup_mkinitcpio() {
if [[ ! -e ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME} ]]; then
local _hook
- for _hook in archiso archiso_pxe_nbd archiso_loop_mnt; do
- cp /lib/initcpio/hooks/${_hook} ${work_dir}/root-image/lib/initcpio/hooks
- cp /lib/initcpio/install/${_hook} ${work_dir}/root-image/lib/initcpio/install
+ for _hook in archiso archiso_shutdown archiso_pxe_common archiso_pxe_nbd archiso_pxe_http archiso_pxe_nfs archiso_loop_mnt; do
+ cp /usr/lib/initcpio/hooks/${_hook} ${work_dir}/root-image/usr/lib/initcpio/hooks
+ cp /usr/lib/initcpio/install/${_hook} ${work_dir}/root-image/usr/lib/initcpio/install
+ cp /usr/lib/initcpio/install/archiso_kms ${work_dir}/root-image/usr/lib/initcpio/install
+ cp /usr/lib/initcpio/archiso_shutdown ${work_dir}/root-image/usr/lib/initcpio
+ cp /usr/lib/initcpio/archiso_pxe_nbd ${work_dir}/root-image/usr/lib/initcpio
+ cp ${script_path}/mkinitcpio.conf ${work_dir}/root-image/etc/mkinitcpio-libreiso.conf
: > ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME}
@@ -59,11 +47,10 @@ make_boot() {
local _src=${work_dir}/root-image
local _dst_boot=${work_dir}/iso/${install_dir}/boot
mkdir -p ${_dst_boot}/${arch}
- mkinitcpio \
- -c ${script_path}/mkinitcpio.conf \
- -b ${_src} \
- -k /boot/vmlinuz-linux-libre \
- -g ${_dst_boot}/${arch}/libreiso.img
+ mkarchiso ${verbose} -w "${work_dir}" -D "${install_dir}" \
+ -r 'mkinitcpio -c /etc/mkinitcpio-libreiso.conf -k /boot/vmlinuz-linux-libre -g /boot/archiso.img' \
+ run
+ mv ${_src}/boot/archiso.img ${_dst_boot}/${arch}/libreiso.img
mv ${_src}/boot/vmlinuz-linux-libre ${_dst_boot}/${arch}/vmlinuz
cp ${_src}/boot/memtest86+/memtest.bin ${_dst_boot}/memtest
cp ${_src}/usr/share/licenses/common/GPL2/license.txt ${_dst_boot}/memtest.COPYING
@@ -71,15 +58,54 @@ make_boot() {
+# Prepare EFI "El Torito" boot image (using Linux >= 3.3 EFI boot stub)
+make_boot_efi() {
+ if [[ ! -e ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME} ]]; then
+ if [[ ${arch} == "x86_64" ]]; then
+ mkdir -p ${work_dir}/iso/EFI/archiso
+ dd of=${work_dir}/iso/EFI/archiso/efiboot.img bs=1 seek=20M count=0
+ mkfs.vfat ${work_dir}/iso/EFI/archiso/efiboot.img
+ mkdir -p ${work_dir}/efiboot
+ mount ${work_dir}/iso/EFI/archiso/efiboot.img ${work_dir}/efiboot
+ mkdir -p ${work_dir}/efiboot/EFI/archiso
+ cp ${work_dir}/iso/${install_dir}/boot/x86_64/vmlinuz ${work_dir}/efiboot/EFI/archiso/vmlinuz.efi
+ cp ${work_dir}/iso/${install_dir}/boot/x86_64/libreiso.img ${work_dir}/efiboot/EFI/archiso/libreiso.img
+ # There are plans to support command line options via a config file (not yet in linux-3.3)
+ #cp ${work_dir}/iso/${install_dir}/boot/x86_64/vmlinuz ${work_dir}/efiboot/EFI/boot/bootx64.efi
+ #cp ${work_dir}/iso/${install_dir}/boot/x86_64/libreiso.img ${work_dir}/efiboot/EFI/boot/linux-libre.img
+ #echo "archisolabel=${iso_label} initrd=\EFI\boot\linux-libre.img" | iconv -f ascii -t ucs2 > ${work_dir}/iso/EFI/boot/linux-libre.conf
+ # For now, provide an EFI-shell until 'linux-libre.conf' hits mainline.
+ mkdir -p ${work_dir}/efiboot/EFI/boot
+ # EFI Shell 2.0 for UEFI 2.3+ ( )
+ #wget -O ${work_dir}/efiboot/EFI/boot/bootx64.efi
+ # EFI Shell 1.0 for non UEFI 2.3+ ( )
+ wget -O ${work_dir}/efiboot/EFI/boot/bootx64.efi
+ # Add an EFI shell script for automatic boot if ESC-key is not pressed within 5 seconds timeout.
+ sed "s|%ARCHISO_LABEL%|${iso_label}|g;
+ s|%INSTALL_DIR%|${install_dir}|g" ${script_path}/efiboot/EFI/boot/startup.nsh > ${work_dir}/efiboot/EFI/boot/startup.nsh
+ umount ${work_dir}/efiboot
+ fi
+ : > ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME}
+ fi
# Prepare /${install_dir}/boot/syslinux
make_syslinux() {
if [[ ! -e ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME} ]]; then
local _src_syslinux=${work_dir}/root-image/usr/lib/syslinux
local _dst_syslinux=${work_dir}/iso/${install_dir}/boot/syslinux
mkdir -p ${_dst_syslinux}
- sed "s|%ARCHISO_LABEL%|${iso_label}|g;
- s|%INSTALL_DIR%|${install_dir}|g;
- s|%ARCH%|${arch}|g" ${script_path}/syslinux/syslinux.cfg > ${_dst_syslinux}/syslinux.cfg
+ for _cfg in ${script_path}/syslinux/*.cfg; do
+ sed "s|%ARCHISO_LABEL%|${iso_label}|g;
+ s|%INSTALL_DIR%|${install_dir}|g;
+ s|%ARCH%|${arch}|g" ${_cfg} > ${_dst_syslinux}/${_cfg##*/}
+ done
cp ${script_path}/syslinux/splash.png ${_dst_syslinux}
cp ${_src_syslinux}/*.c32 ${_dst_syslinux}
cp ${_src_syslinux}/*.com ${_dst_syslinux}
@@ -98,6 +124,27 @@ make_isolinux() {
mkdir -p ${work_dir}/iso/isolinux
sed "s|%INSTALL_DIR%|${install_dir}|g" ${script_path}/isolinux/isolinux.cfg > ${work_dir}/iso/isolinux/isolinux.cfg
cp ${work_dir}/root-image/usr/lib/syslinux/isolinux.bin ${work_dir}/iso/isolinux/
+ cp ${work_dir}/root-image/usr/lib/syslinux/isohdpfx.bin ${work_dir}/iso/isolinux/
+ : > ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME}
+ fi
+# Customize installation (root-image)
+make_customize_root_image() {
+ if [[ ! -e ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME} ]]; then
+ cp -af ${script_path}/root-image ${work_dir}
+ chmod 750 ${work_dir}/root-image/etc/sudoers.d
+ chmod 440 ${work_dir}/root-image/etc/sudoers.d/g_wheel
+ mkdir -p ${work_dir}/root-image/etc/pacman.d
+ wget -O ${work_dir}/root-image/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
+ sed -i "s/#Server/Server/g" ${work_dir}/root-image/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
+ sed -i 's/#\(en_US\.UTF-8\)/\1/' ${work_dir}/root-image/etc/locale.gen
+ mkarchiso ${verbose} -w "${work_dir}" -D "${install_dir}" \
+ -r 'locale-gen' \
+ run
+ mkarchiso ${verbose} -w "${work_dir}" -D "${install_dir}" \
+ -r 'useradd -m -p "" -g users -G "audio,disk,optical,wheel" libre' \
+ run
: > ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME}
@@ -122,28 +169,28 @@ make_usr_share() {
# TODO add 'base' packages on [libre]
make_core_repo() {
if [[ ! -e ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME} ]]; then
- local _url _urls _pkg_name _cached_pkg _dst
+ local _url _urls _pkg_name _cached_pkg _dst _pkgs
mkdir -p ${work_dir}/repo-core-any
mkdir -p ${work_dir}/repo-core-${arch}
- pacman -Sy
- _urls=$(pacman -Sddp $(comm -2 -3 <(pacman -Sql core | sort ) <(grep -v ^# ${script_path}/core.exclude.${arch} | sort)))
+ mkdir -p ${work_dir}/pacman.db/var/lib/pacman
+ pacman -Sy -r ${work_dir}/pacman.db
+ _pkgs=$(comm -2 -3 <(pacman -Sql -r ${work_dir}/pacman.db core | sort | sed 's@^@core/@') \
+ <(grep -v ^# ${script_path}/core.exclude.${arch} | sort | sed 's@^@core/@'))
+ _urls=$(pacman -Sddp -r ${work_dir}/pacman.db ${_pkgs})
+ pacman -Swdd -r ${work_dir}/pacman.db --noprogressbar --noconfirm ${_pkgs}
for _url in ${_urls}; do
- if [[ ! -e ${_dst} ]]; then
- if [[ -e ${_cached_pkg} ]]; then
- cp -v "${_cached_pkg}" "${_dst}"
- else
- wget -nv "${_url}" -O "${_dst}"
- fi
- fi
- repo-add -q ${work_dir}/repo-core-${arch}/core.db.tar.gz ${work_dir}/repo-core-${arch}/${_pkg_name}
- if [[ ${_pkg_name} =~ any.pkg ]]; then
- mv "${_dst}" ${work_dir}/repo-core-any/${_pkg_name}
- ln -sf ../any/${_pkg_name} ${work_dir}/repo-core-${arch}/${_pkg_name}
+ cp ${_cached_pkg} ${_dst}
+ repo-add -q ${work_dir}/repo-core-${arch}/core.db.tar.gz ${_dst}
+ if [[ ${_pkg_name} == *any.pkg.tar* ]]; then
+ mv ${_dst} ${work_dir}/repo-core-any/${_pkg_name}
+ ln -sf ../any/${_pkg_name} ${_dst}
+ mkdir -p ${work_dir}/iso/${install_dir}
+ pacman -Sp -r ${work_dir}/pacman.db --print-format "%r/%n-%v" ${_pkgs} | sort > ${work_dir}/iso/${install_dir}/pkglist.repo-core.${arch}.txt
: > ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME}
@@ -160,15 +207,16 @@ make_aitab() {
# Build all filesystem images specified in aitab (.fs .fs.sfs .sfs)
make_prepare() {
- mkarchiso ${verbose} -D "${install_dir}" prepare "${work_dir}"
+ mkarchiso ${verbose} -w "${work_dir}" -D "${install_dir}" pkglist
+ mkarchiso ${verbose} -w "${work_dir}" -D "${install_dir}" prepare
# Build ISO
# args: $1 (core | netinstall)
make_iso() {
local _iso_type=${1}
- mkarchiso ${verbose} -D "${install_dir}" checksum "${work_dir}"
- mkarchiso ${verbose} -D "${install_dir}" -L "${iso_label}" iso "${work_dir}" "${name}-${version}-${_iso_type}-${arch}.iso"
+ mkarchiso ${verbose} -w "${work_dir}" -D "${install_dir}" checksum
+ mkarchiso ${verbose} -w "${work_dir}" -D "${install_dir}" -L "${iso_label}" -o "${out_dir}" iso "${iso_name}-${iso_version}-${_iso_type}-${arch}.iso"
# Build dual-iso images from ${work_dir}/i686/iso and ${work_dir}/x86_64/iso
@@ -192,7 +240,7 @@ make_dual() {
cp -a -l -f ${_src_one} ${work_dir}/dual
cp -a -l -n ${_src_two} ${work_dir}/dual
rm -f ${work_dir}/dual/iso/${install_dir}/aitab
- rm -f ${work_dir}/dual/iso/${install_dir}/boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg
+ rm -f ${work_dir}/dual/iso/${install_dir}/boot/syslinux/*.cfg
if [[ ${_iso_type} == "core" ]]; then
if [[ ! -e ${work_dir}/dual/iso/${install_dir}/any/repo-core-any.sfs ||
! -e ${work_dir}/dual/iso/${install_dir}/i686/repo-core-i686.sfs ||
@@ -204,6 +252,8 @@ make_dual() {
rm -f ${work_dir}/dual/iso/${install_dir}/any/repo-core-any.sfs
rm -f ${work_dir}/dual/iso/${install_dir}/i686/repo-core-i686.sfs
rm -f ${work_dir}/dual/iso/${install_dir}/x86_64/repo-core-x86_64.sfs
+ rm -f ${work_dir}/dual/iso/${install_dir}/pkglist.repo-core.i686.txt
+ rm -f ${work_dir}/dual/iso/${install_dir}/pkglist.repo-core.x86_64.txt
paste -d"\n" <(sed "s|%ARCH%|i686|g" ${script_path}/aitab.${_iso_type}) \
<(sed "s|%ARCH%|x86_64|g" ${script_path}/aitab.${_iso_type}) | uniq > ${work_dir}/dual/iso/${install_dir}/aitab
@@ -211,19 +261,89 @@ make_dual() {
sed "s|%ARCHISO_LABEL%|${iso_label}|g;
s|%INSTALL_DIR%|${install_dir}|g" ${_cfg} > ${work_dir}/dual/iso/${install_dir}/boot/syslinux/${_cfg##*/}
- mkarchiso ${verbose} -D "${install_dir}" checksum "${work_dir}/dual"
- mkarchiso ${verbose} -D "${install_dir}" -L "${iso_label}" iso "${work_dir}/dual" "${name}-${version}-${_iso_type}-dual.iso"
+ mkarchiso ${verbose} -w "${work_dir}/dual" -D "${install_dir}" checksum
+ mkarchiso ${verbose} -w "${work_dir}/dual" -D "${install_dir}" -L "${iso_label}" -o "${out_dir}" iso "${iso_name}-${iso_version}-${_iso_type}-dual.iso"
: > ${work_dir}/dual/build.${FUNCNAME}_${_iso_type}
+purge_single ()
+ if [[ -d ${work_dir} ]]; then
+ find ${work_dir} -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 \
+ ! -path ${work_dir}/iso -prune \
+ | xargs rm -rf
+ fi
+purge_dual ()
+ if [[ -d ${work_dir}/dual ]]; then
+ find ${work_dir}/dual -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 \
+ ! -path ${work_dir}/dual/iso -prune \
+ | xargs rm -rf
+ fi
+clean_single ()
+ rm -rf ${work_dir}
+ rm -f ${out_dir}/${iso_name}-${iso_version}-*-${arch}.iso
+clean_dual ()
+ rm -rf ${work_dir}/dual
+ rm -f ${out_dir}/${iso_name}-${iso_version}-*-dual.iso
+make_common_single() {
+ make_basefs
+ make_packages
+ make_setup_mkinitcpio
+ make_boot
+ make_boot_efi
+ make_syslinux
+ make_isolinux
+ make_customize_root_image
+ make_lib_modules
+ make_usr_share
+ make_aitab $1
+ make_prepare $1
+ make_iso $1
_usage ()
- echo "usage ${0##*/} net_iso_single | core_iso_single | all_iso_single | purge_single | clean_single"
- echo " net_iso_dual | core_iso_dual | all_iso_dual | purge_dual | clean_dual"
+ echo "usage ${0} [options] command <command options>"
+ echo
+ echo " General options:"
+ echo " -N <iso_name> Set an iso filename (prefix)"
+ echo " Default: ${iso_name}"
+ echo " -V <iso_version> Set an iso version (in filename)"
+ echo " Default: ${iso_version}"
+ echo " -L <iso_label> Set an iso label (disk label)"
+ echo " Default: ${iso_label}"
+ echo " -D <install_dir> Set an install_dir (directory inside iso)"
+ echo " Default: ${install_dir}"
+ echo " -w <work_dir> Set the working directory"
+ echo " Default: ${work_dir}"
+ echo " -o <out_dir> Set the output directory"
+ echo " Default: ${out_dir}"
+ echo " -v Enable verbose output"
+ echo " -h This help message"
+ echo " Commands:"
+ echo " build <mode> <type>"
+ echo " Build selected .iso by <mode> and <type>"
+ echo " purge <mode>"
+ echo " Clean working directory except iso/ directory of build <mode>"
+ echo " clean <mode>"
+ echo " Clean working directory and .iso file in output directory of build <mode>"
+ echo
+ echo " Command options:"
+ echo " <mode> Valid values 'single', 'dual' or 'all'"
+ echo " <type> Valid values 'netinstall', 'core' or 'all'"
exit ${1}
@@ -232,81 +352,175 @@ if [[ ${EUID} -ne 0 ]]; then
_usage 1
+while getopts 'N:V:L:D:w:o:vh' arg; do
+ case "${arg}" in
+ N)
+ iso_name="${OPTARG}"
+ cmd_args+=" -N ${iso_name}"
+ ;;
+ V)
+ iso_version="${OPTARG}"
+ cmd_args+=" -V ${iso_version}"
+ ;;
+ L)
+ iso_label="${OPTARG}"
+ cmd_args+=" -L ${iso_label}"
+ ;;
+ D)
+ install_dir="${OPTARG}"
+ cmd_args+=" -D ${install_dir}"
+ ;;
+ w)
+ work_dir="${OPTARG}"
+ cmd_args+=" -w ${work_dir}"
+ ;;
+ o)
+ out_dir="${OPTARG}"
+ cmd_args+=" -o ${out_dir}"
+ ;;
+ v)
+ verbose="-v"
+ cmd_args+=" -v"
+ ;;
+ h|?) _usage 0 ;;
+ *)
+ _msg_error "Invalid argument '${arg}'" 0
+ _usage 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+shift $((OPTIND - 1))
if [[ $# -lt 1 ]]; then
echo "No command specified"
_usage 1
-if [[ ${verbose} == "y" ]]; then
- verbose="-v"
- verbose=""
+if [[ $# -lt 2 ]]; then
+ echo "No command mode specified"
+ _usage 1
-if [[ ${command_name} =~ single ]]; then
- work_dir=${work_dir}/${arch}
+if [[ ${command_name} == "build" ]]; then
+ if [[ $# -lt 3 ]]; then
+ echo "No build type specified"
+ _usage 1
+ fi
-make_common_single() {
- make_basefs
- make_packages
- make_customize_root_image
- make_setup_mkinitcpio
- make_boot
- make_syslinux
- make_isolinux
- make_lib_modules
- make_usr_share
- make_aitab $1
- make_prepare $1
- make_iso $1
+if [[ ${command_mode} == "all" && ${arch} != "x86_64" ]]; then
+ echo "This mode <all> needs to be run on x86_64"
+ _usage 1
+if [[ ${command_mode} == "single" ]]; then
+ work_dir=${work_dir}/${arch}
case "${command_name}" in
- net_iso_single)
- make_common_single netinstall
- ;;
- core_iso_single)
- make_core_repo
- make_common_single core
- ;;
- all_iso_single)
- make_common_single netinstall
- make_core_repo
- make_common_single core
- ;;
- net_iso_dual)
- make_dual netinstall
- ;;
- core_iso_dual)
- make_dual core
- ;;
- all_iso_dual)
- make_dual netinstall
- make_dual core
- ;;
- purge_single)
- if [[ -d ${work_dir} ]]; then
- find ${work_dir} -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 \
- ! -path ${work_dir}/iso -prune \
- | xargs rm -rf
- fi
- ;;
- purge_dual)
- if [[ -d ${work_dir}/dual ]]; then
- find ${work_dir}/dual -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 \
- ! -path ${work_dir}/dual/iso -prune \
- | xargs rm -rf
- fi
+ build)
+ case "${command_mode}" in
+ single)
+ case "${command_type}" in
+ netinstall)
+ make_common_single netinstall
+ ;;
+ core)
+ make_core_repo
+ make_common_single core
+ ;;
+ all)
+ make_common_single netinstall
+ make_core_repo
+ make_common_single core
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Invalid build type '${command_type}'"
+ _usage 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ dual)
+ case "${command_type}" in
+ netinstall)
+ make_dual netinstall
+ ;;
+ core)
+ make_dual core
+ ;;
+ all)
+ make_dual netinstall
+ make_dual core
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Invalid build type '${command_type}'"
+ _usage 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ all)
+ case "${command_type}" in
+ netinstall|core|all)
+ $0 ${cmd_args} build single ${command_type}
+ $0 ${cmd_args} purge single
+ linux32 $0 ${cmd_args} build single ${command_type}
+ linux32 $0 ${cmd_args} purge single
+ $0 ${cmd_args} build dual ${command_type}
+ $0 ${cmd_args} purge dual
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Invalid build type '${command_type}'"
+ _usage 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Invalid build mode '${command_mode}'"
+ _usage 1
+ ;;
+ esac
- clean_single)
- rm -rf ${work_dir}
- rm -f ${name}-${version}-*-${arch}.iso
+ purge)
+ case "${command_mode}" in
+ single)
+ purge_single
+ ;;
+ dual)
+ purge_dual
+ ;;
+ all)
+ $0 ${cmd_args} purge single
+ linux32 $0 ${cmd_args} purge single
+ $0 ${cmd_args} purge dual
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Invalid purge mode '${command_mode}'"
+ _usage 1
+ ;;
+ esac
- clean_dual)
- rm -rf ${work_dir}/dual
- rm -f ${name}-${version}-*-dual.iso
+ clean)
+ case "${command_mode}" in
+ single)
+ clean_single
+ ;;
+ dual)
+ clean_dual
+ ;;
+ all)
+ $0 ${cmd_args} clean single
+ linux32 $0 ${cmd_args} clean single
+ $0 ${cmd_args} clean dual
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Invalid clean mode '${command_mode}'"
+ _usage 1
+ ;;
+ esac
echo "Invalid command name '${command_name}'"