#compdef archbuild finddeps makechrootpkg mkarchroot _archbuild_args=( '-c[Recreate the chroot before building]' '-r[Create chroots in this directory]:base_dir:_files -/' ) _finddeps_args=( '1:packages:_devtools_completions_all_packages' ) _makechrootpkg_args=( '-I[Install a package into the working copy]:target:_files -g "*.pkg.tar.*(.)"' '-c[Clean the chroot before building]' '-d[Add the package to a local db at /repo after building]' '-h[Display usage]' '-l[The directory to use as the working copy]:copy_dir:_files -/' '-r[The chroot dir to use]:chroot_dir:_files -/' '-u[Update the working copy of the chroot before building]' ) _mkarchroot_args=( '-r[Run a program within the context of the chroot]:app' '-u[Update the chroot via pacman]' '-f[Force overwrite of files in the working-dir]' '-C[Location of a pacman config file]:pacman_config:_files' '-M[Location of a makepkg config file]:makepkg_config:_files' '-n[Do not copy config files into the chroot]' '-c[Set pacman cache]:pacman_cache:_files -/' '-h[Display usage]' ) _devtools_completions_all_packages() { typeset -U packages packages=($(_call_program packages pacman -Sql)) compadd - "${(@)packages}" } _devtools() { local argname="_${service}_args[@]" _arguments -s "${(P)argname}" } _devtools