# vim: set ft=sh: run_hook () { [[ -n "${img_label}" ]] && img_dev="/dev/disk/by-label/${img_label}" if [[ -n "${img_dev}" && -n "${img_loop}" ]]; then mount_handler="archiso_loop_mount_handler" fi } archiso_loop_mount_handler () { newroot="${1}" msg ":: Setup a loop device from ${img_loop} located at device ${img_dev}" _mnt_dev "${img_dev}" "/run/archiso/img_dev" "-r" _dev_loop=$(losetup -f) if ! losetup "${_dev_loop}" "/run/archiso/img_dev/${img_loop}"; then echo "ERROR: Setting loopback device '${_dev_loop}'" echo " for file '/run/archiso/img_dev/${img_loop}'" echo " Falling back to interactive prompt" echo " You can try to fix the problem manually, log out when you are finished" launch_interactive_shell fi archiso_mount_handler ${newroot} if [[ "${copytoram}" == "y" ]]; then losetup -d ${_dev_loop} umount /run/archiso/img_dev else echo ${_dev_loop} > /run/archiso/img_dev_loop fi }