path: root/libre/kde-development-environment-meta/kdesdk-devenv-dependencies.svg
diff options
authorAndreas Grapentin <>2019-02-26 17:13:58 +0100
committerAndreas Grapentin <>2019-02-26 19:51:55 +0100
commit6eabdb80c7b1180b9d402edac02aab4bc190d1f9 (patch)
treea90925fa1c941ed1954d7a67000a9c85d7821c89 /libre/kde-development-environment-meta/kdesdk-devenv-dependencies.svg
parent9e6ad35563ed6d5d3958e726b4016648a086530f (diff)
libre/kde-development-environment-meta: updated to 20180909
Diffstat (limited to 'libre/kde-development-environment-meta/kdesdk-devenv-dependencies.svg')
1 files changed, 39 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libre/kde-development-environment-meta/kdesdk-devenv-dependencies.svg b/libre/kde-development-environment-meta/kdesdk-devenv-dependencies.svg
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