path: root/libre/netsurf
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'libre/netsurf')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 301 deletions
diff --git a/libre/netsurf/PKGBUILD b/libre/netsurf/PKGBUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index 1cc1b8383..000000000
--- a/libre/netsurf/PKGBUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer (Arch): Alexander F. Rødseth <>
-# Contributor (Arch): Paulo Matias <matiasΘarchlinux-br·org>
-# Contributor (Arch): Georgij Kondratjev <>
-# Contributor (Arch): Daniel J Griffiths <>
-# Maintainer (Hyperbola): André Silva <>
-# Maintainer: Omar Vega Ramos <>
-pkgdesc='Lightweight and fast web browser'
-pkgdesc+=', without non-privacy search engines'
-arch+=(i686 armv7h)
-license=(MIT GPL2)
-depends=(curl gtk3 'libhubbub=0.3.6' libjpeg-turbo 'libnsutils=0.0.5-4'
- 'libutf8proc>=2.4.0' 'libwapcaplet>=0.4.2' 'libdom>=0.4.0')
-# vim is needed only for xxd when building
-makedepends=(check inetutils 'libcss>=0.9.0' 'libnsbmp>=0.1.5'
- 'libnsgif>=0.2.1' 'nsgenbind>=0.7' perl-html-parser setconf vim)
- remove_nonprivacy_options.patch)
- '34c1f41c02ff3791a1b734197d99ec7f58c403dee05f0f9b7b9b3509d32b51ac'
- '61bec340c47a089b1b5c33d3ae330a340999a1e40be7fc8768fa572c6ca3b617')
-prepare() {
- cd "$pkgname-all-$pkgver/$pkgname"
- # Fix compilation issues
- sed -i 's:libutf8proc/::;s:UTF8PROC_CCC_VIRAMA:UTF8PROC_BIDI_CLASS_EN:' \
- utils/idna.c
- # Use "netsurf" as the name of the executable in /usr/bin
- setconf frontends/gtk/res/netsurf-gtk.desktop 'Exec=netsurf %u'
- # Set build configuration in Makefile.defaults
- for opt in \
- NETSURF_UA_FORMAT_STRING='"NetSurf/%d.%d (%s; Arch Linux)"' \
- do
- setconf Makefile.defaults "$opt"
- done
- # remove non-privacy search engines
- sed -i '\|Google|d
- \|Yahoo|d
- \|Bing|d
- \||d
- \|Omgili|d
- \|BBC News|d
- \|Ubuntu Packages|d
- \|Ask[.]com|d
- \||d
- \|Youtube|d
- \|AeroMp3|d
- \|AOL|d
- \|Baidu|d
- \|Amazon|d
- \|Ebay|d
- \|IMDB|d
- \|ESPN|d
- s|DuckDuckGo|DuckDuckGo HTML|
- s|duckduckgo[.]com||
- s|duckduckgo[.]com/html/favicon.ico||
- s|||g
- ' frontends/riscos/appdir/Resources/SearchEngines \
- resources/SearchEngines
- sed -i '\|readable name such as| s|google|duckduckgo|
- \|readable name such as| s|yahoo|seeks|
- \|host address such as www[.]google[.]com| s|google[.]com||
- s|google[.]com?search=%s||
- \|return strdup| s|google[.]com||
- \|return strdup| s|google|duckduckgo|
- \|return strdup| s|duckduckgo[.]com/html/favicon[.]ico||
- s|www[.]google[.]com/search?q=%s||
- ' desktop/searchweb.c
- sed -i 's|google[.][.a-z]\{0,6\}/search||
- s|Google-Suche|DuckDuckGo HTML|
- s|Google Search|DuckDuckGo HTML|
- s|Ricerca Google|DuckDuckGo HTML|
- s|Google検索|DuckDuckGo HTML|
- \|BBC News|d
- \|Reuters|d
- \|CNN|d
- \|Slashdot|d
- \|Ars Technica|d
- \|The Register|d
- \|W3C|d
- s|google[.][.a-z]\{0,6\}||
- s|Google|DuckDuckGo HTML|
- s|[.a-z]\{0,4\}yahoo[.]co[.a-z]\{0,4\}||
- s|Yahoo!|Seeks|
- \|IMDB|d
- s|The Icon Bar|Creative Commons|
- s|www[.]iconbar[.]com||
- s|ROOL||
- s|www[.]riscosopen[.]org||
- \||d
- ' frontends/riscos/appdir/Resources/de/welcome.html\,faf \
- frontends/riscos/appdir/Resources/en/welcome.html\,faf \
- frontends/riscos/appdir/Resources/it/welcome.html\,faf \
- frontends/riscos/appdir/Resources/ja/welcome.html\,faf \
- frontends/riscos/appdir/Resources/nl/welcome.html\,faf
- sed -i 's|Google|DuckDuckGo HTML|
- ' frontends/amiga/dist/
- # patch and remove anything that's left
- patch -p1 -i ../../remove_nonprivacy_options.patch
-build() {
- CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -w -Os -funroll-loops" make \
- -C "$pkgname-all-$pkgver/$pkgname" \
- TARGET=gtk \
- LIBDIR=lib \
- INCLUDEDIR=include \
- PREFIX=/usr
-package() {
- make -C "$pkgname-all-$pkgver/$pkgname" \
- TARGET=gtk \
- LIBDIR=lib \
- INCLUDEDIR=include \
- DESTDIR="$pkgdir" \
- PREFIX=/usr \
- install
- # Launch script
- install -Dm755 $ "$pkgdir/usr/bin/$pkgname"
- cd "$pkgname-all-$pkgver/$pkgname"
- # Desktop icon and shortcut
- install -Dm644 frontends/gtk/res/$pkgname.xpm \
- "$pkgdir/usr/share/pixmaps/$pkgname.xpm"
- install -Dm644 frontends/gtk/res/$pkgname-gtk.desktop \
- "$pkgdir/usr/share/applications/$pkgname.desktop"
- # License
- install -Dm644 COPYING "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/COPYING"
-# vim: ts=2 sw=2 et:
diff --git a/libre/netsurf/ b/libre/netsurf/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a153a502..000000000
--- a/libre/netsurf/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-# Use English if a directory for the current language does not exist
-test -d "/usr/share/netsurf/${LANG:0:2}" || export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
-/usr/bin/netsurf-gtk3 "$@"
diff --git a/libre/netsurf/remove_nonprivacy_options.patch b/libre/netsurf/remove_nonprivacy_options.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index a46cf3273..000000000
--- a/libre/netsurf/remove_nonprivacy_options.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/frontends/gtk/res/options.gtk2.ui b/frontends/gtk/res/options.gtk2.ui
-index d5542ba..0044395 100644
---- a/frontends/gtk/res/options.gtk2.ui
-+++ b/frontends/gtk/res/options.gtk2.ui
-@@ -2717,67 +2717,16 @@
- </columns>
- <data>
- <row>
-- <col id="0">Google</col>
-- </row>
-- <row>
-- <col id="0">Yahoo!</col>
-- </row>
-- <row>
-- <col id="0">Microsoft Live</col>
-- </row>
-- <row>
-- <col id="0"></col>
-- </row>
-- <row>
-- <col id="0">Omgili</col>
-- </row>
-- <row>
-- <col id="0">BBC News</col>
-- </row>
-- <row>
-- <col id="0">Ubuntu Packages</col>
-- </row>
-- <row>
- <col id="0">Creative Commons</col>
- </row>
- <row>
-- <col id="0">Ask</col>
-- </row>
-- <row>
-- <col id="0">Answers</col>
-- </row>
-- <row>
- <col id="0"></col>
- </row>
- <row>
-- <col id="0">YouTube</col>
-- </row>
-- <row>
-- <col id="0">AeroMP3</col>
-- </row>
-- <row>
-- <col id="0">AOL</col>
-- </row>
-- <row>
-- <col id="0">Baidu</col>
-- </row>
-- <row>
-- <col id="0">Amazon</col>
-- </row>
-- <row>
-- <col id="0">Ebay</col>
-- </row>
-- <row>
-- <col id="0">IMBD</col>
-- </row>
-- <row>
-- <col id="0">ESPN</col>
-- </row>
-- <row>
- <col id="0">Wikipedia</col>
- </row>
- <row>
-- <col id="0">DuckDuckGo</col>
-+ <col id="0">DuckDuckGo HTML</col>
- </row>
- </data>
- </object>
-diff --git a/frontends/gtk/res/options.gtk3.ui b/frontends/gtk/res/options.gtk3.ui
-index 2a3516f..8ff684f 100644
---- a/frontends/gtk/res/options.gtk3.ui
-+++ b/frontends/gtk/res/options.gtk3.ui
-@@ -2950,67 +2950,16 @@
- </columns>
- <data>
- <row>
-- <col id="0" translatable="no">Google</col>
-- </row>
-- <row>
-- <col id="0" translatable="no">Yahoo!</col>
-- </row>
-- <row>
-- <col id="0" translatable="no">Microsoft Live</col>
-- </row>
-- <row>
-- <col id="0" translatable="no"></col>
-- </row>
-- <row>
-- <col id="0" translatable="no">Omgili</col>
-- </row>
-- <row>
-- <col id="0" translatable="no">BBC News</col>
-- </row>
-- <row>
-- <col id="0" translatable="no">Ubuntu Packages</col>
-- </row>
-- <row>
- <col id="0" translatable="no">Creative Commons</col>
- </row>
- <row>
-- <col id="0" translatable="no">Ask</col>
-- </row>
-- <row>
-- <col id="0" translatable="no">Answers</col>
-- </row>
-- <row>
- <col id="0" translatable="no"></col>
- </row>
- <row>
-- <col id="0" translatable="no">YouTube</col>
-- </row>
-- <row>
-- <col id="0" translatable="no">AeroMP3</col>
-- </row>
-- <row>
-- <col id="0" translatable="no">AOL</col>
-- </row>
-- <row>
-- <col id="0" translatable="no">Baidu</col>
-- </row>
-- <row>
-- <col id="0" translatable="no">Amazon</col>
-- </row>
-- <row>
-- <col id="0" translatable="no">Ebay</col>
-- </row>
-- <row>
-- <col id="0" translatable="no">IMBD</col>
-- </row>
-- <row>
-- <col id="0" translatable="no">ESPN</col>
-- </row>
-- <row>
- <col id="0" translatable="no">Wikipedia</col>
- </row>
- <row>
-- <col id="0" translatable="no">DuckDuckGo</col>
-+ <col id="0" translatable="no">DuckDuckGo HTML</col>
- </row>
- </data>
- </object>