path: root/config-list-tags
diff options
authorLuke Shumaker <>2018-09-28 15:26:55 -0400
committerLuke Shumaker <>2018-10-03 01:46:42 -0400
commit435025e98adc3db8628fbe8e08d68766737d2943 (patch)
tree2b2fdb769fbc8bfb9eb8f12fdbbc4874e906d483 /config-list-tags
parent013531bb6b11eb250cc897ef487532a34a1da836 (diff)
config: Add more repos to default ARCHTAGS for db-import-pkg
This adds staging and testing repos, which we mostly don't currently import. The only bits of this change that I don't feel 100% about are the Arch Linux ARM repos. <> packages: + staging-x86_64 + gnome-unstable-x86_64 + kde-unstable-x86_64 community: + community-staging-x86_64 + community-testing-x86_64 + multilib-staging-x86_64 archlinux32: (still leaves out *-i486 and releng-x86_64) + community-staging-i686 + community-testing-i686 + staging-i686 + gnome-unstable-i686 + kde-unstable-i686 archlinuxarm: (still leaves out *-aarch64, *-arm, and *-armv6h) + alarm-armv7h + aur-armv7h This also adds a `config-list-tags` script that (like the other `config-*` scripts) helps with writing the config files; it displays discrepancies between the configured ARCHTAGS for an upstream and the list of .db's that fetch_dbs() finds.
Diffstat (limited to 'config-list-tags')
1 files changed, 80 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/config-list-tags b/config-list-tags
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..679c0ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config-list-tags
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+set -eE -o pipefail
+shopt -s extglob globstar nullglob
+source "$(librelib messages)"
+# usage: fetch_dbs <from> <into>
+fetch_dbs() {
+ rsync --no-motd -mrtLH --no-p \
+ --include="*/" \
+ --include="*.db" \
+ --exclude="*" \
+ --delete-after \
+ "$1" "$2"
+list_found() {
+ local ret=0
+ local dbfile repo re arch tag
+ while read -r -d '' dbfile; do
+ repo=${dbfile##*/}
+ repo=${repo%.db}
+ re=$(repo=$repo arch='(.*)' envsubst '$repo $arch' <<<"$ARCHPATH")
+ arch=$(sed -rn "s,^$re\$,\1,p" <<<"${dbfile%/*}")
+ if [[ -z $arch ]]; then
+ error 'Could not figure out architecture for %q' "$dbfile"
+ ret=1
+ continue
+ fi
+ printf '%s\n' "$repo-$arch"
+ done < <(find "$WORKDIR" -name '*.db' -printf '%P\0') | sort -u
+ return $ret
+list_configured() {
+ printf '%s\n' "${ARCHTAGS[@]}" | sort -u
+main() {
+ if [[ $# -ne 0 ]] || [[ -z "$DBSCRIPTS_CONFIG" ]] || ! grep -q ARCHMIRROR -- "$DBSCRIPTS_CONFIG"; then
+ msg 'usage: DBSCRIPTS_CONFIG=/path/to/file %s' "${0##*/}"
+ fi
+ local config_file
+ config_file="$(dirname "$(readlink -e "$0")")/config"
+ source "$config_file"
+ WORKDIR=$(mktemp -dt "${0##*/}.XXXXXXXXXX")
+ readonly WORKDIR
+ trap "rm -rf -- ${WORKDIR@Q}" EXIT
+ fetch_dbs "${ARCHMIRROR}/" "$WORKDIR"
+ y="${GREEN}✓${ALL_OFF}"
+ n="${RED}✗${ALL_OFF}"
+ while IFS='' read -r line; do
+ case "$line" in
+ $'\t\t'*)
+ rmt=$y
+ cfg=$y
+ val=${line#$'\t\t'}
+ ;;
+ $'\t'*)
+ rmt=$n
+ cfg=$y
+ val=${line#$'\t'}
+ ;;
+ *)
+ rmt=$y
+ cfg=$n
+ val=$line
+ ;;
+ esac
+ printf '%s:%s:%s\n' "$val" "$rmt" "$cfg"
+ done < <(comm <(list_found) <(list_configured)) | column -t -s:
+main "$@"