AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-03-14devlist-mailer: Make LIST and FROM configurablelukeshu/to-upstream/2018-03-14-archlinux+cleanup-v3Luke Shumaker
2018-03-14Normalize to tab indentLuke Shumaker
2018-03-14Consistently use "$(dirname "$(readlink -e "$0")")"Luke Shumaker
2018-03-14Add "#!/hint/bash" to the beginning of several filesLuke Shumaker
2018-03-14Don't use `grep -q` when operating on piped stdinLuke Shumaker
2018-03-14Export TMPDIR, and use mktemp -t instead of making it part of the templateLuke Shumaker
2018-03-14Use printf-formatters instead of string interpolation on msg, error, etc.Luke Shumaker
2018-03-14Fixup quoting around variables, especially arraysLuke Shumaker
2018-03-14Fixups near unquoted variablesLuke Shumaker
2018-03-14Remove uses of the "v=true; if $v ..." anti-patternLuke Shumaker
2018-02-22Globally set $PKGEXT to a bash extended glob representing valid choices.Eli Schwartz
2018-02-20ftpdir-cleanup,sourceballs: replace external find command with bash globbingEli Schwartz
2018-02-20db-update: replace external find command with bash globbingEli Schwartz
2018-02-20test: db-update: verify that PKGEXT(S) is treated as a globLuke Shumaker
2018-02-20Fix overloading PKGEXT to mean two things.Eli Schwartz
2018-02-20Use even more bashisms.Eli Schwartz
2018-02-15Add usage testsPierre Schmitz
2018-02-15PR-2: Default to x86_64 for check_packagesPierre Schmitz
2018-02-15PR-2: Allow i686 for testsPierre Schmitz
2018-02-15Remove i686 from configFlorian Pritz
2018-02-15db-functions: deduplicate some repeated logicEli Schwartz
2018-02-15Use more bashismsEli Schwartz
2018-02-15Use modern bash to append to strings/arrays.Eli Schwartz
2018-02-15ARCHES is an array, do not attempt to call it as a stringEli Schwartz
2018-02-15Update messages to make full use of printf formattersEli Schwartz
2018-02-15Use return codes properly when checking for failed commands.Eli Schwartz
2017-11-01Install required packages for testingPierre Schmitz
2017-07-11Use archlinux/base imagePierre Schmitz
2017-05-30config: add GPL3/LGPL3 to ALLOWED_LICENSESJohannes Löthberg
2017-04-23Add travis build status to README.mdPierre Schmitz
2017-04-23Add initial README filePierre Schmitz
2017-04-23Document test cases in a more readable formatPierre Schmitz
2017-04-23Move test cases and fixtures to more meaningful directoriesPierre Schmitz
2017-04-23Move package and db checks from test cases to libraryPierre Schmitz
2017-04-21Correctly use checkRemovedPackagePierre Schmitz
2017-04-20Reduce test dependenciesPierre Schmitz
2017-04-20Remove dependency on devtoolsPierre Schmitz
2017-04-20Allways build packages for all supported architecturesPierre Schmitz
2017-04-20Use tmpfs as build dirPierre Schmitz
2017-04-20Remove useless codePierre Schmitz
2017-04-20Move common checks to functionsPierre Schmitz
2017-04-20Extend check functions to handle 'any' packages as wellPierre Schmitz
2017-04-19Cache already built packagesPierre Schmitz
2017-04-19Disable docker terminal to avoid issues with the CI systemPierre Schmitz
2017-04-19Re-add docker image dependencyPierre Schmitz
2017-04-19Switch from shuint2 to bats testing frameworkPierre Schmitz
2017-04-18Set PATH outside the test environmentPierre Schmitz
2017-04-18Mark private test functionsPierre Schmitz
2017-04-18Remove test for file database as this feature was moved to pacman/repo-add a ...Pierre Schmitz
2017-04-18Move package build and update functions to common libraryPierre Schmitz