path: root/src/lib/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-02-08Refactor the build system. Avoid recursive make.Luke Shumaker
2015-05-20Use #!/hint/bash instead of the more verbose commentLuke Shumaker
2014-10-01clean up shebangsLuke Shumaker
2014-03-21Do an audit of copyright and license claimsLuke Shumaker
2014-01-05src/lib/: set TEXTDOMAIN differently for internal messagesLuke Shumaker
2014-01-05update to the new devtoolsLuke Shumaker
2013-09-12Merge branch 'fauno~2' (early part) into masterLuke Shumaker
2013-09-11libremessages: add a few more message routines, and make them gettext-aware.Luke Shumaker
2013-06-23mv src/devtools/lib/ src/lib/ # and add common-devtools.mkLuke Shumaker