path: root/src/stage3/
diff options
authorAndreas Grapentin <>2018-03-01 10:33:51 +0100
committerAndreas Grapentin <>2018-03-01 10:33:51 +0100
commitf65dc07b1bc6e22c31a871bc31e274b5bc92c5b8 (patch)
tree39b98aae7cb9801b288273c54689bf67e93affa4 /src/stage3/
parentb2217b6adc3ee98c2acfedf12a78eaab03609afa (diff)
building native stage3 packages
Diffstat (limited to 'src/stage3/')
1 files changed, 130 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/src/stage3/ b/src/stage3/
index 6b51e60..bd8457a 100755
--- a/src/stage3/
+++ b/src/stage3/
@@ -25,16 +25,142 @@ msg "Entering Stage 3"
# set a bunch of convenience variables
+export PKGDEST="$_pkgdest"
+export LOGDEST="$_logdest"
check_exe librechroot
-check_exe librelib
check_exe libremakepkg
+check_exe makepkg
# prepare for the build
-. "$_srcdir"/
+. "$_srcdir"/
+. "$_srcdir"/
+. "$_srcdir"/
+msg "starting $CARCH native build"
+# keep building packages until the deptree is empty
+while [ -s "$_deptree" ]; do
+ # grab one without unfulfilled dependencies
+ _pkgname=$(grep '\[ *\]' "$_deptree" | head -n1 | awk '{print $1}') || true
+ [ -n "$_pkgname" ] || die "could not resolve dependencies. exiting."
+ _pkgarch=$(pacman -Si $_pkgname | grep '^Architecture' | awk '{print $3}')
+ # set arch to $CARCH, unless it is any
+ [ "x$_pkgarch" == "xany" ] || _pkgarch=$CARCH
+ msg "makepkg: $_pkgname"
+ msg " remaining packages: $(cat "$_deptree" | wc -l)"
+ echo -n "checking for built $_pkgname package ... "
+ _pkgfile=$(find $_pkgdest -regex "^.*/$_pkgname-[^-]*-[^-]*-[^-]*\.pkg\.tar\.xz\$")
+ [ -n "$_pkgfile" ] && _have_pkg=yes || _have_pkg=no
+ echo $_have_pkg
+ if [ "x$_have_pkg" == "xno" ]; then
+ # prepare directories
+ _pkgdir="$_makepkgdir"/$_pkgname/pkg/$_pkgname
+ rm -rf "$_makepkgdir"/$_pkgname
+ mkdir -pv "$_makepkgdir"/$_pkgname
+ pushd "$_makepkgdir"/$_pkgname >/dev/null
+ if [ "x$_pkgarch" == "xany" ]; then
+ # repackage arch=(any) packages
+ _pkgver=$(pacman -Si $_pkgname | grep '^Version' | awk '{print $3}')
+ pacman -Sw --noconfirm --cachedir "$_pkgdest" $_pkgname
+ ln -s "$_pkgdest"/$_pkgname-$_pkgver-any.pkg.tar.xz \
+ "$_makepkgdir"/$_pkgname/$_pkgname-$_pkgver-any.pkg.tar.xz
+ elif [ "x$_pkgname" == "xca-certificates-mozilla" ]; then
+ # repackage ca-certificates-mozilla to avoid building nss
+ _pkgver=$(pacman -Si $_pkgname | grep '^Version' | awk '{print $3}')
+ pacman -Sw --noconfirm --cachedir . $_pkgname
+ mkdir tmp && bsdtar -C tmp -xf $_pkgname-$_pkgver-*.pkg.tar.xz
+ mkdir -p "$_pkgdir"/usr/share/
+ cp -rv tmp/usr/share/ca-certificates/ "$_pkgdir"/usr/share/
+ cat > "$_pkgdir"/.PKGINFO << EOF
+pkgname = $_pkgname
+pkgver = $_pkgver
+pkgdesc = Mozilla's set of trusted CA certificates
+url =
+builddate = $(date '+%s')
+size = 0
+arch = $_pkgarch
+ cd "$_pkgdir"
+ env LANG=C bsdtar -czf .MTREE \
+ --format=mtree \
+ --options='!all,use-set,type,uid,gid,mode,time,size,md5,sha256,link' \
+ env LANG=C bsdtar -cf - .MTREE .PKGINFO * | xz -c -z - > \
+ "$_pkgdest"/$_pkgname-$_pkgver-$_pkgarch.pkg.tar.xz
+ ln -s "$_pkgdest"/$_pkgname-$_pkgver-$_pkgarch.pkg.tar.xz \
+ "$_makepkgdir"/$_pkgname/$_pkgname-$_pkgver-$_pkgarch.pkg.tar.xz
+ else
+ # acquire the pkgbuild and auxiliary files
+ _libre=$_pkgname/
+ _core=$_pkgname/
+ _extra=$_pkgname/
+ _community=$_pkgname/
+ for url in $_libre $_core $_extra $_community; do
+ if ! curl -s $url | grep -iq 'not found'; then
+ src=$(curl -s $url | grep -i 'source files' | cut -d'"' -f2 | sed 's#/tree/#/plain/#')
+ for link in $(curl -sL $src | grep '^ <li><a href' | cut -d"'" -f2 \
+ | sed "s#^#$(echo $src | awk -F/ '{print $3}')#"); do
+ wget -q $link -O $(basename ${link%\?*});
+ done
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ # patch for cross-compiling
+ if [ -f "$_srcdir"/patches/$_pkgname.patch ]; then
+ cp PKGBUILD{,.old}
+ patch -Np1 -i "$_srcdir"/patches/$_pkgname.patch
+ fi
+ # substitute common variables
+ _config=";a=blob_plain"
+ _config_sub="$_config;f=config.sub;hb=HEAD"
+ _config_guess="$_config;f=config.guess;hb=HEAD"
+ sed -i "s#@CONFIG_SUB@#curl \"$_config_sub\"#g; \
+ s#@CONFIG_GUESS@#curl \"$_config_guess\"#g;" \
+ # enable the target CARCH in arch array
+ sed -i "s/arch=([^)]*/& $CARCH/" PKGBUILD
+ # build the package
+ chown -R $SUDO_USER "$_makepkgdir"/$_pkgname
+ libremakepkg -n $CHOST-stage3 || die "error building $_pkgname"
+ fi
+ popd >/dev/null
+ # update pacman cache
+ rm -rf /var/cache/pacman/pkg-$CARCH/*
+ rm -rf "$_pkgdest"/native.{db,files}*
+ repo-add -q -R "$_pkgdest"/{native.db.tar.gz,*.pkg.tar.xz}
+ fi
+ # install in chroot
+ _pkgfile=$(find $_pkgdest -regex "^.*/$_pkgname-[^-]*-[^-]*-[^-]*\.pkg\.tar\.xz\$" | head -n1)
+ set +o pipefail
+ yes | librechroot \
+ -n "$CHOST-stage3" \
+ -C "$_builddir"/config/pacman.conf \
+ -M "$_builddir"/config/makepkg.conf \
+ install-file "$_pkgfile"
+ set -o pipefail
+ # remove pkg from deptree
+ sed -i "/^$_pkgname :/d; s/ $_pkgname\b//g" "$_deptree"
+echo "all packages built."