path: root/configs/lxde-openrc/root-image/root/.scriptsInstallation/language/pt/
diff options
authorDavid P <>2017-11-06 17:18:46 -0300
committerDavid P <>2017-11-06 17:18:46 -0300
commit703af9dc9078d41909af18e2eab20a7963414d0d (patch)
treed25cb89248cbaf4ef1bae4648966537e73c814ab /configs/lxde-openrc/root-image/root/.scriptsInstallation/language/pt/
parent1bf80f77f7a8bb4ffdd203c60662421e3f8f589b (diff)
Add configs/lxde-openrc
Remove configs/mate and configs/mate-openrc
Diffstat (limited to 'configs/lxde-openrc/root-image/root/.scriptsInstallation/language/pt/')
1 files changed, 227 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/configs/lxde-openrc/root-image/root/.scriptsInstallation/language/pt/ b/configs/lxde-openrc/root-image/root/.scriptsInstallation/language/pt/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1de6c85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/lxde-openrc/root-image/root/.scriptsInstallation/language/pt/
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+#Temporal is a file that contains parameters to use when access to chroot
+if [ ! -f ~/.scriptsInstallation/.pacman ]; then
+ pacman -Sy parabola-keyring archlinux-keyring --noconfirm
+ pacman-key --populate parabola archlinux
+ pacman-key --refresh-keys
+ case $? in
+ 0) touch ~/.scriptsInstallation/.pacman
+ ;;
+ *) false
+ ;;
+ esac
+ #Search and show the Hard Disks to select
+ aux=$(ls /dev/sd?)
+ index=0
+ for i in $aux; do
+ hdds[$index]="${i} ${i#/*/} off"
+ index=$((index+1))
+ done
+ hdd=$(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Escolha o Disco" 20 70 50 ${hdds[@]})
+ #If exist the line delete
+ if (cat ~/.scriptsInstallation/temporal | grep "hdd=") &>/dev/null
+ then
+ sed -i -e '/hdd=*/d' ~/.scriptsInstallation/temporal
+ fi
+ #And add the new line with new parameter
+ echo "hdd=$hdd" >> ~/.scriptsInstallation/temporal
+ selection=$(dialog --stdout --menu "Método de Particionamento" 20 70 50 \
+ 1 "Usar todo o disco com o swap (1GB) e /" \
+ 2 "Usar o gparted para personalizar" )
+ case $selection in
+ 1)
+ umount /mnt &> /dev/null
+ #Create msdos partition table
+ parted -s $hdd -- mklabel msdos
+ #Create partition swap and /
+ parted -s $hdd -- mkpart primary 1MiB 1000MiB mkpart primary 1000MiB -1s
+ #Boot option partition /
+ parted -s $hdd -- set 2 boot on
+ #Format and partitions and mount /
+ (echo t; echo 1; echo 82; echo w) | fdisk $hdd
+ mkswap ${hdd}1
+ mkfs.ext4 ${hdd}2
+ mount ${hdd}2 /mnt
+ ;;
+ 2)
+ gparted $hdd
+ #Search and show the partitions that select before.
+ aux=$(ls $hdd?)
+ index=0;
+ for i in $aux; do
+ partitions[$index]="${i} ${i#/*/} off"
+ index=$((index+1))
+ done
+ partition=$(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Montar a partição /" 20 70 50 ${partitions[@]})
+ #Mount partition /
+ umount /mnt &> /dev/null
+ mount $partition /mnt
+ #Ask if you want mount other partitions
+ other=0
+ while [ $other != 3 ]; do
+ other=$(dialog --stdout --menu "Quer montar outra partição?" 20 70 50 1 "/home" 2 "/boot" 3 "Não")
+ case $other in
+ 1)
+ umount /mnt/home &> /dev/null
+ mkdir /mnt/home &> /dev/null
+ mount $(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Montar a partição /home" 20 70 50 ${partitions[@]}) /mnt/home
+ ;;
+ 2)
+ umount /mnt/boot &> /dev/null
+ mkdir /mnt/boot &> /dev/null
+ mount $(dialog --stdout --radiolist "Montar a partição /boot" 20 70 50 ${partitions[@]}) /mnt/boot
+ ;;
+ *)
+ other=3
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ ;;
+ esac
+while [ option != 7 ]; do
+ option=$(dialog --stdout --menu "Instalação CLI da Parabola" 20 70 50 \
+ 1 "Formatar e Montar as Partições" \
+ 2 "Instalar o Sistema Base" \
+ 3 "Instalar o GRUB" \
+ 4 "Configuração do Sistema" \
+ 5 "Adicionar uma Conta de Usuário" \
+ 6 "(Opcional) Instalar Ambiente Gráfico/Aplicativos da Live DVD" \
+ 7 "Sair" )
+ case $option in
+ 1)
+ partition
+ ;;
+ 2)
+ #Install base system
+ pacstrap /mnt base-openrc
+ pacstrap /mnt dialog
+ ;;
+ 3)
+ #Install grub
+ pacstrap /mnt grub
+ ;;
+ 4)
+ #Generate fstab and acces to chroot to do System Config
+ genfstab -p /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
+ cp ~/.scriptsInstallation/temporal /mnt
+ cp ~/.scriptsInstallation/ /mnt
+ chmod +x /mnt/
+ arch-chroot /mnt /
+ rm -r /mnt/
+ ;;
+ 5)
+ #Create a new username and save in temporal, to use after
+ if (cat ~/.scriptsInstallation/temporal | grep "userName=") &>/dev/null
+ then
+ sed -i -e '/userName=*/d' ~/.scriptsInstallation/temporal
+ fi
+ echo "userName=$(dialog --stdout --inputbox "Insira o nome do usuário" 8 40)" >> ~/.scriptsInstallation/temporal
+ cp ~/.scriptsInstallation/temporal /mnt
+ cp ~/.scriptsInstallation/ /mnt
+ chmod +x /mnt/
+ arch-chroot /mnt /
+ rm -r /mnt/
+ ;;
+ 6)
+ #Packages to the X11 live
+ packages=( "xorg-server"
+ "xf86-input-evdev"
+ "xf86-input-synaptics"
+ "xf86-video-ati"
+ "xf86-video-dummy"
+ "xf86-video-fbdev"
+ "xf86-video-intel"
+ "xf86-video-nouveau"
+ "xf86-video-openchrome"
+ "xf86-video-sisusb"
+ "xf86-video-vesa"
+ "xf86-video-vmware"
+ "xf86-video-voodoo"
+ "xf86-video-qxl"
+ "xorg-xinit"
+ "gst-plugins-good"
+ "gst-libav"
+ "lxde"
+ "volumeicon"
+ "zenity"
+ "octopi"
+ "pulseaudio-alsa"
+ "alsa-utils"
+ "networkmanager-elogind"
+ "network-manager-applet"
+ "ath9k-htc-firmware"
+ "iceweasel"
+ "icedove"
+ "pidgin"
+ "gparted"
+ "smplayer"
+ "epdfview"
+ "gpicview"
+ "abiword"
+ "gnumeric"
+ "leafpad"
+ "galculator-gtk2"
+ "xarchiver"
+ "openrc-desktop"
+ "polkit-elogind"
+ "gvfs-mtp"
+ "gvfs-gphoto2"
+ "xdg-user-dirs"
+ "gnome-screenshot"
+ )
+ #Install packages
+ pacman -Sy -r /mnt ${packages[@]} --needed --noconfirm
+ user=$(cat ~/.scriptsInstallation/temporal | grep "userName" )
+ #Copy skel in the new system and desktop's background
+ cp -a /etc/skel/ /mnt/etc/
+ cp -a /etc/wallpaper.png /mnt/etc/wallpaper.png
+ #Puts the XKBMAP, start X11 automatically and icewm desktop
+ echo "setxkbmap $(cat ~/.codecheck | grep XKBMAP= | cut -d '=' -f 2)" > /mnt/etc/skel/.xinitrc
+ echo "exec startlxde" >> /mnt/etc/skel/.xinitrc
+ echo "startx" >> /mnt/etc/skel/.bash_profile
+ chmod +x /mnt/etc/skel/.xinitrc
+ cp -a /mnt/etc/skel/.[a-z]* /mnt/home/${user#*=}/
+ cp -a ~/.scriptsInstallation/ /mnt
+ #Enable services with OpenRC and configure other stuff
+ chmod +x /mnt/
+ arch-chroot /mnt /
+ rm /mnt/
+ ;;
+ *)
+ #Delete temporal file and umount partitions
+ rm -r /mnt/temporal
+ umount /mnt/boot &> /dev/null
+ umount /mnt/home &> /dev/null
+ umount /mnt &> /dev/null
+ exit
+ ;;
+ esac